
  • 网络Variation;partita
  1. 这个乐队演奏灵歌和福音音乐的变奏曲。

    The group perform variations on soul and gospel music .

  2. 他逝世后出版的有:几部变奏曲,一些独立的乐章,两首协奏曲,和一首协奏曲快板。

    Several sets of variations , a few independent movements , two concertos , and a concert allegro were published after his death .

  3. 贝多芬《C小调主题及三十二首变奏曲》研究

    The Research of Beethoven 's " Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme of C Minor "

  4. 评说大师们的勃拉姆斯三首小提琴奏鸣曲贝多芬《C小调主题及三十二首变奏曲》研究

    Brahms The 3 Violin Sonatas The Research of Beethoven 's " Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme of C Minor "

  5. 悲怆变奏曲&罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗一首赏析

    A Sad Variation & Appreciation of a Poem by Robert Frost

  6. 勋伯格《乐队变奏曲》的十二音处理与配器技术(上)

    The Twelve-Tone Technique and Orchestration in Schoenberg 's Variations for Orchestra (ⅰ)

  7. 海顿主题变奏曲,圣·安东尼圣咏

    Variations on a Theme by Haydn , " St Antoni Chorale "

  8. 一种变奏曲这种篇章中的一个变奏曲交变磁场对7050铝合金凝固组织的影响

    Effect of Alternating Magnetic Field on Solidification Microstructure of 7050 Aluminium Alloy

  9. 五对“第大不列颠”钢琴变奏曲。

    Five variations for piano on " Rule Britannia " .

  10. 中国民歌主题钢琴变奏曲研究

    The Study of Chinese Folk Theme as Piano Variation

  11. 这一章对《帕格尼尼主题变奏曲》进行了细致的音乐本体分析,是本文的核心部分。

    This section is the core of this article .

  12. 从而帮助音乐工作者更加深入完整的了解《哥德堡变奏曲》这部经典作品。

    In order to help music educators more completely understanding this classic work .

  13. 以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲

    A set of variations on a theme by Mozart

  14. 用一首赞美诗作为变奏曲基调的一种风琴乐曲。

    A composition for organ using a chorale as a basis for variations .

  15. 这首歌像是一个熟悉的旧曲调的变奏曲。

    The song sound like a variation of a very old and familiar tune .

  16. 大型民族管弦乐作品《抒情变奏曲》就是其中的代表之一。

    Large-scale National Orchestra Music " Lyric Variations " is one of the representatives .

  17. 少数民族传统教育与现代教育的交响变奏曲&以云南贡山小茶腊独龙族为例

    Ethnic minorities ' traditional education and modern education

  18. 而对中国钢琴变奏曲创作的研究,理论上不够深入,缺乏系统性,所以该选题有较大的研究空间。

    And studies on Chinese piano variations are not theoretically and systematically deep enough .

  19. 联系、巩固与预示&威伯恩《管弦乐变奏曲》分析

    Connection , Consolidation and Prediction & An Analysis of Anton Webern 's Orchestral Variations

  20. 这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。

    The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations .

  21. 文学体裁变奏曲&现当代法国文学的一个新视角

    Evolution of Literary Style & A New View Angle of French Modern and Contemporary Literature

  22. 这部钢琴协奏曲是变奏曲式的作品,全曲共有十四个变奏。

    The piano concertos are form of variations , this work has fourteen variations totally .

  23. “妈妈姐姐变奏曲”;

    " Mum and sister variations ";

  24. 成长的感悟&析青年作曲家张朝的《变奏曲》

    Comprehension of Growing & Analysis of the " Variation " by Young Composer Zhang Zhao ;

  25. 生物语言:理查德·鲍威尔斯《金虫变奏曲》中的生物学与信息(Ⅱ)(英文)

    The Language of Life : Biology and Information in Richard Powers " Gold Bug Variations "(ⅱ)

  26. 变奏曲式是最古老的曲式之一,它的起源与民间音乐有密切联系。

    The variation is one of the most ancient musical forms , the historical development is glorious .

  27. 他们看似盲目地创作出的变奏曲,怎么体现其原创性或新颖性?

    How do they produce the " blind " variations that lead to the original and novel ?

  28. 勃拉姆斯非常重视音乐旋律的写作,在这部变奏曲中,各个变奏都展现出丰富多样的旋律手法。

    Brahms very seriously music melody writing , in both volumes Variations various Variations all show diverse melody practices .

  29. 以中国民歌作为钢琴变奏曲主题的音乐作品,融合了民族音乐元素与西方作曲技法。

    The music whose theme is piano variation with Chinese folk blends national music elements with western techniques of composition .

  30. 他的第一首与最后一首钢琴作品均为变奏曲,足见他对这一体裁的偏爱。

    Both his first and last piano music are variations , which is enough to prove his preference to this genre .