
  • 网络Optimal interest rate;optimal rate of interest
  1. 此时,最优利率的设定不仅受到国内通货膨胀、产出缺口的影响,而且还和国外产出波动的情况相关。

    Not only is the best interest rate setting impacted by domestic inflation and output gap , but also it is associated with output fluctuation abroad .

  2. 基于最优动态利率模型的认股权证定价研究

    Research on warrant pricing based on optimal dynamical interest rate model

  3. 在金融加速器的基础上,进一步推导最优杠杆率与利率升水的关系,定量化分析金融市场的摩擦机制和经济学意义。

    On the basis of financial accelerator mechanism , this article derives the relationship between the optimal leverage ratio and the interest rate premium , analysing the friction mechanism of financial markets as well as its economic explanation quantitatively .