
  • 网络spacecraft material
  1. 空间粉尘环境因素对航天器材料损伤的研究动态

    On the research progress in damage effects of space dust environment on external materials in spacecraft

  2. 第二章对空间环境、航天器材料和二次电子发射进行了介绍,并重点分析了空间环境对航天器表面材料的性能要求,以及影响表面材料二次电子发射特性的主要因素。

    Chapter II described the relevant knowledge of space environment , spacecraft materials and secondary electron emission . And we focus on the performance requirements of spacecraft surface materials in space environment and the main influencing factors to secondary electron yield of surface materials .

  3. 在航天器结构材料的辐射损伤计算中,需要核爆炸X射线辐射场的数学模式。

    A mathematical mode of X ray radiation field which is from a nuclear explosion is needed in the spacecraft radiation damage calculation .

  4. 航天器介质材料深层充放电实验与数值模拟

    Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation on Deep Charging for Spacecraft Dielectrics

  5. 航天器结构材料抗高速碰撞能力的评价

    Evaluation of the Capability of Spacecraft Structural Materials Against Hypervelocity impact

  6. 原子氧对航天器表面材料作用的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Atomic Oxygen Action on Spacecraft Surface Material

  7. 航天器表面材料电导的研究与测量

    Study and measurement of conductance of spacecraft 's surface materials

  8. 有机硅烷提高航天器树脂材料抗原子氧剥蚀

    Improving the atomic oxygen resistance of epoxy resin using organosilicon

  9. 航天器复合材料结构用胶粘剂的选择分析

    The selective analytics of adhesives for spacecraft composite structures

  10. 低地球轨道环境原子氧对航天器表面材料聚酰亚胺作用的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on atomic oxygen action to spacecraft surface material & polyimide in Leo

  11. 航天器复合材料结构的渐进损伤分析

    Progressive Failure Analysis for Composite Structures of Spacecraft

  12. 本文从实用角度分析了在航天器复合材料结构胶接成型中所用胶粘剂的选择原则。

    The selective principles of adhesives for spacecraft Composite structures are analysised in view point of practice .

  13. 该计算对航天器表面材料的选取和设计工艺有一定的参考价值。

    And it has a certain reference value for the selection and design technique of surface materials .

  14. 对低地球轨道环境对航天器表面材料的影响和航天器表面材料的低地球轨道环境寿命评定方法进行了介绍;

    This paper introduces the influence of the LEO environments on spacecraft surface materials and the evaluating technology of lifetime of spacecraft surface materials in LEO .

  15. 本文报道了RTV-Ⅱ黑漆和13-17白色涂层二种航天器温控材料的电导在综合空间环境条件下的实验结果。

    In this article , the experimental results of response of the conductivity vs combined environment about RTV - ⅱ paint and the 13-17 white thermal control paint have been given .

  16. 近年来,研究发现,对航天器介质材料进行非线性电导率的改性,可在较低电场下释放出可能导致放电的危险电荷,降低介质带电水平,这将成为防护介质内带电的有效方法。

    In recent years , it has been found that the non-linear conductance modification of the spacecraft dielectric can release the hazardous charges in lower electric field and hence decrease the charges in dielectrics .

  17. 高能粒子与航天器介质材料相互作用引起的空间介质深层带电效应对航天器的长寿命、高可靠运行构成了严重的威胁,一直是航天器充放电效应及其防护技术研究的热点问题。

    Deep Dielectrics Charging effect due to interactions between high energy electrons and spacecraft dielectric materials seriously threatens the objects of long life and high reliability for on-orbit spacecraft missions , and also is a hot research direction in Spacecraft Charging Effect and Protection Technology field in recent years .

  18. 航天器高温隔热材料及提高性能的途径

    High Temperature Insulating Materials and Their Property Improvements for Spacecraft

  19. 航天器多层绝热材料的非稳态传热分析

    Analysis of unsteady heat transfer of spacecraft multilayer insulation

  20. 铝光亮阳极氧化涂层是一种重要的航天器热控制材料。

    The white anodic film on aluminium surface is a kind of important thermal control coatings for spacecraft .

  21. 随着载人航天及航空技术的发展,对航天器的防热材料和航空发动机的热障涂层等技术的要求日益增高。

    With the development of manned space flight and aeronautics , the technical requirements for heat protection material and thermal barrier coating , etc.

  22. 国内外导弹及航天器用结构复合材料的比较

    The Comparison of Structural Composite Materials for Domestic and Foreign Missile and Spacecraft

  23. 航天器太阳翼复合材料组件算例比较了基于动力、静力响应信息的损伤参数识别效果,验证了联合应变、位移等静响应数据可有效进行损伤识别。

    The identification effects between static and dynamic response were compared in the damage identification example of composite solar array components , validating the method based on static response which combined strain and displacement could identify damage effectively .

  24. 基于以上优点,铝合金薄壁件广泛地应用于汽车、航空航天等制造领域,是组成汽车、火箭等航天器蒙皮的主要材料。

    Based on the above advantages , thin-wall aluminum alloy workpiece is widely used in automobile industry , aerospace field and so on , and those workpiece is used as skin for cars and space craft like rockets .

  25. 高温合金作为航空、航天器的关键结构材料得以广泛应用,特别是用于发动机中要求强度高及热强性好的部位。

    As the key structural material of spacecraft and aerial craft , high-temperature alloy has been applied to aviation and astronavigation industry , specially to the body of airplane and the engine which demanded high strength and heat resistance .

  26. 为实现航天器抗辐射加固设计,必须对空间环境中航天器关键材料的辐照效应进行深入研究。

    The irradiation effects of aircraft materials in space environment are important for the realization of reinforcement design of aircraft radioprotection .