
  • 网络best of times
  1. 在最好的时代,未来也是不确定的,大流行病期间更甚。

    The future is uncertain at the best of times , but especially during a pandemic .

  2. 中国股市令人想起狄更斯(CharlesDickens)的作品。内地股票投资者既经历着最好的时代,又经历着最坏的时代。

    Chinese equity markets are displaying echoes of Dickens as investors in mainland stocks are experiencing the best of times and the worst of times .

  3. 北京&即使在最好的时代里,约会也绝非易事。

    BEIJING - Dating is hard at the best of times .

  4. 这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代

    It was the best of times , it was the worst of times

  5. 最好的时代就是你的时代。

    The best age is the age you are .

  6. “那是最好的时代,最坏的时代”

    " It was the best of times , it was the worst of times . "

  7. 即便是在最好的时代,移民也是个敏感的话题,何况当下并非最好的时代。

    IMMIGRATION is a sensitive subject at the best of times , and this is not one of them .

  8. 这是最好的时代,中国企业面临了太多的选择和机会;这也是最坏的时代,中国企业面临太多的威胁和挑战。

    It was the best of times , Chinese companies face a much choice and chance , This is the worst of times , Chinese enterprises are confronted with many challenges and threats .