
  • 网络Maximum Capacity;Max capacity;full capacity
  1. 需求是明显的:力拓、必和必拓(bhpbilliton)和淡水河谷(vale)这三家主要生产商都开动了最大产能生产铁矿石。

    Demand is clear : all three main producers Rio , BHP Billiton , and Vale are producing iron ore at maximum capacity .

  2. 而总部位于牛津、现为宝马(BMW)旗下子公司的Mini汽车公司,自5年前重新启动汽车生产以来,一直以最大产能进行生产,目前还在投资建设新的生产设施。

    And Oxford-based Mini , now owned by BMW , has been running at maximum capacity since relaunching the car five years ago and is also investing in new facilities .

  3. 协助工程部生产部同从而事使设备达到最大产能。

    Assist Engineering and production team members with the development and implementation of equipment modifications to maximize production efficiency .

  4. 力拓昨日证实它的澳大利亚铁矿正在以每年2亿吨的最大产能进行生产。

    Rio confirmed that its Australian iron ore mines were producing at a maximum capacity of 200m tonnes a year .

  5. 标准的公用工程规模的装置产生的电量由于受云层、夜晚、电池板不干净等因素的影响,仅为其最大产能的五分之一。

    A typical utility-scale installation produces power at only a fifth of its maximum capacity , thanks to clouds , night-time , dirty panels and so on .

  6. 本文主要描述了如何通过计算机集成制造(CIM)系统使每一个生产设备尽可能达到自己的最大理论产能,从而降低成本,提高利润。

    In the article , described how to make process equipment reach the maximum capacity in the theoretical via CIM system , to reduce costs and raise profits .

  7. 这是世界上第一台出现在市场上的这类多晶硅铸锭炉,并且有着最大的产能。

    This is the first casting furnace in this type in the market , * and with the largest capacity .

  8. 过去6年,中国经历了全球钢铁行业历史上规模最大的产能扩张。

    In the past six years , China has undergone the largest expansion in steel production capacity in the industry 's history .

  9. 这两个协会预测,我国将超越韩国,拥有全球最大的产能。

    The associations expect the country will overtake the Republic of Korea ( ROK ) to have the largest production capacity globally .

  10. 从柔性的三维矢量描述角度来研究其度量方法,提出了相应的量化评估模型,并探讨了使企业产能柔性价值最大的产能柔性水平的选择方法。

    Conducts the research on its measure method , proposed the quantificational appraisal model , and discusses the mothod to determine the most appropriate volume flexibility level of production system .

  11. 由于气体钻井具有能大幅度提高机械钻速、节约成本、遏制恶性井漏、有效地防止储层伤害以获得最大原始产能等优点,从而在油气田开发中起到了重要作用。

    Because Gas Drilling can get a high ROP with small cost , can eliminate bad lost circulation , can reduce the formation damage effectively and achieve the maximum deliverability , it has been playing an important role in oil and gas exploitation .

  12. 特朗普提名的贸易专员包括莱特希泽和其他人,他们都与以传统金属制造为主的旧经济产业有密切关系,而中国恰好在这些产业面临最大的产能过剩问题,以及如何关闭工厂和让工人下岗的最棘手选择。

    He is part of a group of Trump trade appointees with close links to exactly the kinds of metal-bashing old-economy industries in which China faces the greatest overcapacity , and the toughest choices about how to close factories and lay off workers .

  13. 由于供应商独自承担产能过剩带来的损失,因此往往建造低于系统利润最大化的产能水平。

    For affording the loss of overcapacity alone , the supplier will build capacity less than what is the optimal for the supply chain .

  14. 韩国也已批准了过去三十年来最大的燃煤发电产能计划。

    And South Korea has approved the largest coal-powered capacity it has seen in the last 30 years . '

  15. 分析结果有助于优化水平井射孔孔眼分布来获取最大的水平井产能或均匀的渗流剖面。

    Through the research , it will help to optimize the design of perforated completion , obtain the most productivity of the horizontal well or uniform fluid influent distribution profile .

  16. 美国也许已经进入衰退或者濒临衰退,但许多外企在中国面临的最大问题,仍是产能限制,而不是订单减少。

    The US may be in , or on the brink of , recession but in China the biggest problem of many foreign companies remains capacity constraints , not falling orders .

  17. 本文的研究对象M公司就是一家生产炭/炭复合材料制品的中小型科技企业,目前最大的问题是产能偏小,不能满足市场需求。

    The object of this study is a company producing carbon / carbon composite material ( called M company ) . The capacity of M is too small to meet the market requirements currently .