
yuè lǎo
  • matchmaker;the old man under the moon -- the god who unites persons in marriage
月老 [yuè lǎo]
  • [matchmaker] 月下老人;媒人

月老[yuè lǎo]
  1. 保罗·C·布朗森公司的创始人保罗布朗森就是一位月老。他同ABC谈起一款针对上流人士的交友App“联盟”时说到,该软件可提供社会经济地位、外貌吸引力等指标为用户筛选出他们心仪的对象。

    Matchmaker and founder of the Paul C. Brunson Agency , Paul Brunson , expounded upon this when speaking with ABC about an " elitist " dating app called The League , where users are curated by things like social economic status , physical appeal , and more .

  2. 现在两人已经喜结连理,而这也意味着冯伟成为了他们的月老。

    Now they have got married meaning Feng Wei became their matchmaker .

  3. 月老不曾老,自古情难了。

    Never uses the old , from ancient times to a difficult situation .

  4. 我们不会看见月老的红线,也不会有喜鹊来为我们搭桥。

    We do not see Yuelao the red line , nor is there to serve us magpie bridge .

  5. 指明所有的情侣今天的相遇都是前世有月老早定好了的。

    Specified all of the couples meeting today , are scheduled a long time ago by some one we called Yuelao .

  6. 月老也是月亮在中国神话中尤其是中秋节时如此重要的原因之一。

    He is one reason why the moon is so important in Chinese mythology and especially at the time of the Moon Festival .

  7. 月老:一个中国古老传说,姻缘在天,在月亮上已做了预言。

    The old man on the moon : There is a saying in Chinese that marriages are made in heaven and prepared on the moon .

  8. 月老是知晓人间每个人未来伴侣的神仙,没有人能违抗在他的姻缘簿中定下的缘分。

    He is the one heavenly person who knows everyone 's future partners , and nobody can fight the decisions written down in his book .

  9. 看起来,你们俩不但不是在日益亲近反而是在一道一道地掐断月老把你们系在一起的红线。

    It looks to me as if you two , far from growing nearer , are snapping the bonds that hold you together , one after another .

  10. 我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;

    I will tell you the phone Numbers of a stranger , he is joking that he would in a full-moon night to help me tell you ;

  11. 去年我和十万人一起游泳横渡日月潭。台湾日月潭月老祠的月下老人塑像。1999年9月大地震已毁。

    I swam across the Sun Moon Lake with one hundred thousand people last year . This matchmaker statue was unearthed in Taiwan . It was destroyed in the earthquake in September , 1999 .

  12. 世俗男女若想打破商品拜物教的魔咒,不应把希望寄托于月老牵线或是爱神眷顾,现世婚姻异化的根基还需物质力量去摧毁。

    To break the spell of commodity fetishism worldly men and women should not pin their hope on the match-makers or Eros , because the foundation of alienation of temporal marriage should be destroyed by material force .

  13. 在爱情情况下,我并不积极主动,而是期待月老的安排,他必定会把我深爱的完美姑娘带来,还不算三角恋。

    In cases of love , I am not active but anticipate the arrangement of Moon Father , who I know for sure would bring me my beloved Miss Perfect , let alone getting involved in triangle love .

  14. 100多年前,利丰在创立之初扮演的便是一个传统的“月老”角色&将西方服装设计师介绍给中国的制造商,从中收取佣金,而合作的方式则由双方自行确定。

    Li Fung started over 100 years ago as a conventional matchmaker ecosystem Li Fung would introduce one western apparel designer to one Chinese manufacturer , take a commission and leave it to the two parties to find ways to collaborate .