
  • 网络finite and infinite
  1. 艺术审美的有限与无限

    The Finite and Infinite Beauty in Arts

  2. 德国浪漫派为此忧虑不已,他们以回归自然和回归精神家园来重塑新神话,在诗中思考有限与无限的矛盾。

    By contemplating the conflict of finite and infinite , they would rebuild new myth through the path of returning to nature and spirit home .

  3. 这种有限与无限、连续与离散、原始与抽象、自然与认知之间的差异,导致了GIS中的数据、分析模型、处理方法和可视化等带有不确定性。

    The differences between the infinite and the finite , the continuous and the discrete and the natural and the cognition result in the uncertainty of spatial data , analysis models , process methods and visualization .

  4. 用这种无理和强硬的戏剧化场景表现出自由的有限与无限。

    Use this unreasonable and tough dramatic scenes show free and infinite .

  5. 有限与无限习性夏大豆开花结荚特性的研究

    Bloom and pod set in determinate and indeterminate Summer Soybeans

  6. 有限与无限的辩证法则在高等代数中的应用

    The application of dialectical law of finitude and infinitude in Higher Algebra

  7. 大海是有限与无限的统一。

    Sea is an integration of limitation and unlimitation .

  8. 论微分与积分方程以及有限与无限元

    Differential versus integral equations and finite versus infinite elements

  9. 摄影,揭示了个人与世界、有限与无限的沟通。

    Photography depicts the individual and the world with limited and unlimited communication .

  10. 芝麻有限与无限开花习性的遗传关系及其性状差异的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Genetic Relationship between Determinate and Indeterminate Flowering Sesame and Their Difference of Main Characters

  11. 在有限与无限、增长与发展、当前与未来的关系上,增长极限论给我们以有益的启示。

    It gives us beneficial enlightenment on the relationships of finite infinite , growth development , current future .

  12. 按照这种看法,有限与无限,主观和客观,思维与存在,好像只是中和了似的。

    The infinite would thus seem to be merely neutralized by the finite , the subjective by the objective , thought by being .

  13. 这一思想对理解宇宙生成论以及宇宙有限与无限的统一问题具有重要价值。

    This idea is very significant in understanding the theory of cosmology and the matter of the unification between cosmic finity and infinity .

  14. 他认为艺术是一种生命趋向强力的生成过程,能使个体沟通生命的有限与无限。

    He thinks of art as a kind of generative process life to the power , which can link the finity with infinity of life .

  15. 生产的自然条件具有主观和客观相统一,整体与部分相统一,有限与无限相统一等特点。

    The " productive natural conditions " have some characteristics which is the unity of subjective and objective , entirety and part , limited and infinite .

  16. 本文通过对有限与无限、直与曲、常量与变量的剖析,揭示了高等数学中解决这些矛盾的辩证思想和方法。

    Analysing " limited and unlimited ", " straight and curve " and " constant and variable ", the article discovers contradict dialectic ideology and methods in high mathematics .

  17. 对于理念的各种方式的理解,如认理念为观念与现实,有限与无限,同一与差别等等的统一,都多少不免是形式的。

    The different modes of apprehending the idea as unity of ideal and real , of finite and infinite , of identity and difference , etc , are more or less formal .

  18. 西方传统的二元论思想是《四个四重奏》的哲学背景,《四个四重奏》呈现了有限与无限、瞬间与永恒、过去与未来、生与死等一系列二元论思想。

    The philosophical background of Four Quartets in dualism , fully expressed in such dualistic themes as finite and infinite , temporary and eternal , past and future , death and birth in the poem .

  19. 但当时对一些重大理论问题,如生活的真实与艺术的虚构、写实与理想、再现与表现、有限与无限等等类型,都未论及,留下遗憾。

    It is a pity that some important academic problems were not treated of at that time , such as reality of the living and the figment of the art , realistic and ideal , reappear and express , limited and infinite , etc.

  20. 克尔恺郭尔通过分析焦虑概念揭示出生存中的非存在(non-being)是有限性与无限性、可能性与必然性不可调和的根源。

    Through analysing the phenomenon of anxiety , Kierkegaard points out that there is non-being in the process of existence . This non-being makes it impossible to harmonize the finitude and the infinitude , the necessity and possibility .

  21. 并在其后的分析中,分别在产品数量有限供给与无限供给两种假定条件下,对A-BGM捆绑策略模型进行了推导求解。

    In the subsequent analysis , in order to get answers of A-BGM model , I propose two assumptions , which are unlimited number of products ' supply & limited number of products ' supply .

  22. 有限维与无限维线性空间的区别

    A distinction between finite dimensional space and infinite dimensional space

  23. 线性空间中有限维与无限维之差异

    The difference between finite dimensional linear space and infinite dimensional linear space

  24. 权力有限作用与无限作用的探讨

    Study on Limited Function and Infinite Function of Power

  25. 有限元与无限元耦合法计算坝的变形及应力

    Dam Stresses Analysis by Coupling the Method of Finite Element and Infinite Element

  26. 地下隧道-土体系地震反应分析的有限元与无限元耦合法

    Finite element and infinite element coupling method for seismic analysis of soil-underground tunnel system

  27. 金&瓷结合的有限元与无限元法力学分析

    Calculation of Bond Strengths in Metal-ceramic Systems Using Finite and Infinite Element Stress Analysis

  28. 无限域波动问题中有限模型与无限模型差异的定性分析

    Analysis on the differences between finite and infinite models in the infinite domain wave problems

  29. 运用有限元与无限元相结合的手段。

    In this paper , both the finite element and the infinite element method have been used .

  30. 本文阐述了有限维与无限维线性空间的主要差别。

    In this paper , we expound a main distinction between finite dimensional space and infinite dimensional space .