
  • 网络orbital transfer
  1. 仿真结果表明,AOTV进入三种“未知的”大气密度模型中,不迫可以完成变轨任务,还可以极大地节省燃料。

    Simulation result shows that AOTV can accomplish orbital transfer and save much fuel in the three " unknown " atmosphere density .

  2. 多级航天器在有限推力情况下的最优变轨问题探讨

    Discussion on optimal orbital transfer of Thrust-Limited multistage space vehicle

  3. 基于Lambert算法的脉冲精确变轨策略

    An Approach of Accurate Impulse Transfer Based on Lambert Algorithm

  4. 空间交会中多圈Lambert变轨算法研究

    Research on Algorithm of Loopy Lambert Transfer in Space Rendezvous

  5. 从相对运动与绝对运动两方面全面阐述空间交会Vbar接近冲量机动变轨的运动规律。

    The absolute motion and relative motion for space rendezvous V bar approach using impulsive maneuver are investigated in this paper , in terms of orbital perturbation equations and C W solutions .

  6. 在变轨期间,OSIRIS观测了地球夜晚那一面。

    During the swing-by , OSIRIS observed Earth 's night-side .

  7. 试验包括变轨压、变进气压力、变涡流比及EGR的缸内可视化试验。

    Tests include variable rail pressure 、 air intake pressure and swirl ratio , also EGR in cylinder visualization test .

  8. 讨论了不必回收子星的二体绳系卫星系统(TSS)的变轨方案。

    An orbit-transfer scheme of a tethered satellite system ( TSS ) without the retrieval of the sub-satellite is discussed .

  9. 采用遗传算法(GA)对Arcjet用于GEO卫星的变轨与南北位置保持(NSSK)进行了任务和系统优化计算分析。

    Optimization of system and mission ( orbit transfer and north-south station keeping ) based on genetic algorithm ( GA ) about GEO satellite using Arcjet propulsion sysytem has been probed .

  10. 比较结果表明用该方法设计的轨道比传统的Hohmann变轨节省约20%的燃料。

    It is found that this method can save the energy by 20 % compared with the traditional Hohmann transfer trajectory .

  11. 结果表明,采用MPT可大大减少推进剂工质消耗,增加有效载荷;变轨时间明显大于化学推进,但小于相同电功率的其他电推进。

    The results showed that propellant consumption was decreased and efficiency load was increased by using MPT , and the OT time of MPT was much longer than chemical propellant but shorter than other kind of electrical thruster with same power .

  12. 证明了在短时间重构时,三体问题中存在着与Hohmann变轨类似的结论:始末脉冲法是双变轨法中能量最优的重构方法。

    Assuming that the reconfiguration time is short , the analysis shows that the beginning-ending impulse method , which is very similar to Hohmann transfer , is the energy-optimal method of all two-impulse methods .

  13. 文中提出了一种新的算法,解决了航天器多圈Lambert变轨的求解问题,由此来寻求在飞行时间较长的情况下,航天器的Lambert交会燃料最优轨道;

    This paper issues a new algorithm , which can solve the problem about loopy Lambert transfer of spacecraft . Then the result is applied to search for the orbit of Lambert transfer of spacecraft whose fuel penalty is optimal under the condition of long-time flight .

  14. 通过美军收集的跟踪数据显示,SJ-12自6月发射升空后进行了多次变轨,并逐渐的调整到SJ-06F的轨道上。

    According to tracking data collected by the US military , SJ-12 has performed multiple manoeuvres since its launch in June , slowly shifting its orbit to match that of SJ-06F .

  15. 近地点变轨固体火箭发动机动平衡试验

    The Test of Dynamic Balance for Perigee Kick Solid Rocket Motor

  16. 卫星脉冲变轨的延迟效应

    The Retarding Effect of An Orbit Transfer by A Single Impulse

  17. 最少燃料消耗的固定推力共面轨道变轨研究

    A study of minimum-fuel coplanar orbit transfer with a fixed thrust

  18. 月球卫星最优小推力变轨研究

    A study on the optimal low-thrust orbit maneuver of lunar satellite

  19. 然而自主变轨有时可能发生故障,称为自主故障。

    However , failure may occur during the autonomous orbit transfer .

  20. 固定时间拦截变轨段制导的摄动修正方法

    Disturbed Modify Method of Fixed-Time Interception 's Guidance in Orbit-Change Stage

  21. 形成三星星座的小推力变轨的时间最短控制

    Optimal time control of low-thrust orbit transfer for making three-statellite constellation

  22. 月球初航一号在第三次变轨时到达远地点165000公里高。

    Chandrayaan-1 reached the third orbit with an apogee of1,65,000 km .

  23. 热流限制下的最优气动力辅助变轨

    Aero assisted optimal orbital transfer problem with heat flow constraint

  24. 新颖机动变轨化学火箭发动机头部研究

    Investigation on head of novel chemical thruster for orbit maneuver

  25. 远程导引变轨故障后轨道重构设计与分析

    The Orbital Reconfiguring Design and Analysis after Maneuver Failure for Rendezvous Phasing

  26. 基于转移时间约束的异面圆锥曲线变轨算法

    A noncoplanar conic transfer arithmetic based on transfer time constraint

  27. 基于中低轨卫星观测的弹道导弹变轨识别算法

    Missile Maneuver Identification Algorithms Based on Low Orbit Satellite System

  28. 初步研究了对地球同步轨道卫星依次扫描的策略和变轨方案。

    The strategy of scanning GEO satellites in turn is studied preliminarily .

  29. 一种天基反卫星武器远程变轨方法研究

    Research of Long-range Orbit Transfer for Space Based Anti-satellite Weapon

  30. 基于冲量变轨的方式实现了连续推力作用下的交会制导策略。

    Continuous thrust guidance strategy is realized based on impulse transition principle .