
  • 网络effective feedback
  1. 有效反馈和数学自我效能感对数学成绩有直接影响;

    Effective feedback directly influenced the academic achievement and mathematic self-efficacy ;

  2. 建立有效反馈模型相当重要,应该在教学过程中积极使用。

    It is important to model effective feedback and encourage its'use during the session .

  3. 所有受试教师都认为在如何给出有效反馈方面缺乏正规训练。

    All of them state they lack formal training in how to give feedback effectively .

  4. 他们进行了一项网络样本调查,共收到12102份有效反馈。

    They conducted an online sample survey and received a total of 12102 effective samples .

  5. 一个界面应当为用户提供描述系统状态的有效反馈。

    An interface should provide meaningful feedback that describes the state of the system to users .

  6. 四是完善后评价信息系统,建立后评价有效反馈机制。

    Fourth , improve the post-evaluation information system , established after the evaluation of effective feedback mechanism .

  7. 提示、鼓励是有效反馈的重要手段,并提出14种非言语指导的方法。

    Prompting and encouraging are the important means in the effective feedback . Listing the 15 non-language instructive methods .

  8. 改进考试方式和有效反馈对提高学生成绩和教学水平有十分重要的意义。

    Examination method improvement and valid feedback have very important meaning with increasing the students achievements and teaching level .

  9. 根据研究的发现,作者在文中展开了相关的分析和讨论,并为如何提供有效反馈提出建议。

    Concerning the findings , interpretations and discussions are raised , and suggestions are put forward for the effectiveness of teacher 's feedback .

  10. 女:国际演讲协会可以帮助人全面提高组织想法、从别人那里获得信息、然后得到有效反馈的能力。

    W : Toastmasters can develop a person overall in terms of organizing their thoughts , getting input from others , and then receiving effective feedback .

  11. 通过特征提取,获得了精确熔池宽度和熔池中心位置偏差,为等离子熔积质量控制提供了有效反馈。

    Through edge characteristic information identify arithmetic , the exact welding line edge information can be obtained , and the feedback of weld quality control can be feasible supplied .

  12. 给出有效反馈的关键是每个月留出一定的时间,这样它就变成了理所当然的事情,只是日常工作的一部分。

    The key to giving effective feedback is to allow a time for it each month , so that it becomes a matter of course , just part of the work routine .

  13. 由于大多数老板几乎没有接受过如何提供有效反馈的培训,因此这两类反馈可能会被混为一谈,但意见往往是模糊不清的,因此通常易于分辨。

    Since most bosses have had little , if any , training in giving effective feedback , the two types of feedback may very well be tangled up together , but you can usually tell an opinion by how vague it is .

  14. 针对由于测试与调试的目标不同而导致测试提供给缺陷定位的信息存在不足与干扰的问题,本文提出了基于迭代反馈的缺陷定位方法来不断产生有效反馈来解决这个问题。

    Due to different goals between testing and debugging , the information from testing may be inadequate and noisy for fault localization . To address issue , we present an iterative feedback based fault localization approach to produce effective feedback for fault localization .

  15. 自激振荡腔室是产生自激振荡脉冲射流的重要条件,振荡腔室的结构参数、流体流动参数、有效反馈条件及流场特性直接影响脉冲射流的瞬时冲击力。

    Auto-excitation chamber is the important condition to generate auto-excitation pulsed jet . The configuration parameters of the chamber , the flowing parameters , effective feedback conditions and flow field features of the fluid influence the instantaneous impact force of the pulsed jet directly .

  16. 但从整体看,黑龙江省高新技术企业对其承担项目普遍缺乏系统管理,高新技术产业化专项资金使用绩效得不到有效反馈,很多宝贵经验和教训无法传承。

    However , Heilongjiang provincial high-new technology enterprises are lacking in projects systematic management generally , which not only makes the performance feedback of high-new technology industrialization special fund can not be effective , but also a lot of valuable experiences and lessons not passed .

  17. 传统的管理方法无法为管理人员和教师提供一个交流的平台,实现快速、有效的反馈需求,本文针对这一需求,提出基于SSH架构的多媒体教室反馈系统的设计思想与实现方法。

    Traditional management methods can not provide an ideal communication platform for fast and effective feedback needs between managements and teachers .

  18. 结论ATP可在转录与翻译两个水平影响线粒体RNA和蛋白质合成,ATP对mtDNA表达的调节是一种经济、积极有效的反馈调节方式。

    Conclusion ATP can effect mitochondrial RNA and protein synthesis on both transcription and translation levels . The regulation of ATP in mtDNA expression was an economic , active and effective feedback regulating way .

  19. 协议应用NACK确认方法,在网络中只要有一个NACK,就能有效解决反馈消息爆炸问题。

    The protocol which uses NACK confirmation method , in the network as long as there is a NACK , can effectively solve the feedback information explosion problem .

  20. 通过对关键绩效指标(KPI)的选择和权重的确定形成完整的绩效考核方法:通过绩效评估建立有效的反馈,实现公司双向地沟通,形成一个完整的绩效管理体系。

    By selection of KPI and allocation of index weight , a complete performance evaluation method came into being . With the effective feedback from the performance evaluation , two-way communication in the company is realized , which forms a thorough complete performance management system .

  21. 出于测试目的,考虑修改inactivityRulesFile命令以运行诸如“beep”或“xmessage”之类的程序,从而在条件满足时提供更有效的反馈。

    For testing purposes , consider modifying the inactivityRulesFile commands to run programs like " beep ," or " xmessage " to provide more effective feedback when your conditions are met .

  22. 中国大学生眼中的有效教师反馈

    Effective Teacher 's Feedback as Perceived by Chinese College Students

  23. 缺乏有效的反馈机制和法律责任规定。

    Fourth , lack of effective feedback system and legal responsibility investigation system .

  24. 建立有效的反馈制度。

    Fourth , establish effective feedback system .

  25. 本质上来讲,掌管提供一个有效的反馈从所有的客户和雇员。

    Essentially , Take Charge provides an effective feedback loop from both customer and employees .

  26. 因此,和欧洲商人打交道,迅速有效地反馈是生意顺利进行的必要条件。

    One necessary way to negotiate with european businessmen is to response fastly and effectively .

  27. 为在线学习提供有效的反馈(英文)

    Providing Effective Feedback for Online Learning ;

  28. 而要建立有效的反馈调节机制,关键在于形成畅通的反馈回路。

    The key to building up the effective regulation mechanism is to form unblocked feedback loops .

  29. 错误分类和错误成因的分析为教师有效的反馈提供了重要的信息。

    According to error classification and error causes , the author gets effective teacher feedback by analysis .

  30. 对于新手,一种常用而有效的反馈技巧是资深经理们所谓的“三明治批评法”。

    A popular and sometimes effective technique for feedback beginners is something that experienced managers call the shit sandwich .