
  • 网络Connecticut;UConn;The University of Connecticut
  1. 康涅狄格大学健康中心的研究人员就其生活质量、心理健康状况以及社交情况和设施质量向这些居民询问了大量的问题。

    Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center asked the residents a large number of questions about their quality of life , emotional well-being and social interaction , as well as about the quality of the facilities .

  2. B医生,我们知道您是康涅狄格大学的科学家。

    Doctor B , we know you are a scientist from the University of Connecticut .

  3. “我们原本认为我们会看到基于护理机构类型而产生的差异。”该研究的第一作者朱莉·罗比森这样说道,她也是康涅狄格大学的一位医学副教授。

    " We thought we would see differences based on the housing types , " said the lead author of the study , Julie Robison , an associate professor of medicine at the university .

  4. 邱小庆论文主要的共同作者,美国康涅狄格大学医学中心的GeorgeWu说,他也不能证实这些数据的真实性。

    Qiu 's main co-author , George Wu of the US-based University of Connecticut Medical Center , says he cannot confirm the validity of the data either .

  5. 还有这个,通用电气(GeneralElectric)董事长杰夫•伊梅尔特(JeffImmelt)在康涅狄格大学(UniversityofConnecticut)讲道:“毕业生应该乐观,应该相信世界会变得更美好。世界在等待着你们的领导。”

    And then this , from Jeff Immelt , head of General Electric , at the University of Connecticut : " Graduates should be optimistic ; believe in better . The world awaits your leadership . "

  6. 康涅狄格大学(UniversityofConnecticut)历史系教授亚历克西丝杜登(AlexisDudden)表示:我们是特意在安倍首相返回日本后才发出这一声明的。

    We intentionally withheld issuing the statement until Prime Minister Abe had returned to Japan , said Alexis Dudden , professor of history at the University of Connecticut .

  7. 美国康涅狄格大学教授、《时间旅行者》的作者RonaldMallett认为,遗传基因让人具有时空穿梭能力这一假设是“完全不可信”的。

    According to Ronald Mallett , a professor at the University of Connecticut and author of The Time Traveler , time travel as a genetic condition is " highly improbable " .

  8. Steinman是发表在最新一期《自然》杂志上一篇文章的两位资深作者之一,他的研究小组与康涅狄格大学卫生中心的研究员联合研究。

    Steinman , whose team worked with researchers at the University of Connecticut Health Center , is one of two senior authors of an article published in the new issue of the journal Nature .

  9. 目前比赛时间还剩11分钟,康涅狄格大学以63比42领先圣母大学。

    UConn leads Notre Dame 63-42 with about 11 minutes left .

  10. 她在康涅狄格大学教书。

    She teaches at the University of connecticut .

  11. 但那时候卡莉欧佩·黄已经决定在康涅狄格大学就读了。

    by then , however , Wong had decided to attend the University of Connecticut .

  12. 科林是一个13岁的天才少年,目前是一个康涅狄格大学二年级的学生。

    Colin Carlson is a13-year-old genius and is currently a sophomore at the University of Connecticut .

  13. 阿伦在康涅狄格大学时,赢得了1996年全国年度最佳球员的称号。

    During his time at UConn , Allen won National Player of the Year honors in 1996 .

  14. 康涅狄格大学的研究人员对25名健康妇女进行的一项研究表明,轻度的脱水会影响认知。

    Researchers at the University of Connecticut did a study on 25 healthy women and found that mild dehydration affects cognition .

  15. 两支保持不败的球队,康涅狄格大学队和圣母大学队争夺全美大学生体育协会女篮冠军。

    Two undefeated teams The University of Connecticut and Notre Dame are battling it out for the NCAA women 's basketball championship .

  16. 喝水。康涅狄格大学的研究人员对25名健康妇女进行的一项研究表明,轻度的脱水会影响认知。

    Drink water.Researchers at the University of Connecticut did a study on 25 healthy women and found that mild dehydration affects cognition .

  17. 康涅狄格大学的化学家罗伯特•伯奇正在设法通过用蛋白质做电脑存储器的方法把它们结合在一起。

    Robert Birge , a chemist at the University of Connecticut , is trying to combine them , by making computer memories out of protein .

  18. 美国康涅狄格大学机械工程系电子机械系统实验室现正招募一名博士后学位研究员。

    The Electromechanical Systems Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut has a position available for a postdoctoral research fellow .

  19. 康涅狄格大学和耶路撒冷希伯来大学的研究人员在《美国国家科学院学报》上刊登了这项发现。

    The discovery was published by researchers from the University of Connecticut and Hebrew University in Jerusalem in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  20. 来自康涅狄格大学的研究员马克·汉密尔顿分析了超过300个公众人物的创造性,从名人、艺术家到科学家和政客都有。

    Researcher Mark Hamilton from the University of Connecticut analyzed more than 300 public figures - from celebrities and artists to and scientists and politicians - as a hallmark of creativity .

  21. “我们告诉他们,显然,您可以用它来做很多,”罗伯特费希尔说,他是在哈特福德的康涅狄格大学研究生院社会的教社区组织工作。

    " We tell them , 'Obviously there 's a lot you can do with it , ' " said Robert Fisher , who teaches community organizing at the graduate school of social work at the University Of Connecticut , Hartford .

  22. 最终,史密斯同意只要求申请者的成绩单和推荐信证明她们身为女性,财务证明文件不需要如此证明;但那时候卡莉欧佩·黄已经决定在康涅狄格大学就读了。

    Smith eventually agreed to require that the applicant be referred to as female only in the transcript and recommendation letters , but not on financial-aid documents ; by then , however , Wong had decided to attend the University of Connecticut .

  23. 耶鲁大学和康涅狄格大学的研究人员追踪了600位五年级到七年级的中学生,记录他们的体重、是否有吃早餐的习惯、吃早餐的地点(在家、在学校、或二者兼而有之)。

    Researchers from Yale and the University of Connecticut followed 600 middle-school students as they progressed from fifth to seventh grade , noting their weight and if they had zero breakfast , breakfast either at home or at school , or breakfast in both places .

  24. 第一天晚上,拥有主场优势的密歇根州立大学第5次闯入最终四强,将于半决赛中与对阵种子队康涅狄格大学。

    This weekend Detroit hosts the NCAA Final Four . At first night , appearing in its fifth Final Four in eleven years . It will have a advantage as they go head-to-head with the UConn in the first . The highly-favored take on the in the second game of the night .

  25. 康涅狄格州立大学女子篮球队战胜圣母大学队之后举行庆祝。

    And the UConn ladies team celebrates their NCAA title win against Notre Dame .

  26. 康涅狄格州立大学系统今年的申请学生人数预计将增加11%,俄勒冈州立大学的申请人数增加了12%,得克萨斯州立大学的申请人数也创下纪录,增幅为6%。

    The Connecticut State University System expects an 11 percent rise in applications this year , while Oregon State University 's applications have grown by 12 percent . And in a record-breaking year at the University of Texas , numbers are up 6 percent . 7 .

  27. 但是康涅狄格州纽黑文大学市场学教授GeorgeHaley称中国的价格一直比较低。

    But marketing professor George Haley at the University of New Haven in Connecticut says China has always kept prices low .

  28. 尽管建造乐高(Lego)摩天大楼通常不是MBA的议程,但美国康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德大学杜兰商学院(FairfieldUniversity’sDolanSchoolofBusiness)的学生们将在今年秋季打破陈规,作为推动跨学科学习的努力的一部分。

    While building Lego skyscrapers is not usually on the MBA agenda , students at Fairfield University 's Dolan School of Business in Connecticut will break out the bricks this autumn as part of efforts to promote cross-disciplinary learning .

  29. 研究了美国康涅狄格州州立大学开发的免费开源分子动力学计算软件XMD及其输入输出。

    XMD is a free and open source software developed by UCONN ( University of Connecticut ) which is studied in this article .

  30. 作为最早发现蚜虫有能产生类胡萝卜素的基因的人,西海岸康涅狄格州耶鲁大学的昆虫遗传学家nancymoran指出仍有许多问题尚未解决。

    Nancy Moran , an insect geneticist at Yale University in West Haven , Connecticut , who was responsible for the original discovery that aphids have the genes for carotenoid production , points out that there are many unanswered questions .