- 网络Optimal Contract

There are two constraints , one is the incentive-compatibility constraint ( IC ), i.e. , the manager may maximize his utility by revealing truthfully his ability type in the optimal contract . The other is the individual-rationality constraint ( IR ) .
Write a new contract investigated variables observed optimal contract design .
Game Analysis of the First-best Contracts on the Strategic Ambiguity
A Study on Optimal Price Contract Model Based on Supply Chain Management
Equilibrium Behavior and Optimal Contract of Both-Sides Moral Hazard with Risk Averse
Analysis of the Optimal Contract to the Logistics Outsourcing
The results show that optimal contract is the combination of above three mechanisms .
Optimal Contract Design in Screening for Product Quality
Reforms of market economy and institution affect processes of social regulation , influencing on conditions of optimal contract .
The study shows that the monotony relationship between agents ' endeavor negative utility and cost type determines the first-order contract arrangement .
According to different hypothesis , the optimal contracts under both the conditions of symmetric infor - mation and asymmetric information are made .
The Information Economics is a result of asymmetric information Game theory application into economics . It is study what is a most action contract .
By comparing the information symmetry and asymmetry of information under the optimal contract , analysis of different factors on flower and the flower business and employment agency cost .
Then incentive mechanism for reducing ethics risk of supervision institution is also presented by designing optimal contract , introducing competition mechanism , implementing limited allocation and strengthening reputation incentive .
Management power theory is the contrary to the optimal contract theory . It emphasizes the executives put influence on the board or the Remuneration Committee in the course of making the remuneration policy .
Finally , I make use of two cases : stock option scheme 、 insurance surveyors & loss adjusters and incomplete insurance , annotate the nature of the optimistic contract under the double moral hazard .
Hence the paper proposes a contract model based on revenue-sharing and channel rebate and penalty . The research indicates that the contract can coordinate the supply chain , and also demonstrate the optimal contract parameters .
As an application , the Principal - Agent Theory tries to model the following problem : How does the principal choose the optimal strategy according to the information observed from the agent in asymmetric information .
The core of optimal contract theory that based on the principal-agent theory is the efficiency of the compensation contract , if the contract is efficient , executive compensation should be positively correlated with corporate performance .
Under the condition of the unlimited resource of pledge and floatable interest rate , the optimal contract between a bank and enterprise is studied from both sides of information symmetry and information asymmetry after credit .
Complete contract is an ideal contract , detailing contract rights and obligations of the parties of each case during the contract period , optimal contract signed by the contractual parties in the case of complete information .
The human capital affects the optimal contractual structure of the firm in the following three aspects : the allocation of the decision power , the accumulation of the common knowledge and the increasing bargain power of itself .
This paper studies the optimal contract design problem of a manufacturer outsourcing in the presence of information asymmetry and establishes a model focusing on two compensation schemes embedded in the contract , namely , price rebate and warranty .
First defining the basic concepts involved in this paper , and then introducing the principal-agent theory , contract theory and management of power theory in detail . Chapter ⅳ: Empirical research on the earnings management and executive compensation .
Establishing a model about different development phase of venture fund , it studies on as degree change of information asymmetry , considering reputation factor and different level of venture capitalists , the designing of the best contract of venture fund .
As the principal-agent model indicated , with participant constraints and incentive compatibility constraints , the best remuneration contract to managers should include long-term incentives to maximum the shareholder value , and thus , the stock-based incentives are introduced into the compensation package .
Executive compensation has always been regarded as one of the important mechanisms that alleviate the agency problem . But recently , with the appearance of more and more unreasonable compensation phenomenon , many scholars began to question the applicability of optimal contract theory .
The multi-task specialty in the logistics outsourcing is analyzed , and optimal contract design is probed by using multi-task agent model . The conclusion shows that the level of logistics being observed and the relationship among logistics task are critical to the contract design .
The model analysis draws out the optimal contract parameters of capacity reservation contract with options and buyback contract on online-bargaining mode with different decision-preference retailers . The retailer 's decision preference 's impact on the channel coordination and system efficiency is argued following the model analysis .
Bank 's Optimal Incentive Contracts with Logistics Enterprises in Inventory Financing