
  • 网络Best Restaurant
  1. 亚洲顶级餐厅排名并不让人意外,因为亚洲50家最佳餐厅(Asia's50BestRestaurant)已在2月份公布,Nahm名列榜首。

    The order of appearance of Asia 's top restaurants wasn 't a surprise -- already , the spinoff Asia 's 50 Best Restaurant list was revealed in February and placed Nahm on the top of its region .

  2. 去过阿布衣餐厅后,我意识到,这家世界最佳餐厅的盛名造就了许多神话,其中有许多需要打破。

    I realised after my visit that El Bulli 's huge reputation as the " world 's best restaurant " has generated a number of myths , many of which need to be overturned .

  3. 这是圣培露第二年发布亚洲最佳餐厅榜单,从12年前开始培露就每年发布全球50最佳餐厅(World's50BestRestaurants)榜单。

    The regional list , in its second year , is derived from the global S. Pellegrino World 's 50 Best Restaurants list , released annually since its launch 12 years ago .

  4. 去年,它与姐妹餐厅福1015同时入选圣培露(SanPellegrino)评选的“亚洲50家最佳餐厅”(Asia’s50BestRestaurants)名录,位列第19位,它们是中国大陆入选该名单屈指可数的餐厅。

    Last year it joined its sibling Fu1015 as one of the few Chinese restaurants in mainland China to make the San Pellegrino list of " Asia 's 50 Best Restaurants , " at Number 19 .

  5. 亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单的小组编辑德鲁(WilliamDrew)说,入围餐厅由全球900多人通过不记名投票产生,这些人当中有厨师、餐厅老板、美食作家和批评家以及游历甚广的吃货。

    Restaurants are voted on by more than 900 people across the world & an anonymous mix of chefs and restaurateurs , food writers and critics , and food experts or ' well-traveled gastronomes , ' according to William Drew , group editor for Asia 's 50 Best Restaurants .

  6. 亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单的小组编辑德鲁(WilliamDrew)说,入围餐厅由全球900多人通过不记名投票产生,这些人当中有厨师、餐厅老板、美食作家和批评家以及游历甚广的“吃货”。

    Restaurants are voted on by more than 900 people across the world -- an anonymous mix of chefs and restaurateurs , food writers and critics , and food experts or ' well-traveled gastronomes , ' according to William Drew , group editor for Asia 's 50 Best Restaurants .

  7. 自那以后,奥尔韦拉取得的成绩已远超他最初的目标,如今Pujol已被普遍认为是墨西哥最好的餐厅,而且还在备受关注的培露(S.Pellegrino)评级中位列全球最佳餐厅的第三十六位。

    Since then , Pujol has far surpassed its initial aims : It 's now widely thought of as Mexico 's finest restaurant-and the 36th best in the world , according to the much-scrutinized S. Pellegrino rankings ;

  8. 日本名厨成泽由浩(YoshihiroNarisawa)掌舵的Narisawa餐厅分别于2012和2013年连续蝉联亚洲最佳餐厅。

    Narisawa , led by Yoshihiro Narisawa , was the top-ranked Asian restaurant on the list in 2012 and 2013 .

  9. Nahm是澳大利亚大厨汤普森(DavidThompson)在曼谷开设的餐厅,供应基于经典泰国传统食谱制作的美食。在周一晚间新加坡出炉的2014年亚洲50最佳餐厅榜单上,Nahm超过了东京的LesCreationsdeNarisawa,升至榜首位置。

    Nahm , Australian chef David Thompson 's Bangkok restaurant that serves cuisine based on Thai memorial-book recipes , nudged Les Creations de Narisawa in Tokyo from the top of the Asia 's 50 Best Restaurants 2014 list , announced Monday night in Singapore .

  10. 在最近的调查中,在最佳餐厅分类中,东京打败巴黎,排在第三位,仅次于开普敦和纽约。

    In the latest survey , Tokyo beat Paris in the ' best for restaurants ' category , coming third behind Cape Town and New York .

  11. 虽然泰国位列亚洲榜单第一,但上榜次数最多的要属中国(包括香港和澳门)。亚洲50最佳餐厅里有16家位于中国。

    Though Thailand ranked at the top of the list , the country that racked up the most mentions was China , including Hong Kong and Macau , home to 16 of the 50 restaurants .

  12. 为了波西塔诺您发现有许多旅馆,住宅。民宿发展,以住房和最佳餐厅和比萨饼在那里可以受到赞赏。

    To Positano you find many hotels , small pensions , residence , bed & breakfast , to lodgings and optimal restaurants and pizza where it will be able to be appreciated the local " gastronomia " .

  13. 新加坡和泰国的餐厅在今年的榜单上有出色表现。泰国餐厅在前三位中占据两席。整体来看,东南亚餐厅在亚洲50最佳餐厅中获得了14席。

    Restaurants in Singapore and Thailand did well on this year 's list , with Thailand grabbing two of the three top spots , and Southeast Asia as a whole appearing 14 times on the list of 50 restaurants .

  14. 这101家最佳餐厅,是由美食评论家、作家以及长期居住在亚洲的外籍人士耗费半年时间,综合考虑美食、风格、价值以及整体评价,最后得出来的结论。

    Food critics , writers and long-term foreign residents in Asia , among others , voted on a list of restaurants pulled together over a six-month nomination period , considering cuisine , style , value and overall buzz , to select the top 101 .

  15. 位于台湾台北市的鼎泰丰位列首届亚洲101家最佳餐厅排行榜的榜首。排行榜于上周四在美国的每日一餐网站上公布,该网站在美国和欧洲也有类似的排行榜。

    Din Tai Fung in the Taiwanese capital Taipei was ranked number one in the inaugural " 101 Best Restaurants in Asia " list , released on Thursday by the U.S. - based food website The Daily Meal , which does similar polls in the United States and Europe .

  16. Gaggan餐厅的主厨加甘·阿纳德(GagganAnand)将分子烹饪融入印度菜打造出了“解构”菜式,该餐厅首次上榜名列第17位,并被授予“最佳新晋餐厅奖”。

    Gaggan , a Bangkok restaurant by Gaggan Anand that marries molecular gastronomy techniques with Indian food , made its debut on the list at No. 17 . The restaurant was given ' highest new entry award ' for its showing .