
  • 网络Effective reasoning;Efficacious Inference
  1. 二难推理共有28种有效推理形式。

    There are 28 kinds of effective inference forms in dilemma .

  2. 亚当斯概率逻辑是研究有效推理中概率传递的一种逻辑。

    Adams probability logic is a logical system that studies the transmission of probability through valid inferences .

  3. 从逻辑哲学的角度来说,逻辑是研究后承关系、有效推理的理论。

    From the view of philosophy of logic , logic is studying the relation of consequence and valid inference .

  4. 有效推理的核心是某一陈述能从另一陈述或陈述集合中所得出。

    The centre of valid inference is that a certain statement is able to follow ( from ) other statement or statements .

  5. 本文运用现代逻辑的方法,就它的定义、种类、有效推理式及其内在结构、推理规则等作了全新的探讨。

    The article reveals a new opinion about its definition , classification , efficient reasoning formula and inner structure , reasoning regulation by applying modern logic methods .

  6. 揭示了必要条件反三段论的内涵、逻辑结构,并给出了它的有效推理式。

    Actually means and its negative expression is The intension and the logical structure of the anti - syllogism under necessary conditions are revealed and its effective forms of inference are expressed .

  7. 针对特定的知识背景提出了一种基于数据文件载体和规范化数据接口来表达知识并进行有效推理的算法。

    In view of special knowledge background , a new kind of algorithm was provided for knowledge representation and inference , which was based on standard data interface and data-file as knowledge carrier .

  8. 至于将中国科学落后的原由单一性地归结于《易》或儒家经学,这未必符合历史的因果真相与思维的有效推理。

    For the attribution of Chinese science 's falling behind merely to the Yi or Confucianism studies , it may not accord to the historical facts as well as the effective inference of thinking .

  9. 基于实例推理(Case-BasedReasoning,简称CBR)是人工智能中的一种重要而有效的推理技术。

    Case-Based Reasoning is an important and effective inference technology in artificial intelligence .

  10. 这些研究结果为基于Petri网模型的归结自动推理提供了简单有效的推理方法。

    All these results are efficient and helpful for the automated inference based on Petri net . 3 .

  11. 基于规则的推理(RBR)和基于案例的推理(CBR)则是知识工程中两类实用有效的推理方式。

    Rule-based and case-based reasoning are two important efficient reasoning methods in artificial intelligence field .

  12. 通过实验证明,所完成的CTES原型系统能够根据用户的输入进行有效的推理并得出所需的工艺。

    It is testified by experiment that CTES prototype system can reason effectively according to the input of the users and educe appropriate crafts and arts .

  13. 本文主要是研究一种有效地推理方法来支持系统的运行。

    The research described here intended to develop an efficient reasoning method for operation support systems .

  14. 有效证据推理准确与否,取决于三个方面的因素:一是作为推理根据的已知事实和证据材料是否客观真实;

    Its veracity depends on the following aspects : weather the known facts and proofs are objective and true or not ;

  15. 应用这些推理机制,能有效地推理出注塑机注塑过程中所需的参数。

    Based on this three inference mechanism , IMM ES can get the control parameters of IMM and these control parameters are proved to be accurate through practice .

  16. 该文利用描述逻辑有效的推理功能,特别是它对概念包含关系的有效判断,把它与多主体系统的服务推理结合起来。

    Using effective reasoning capability of description logic , especially its effective judgment to concept subsumption , the combination of description logic and service reasoning in multi-agent systems is studied .

  17. 采用反向符号推理和正向数字推理相结合的方法;研究适合于故障诊断专家系统的模糊推理算法,同时应用神经网络算法,解决多种有效的推理问题。

    According to the many cases in the normal inference and conjecture inference , the method combined the back symbol inference and forward digital inference was adopted to study the synthetic fuzzy algorithm applied in a fault diagnosis expert system and solve the many effective inference problems .

  18. 适当调节推理算法中的控制参数,就可有效控制OPM推理的计算复杂度。

    The computing complexity of inference process of OPM can be controlled by adjust the controlling parameters in inference algorithm .

  19. 驾驶模拟装置的有效度模糊推理评价

    The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Driving Simulator Based on Fuzzy Inference

  20. 他可以试图把有效的事实推理从政策的优先选择或价值判所里区别出来;

    He may attempt to separate valid factual inferences from policy preferences or value judgments ;

  21. 实验结果表明,这些原则可以有效消除模式推理中的推理循环。

    The experimental results indicate that these principles are effective , and can solve the problem of recurrence in pattern reasoning .

  22. 它的开发可以建立起设计师与顾客之间沟通的桥梁,对顾客的定制要求进行有效分析和推理。

    The development can establish a bridge of communication between designers and customers , analyze and reasoning the customer requirements effectively .

  23. 功能模型是概念设计的核心处理对象,如何对功能模型进行快速有效的创新推理是概念设计的关键问题。

    Function model is the core object of conceptual design . Consequently how to process innovative reasoning of function model efficiently is the key problem of conceptual design .

  24. 即便我不一一指出所有的细节,你依然能够从中进行有效的逻辑推理,即那家店开门,且那家店买咖啡。

    Even if I don 't spell out all the details , you can still make some useful logical inferences , namely , the shop is open and it sells coffee .

  25. 最后利用测试集对系统进行实验验证,实验结果表明,本文设计的原型系统能够对粗糙本体进行有效的知识推理,并且其准确率和效率都很高。

    Finally , a test set is used to the experimental verification of the system . The experimental results show that the design prototype system in this thesis is capable of rough ontology for effective knowledge reasoning , and its accuracy and efficiency are quite high .

  26. 通过试验和比较,表明此方法能有效地降低推理复杂度,提高诊断正确率,从而验证该故障诊断模型及算法能有效地解决汽车发动机故障诊断中的不确定性问题。

    Through the experimentation and analysis , this method in the paper can depress the algorithm intricacy effectively , and get an upper diagnosis accuracy rate . All of this prove that this fault diagnosis model and algorithm can solve the uncertain problems effectively in motor fault diagnosis .

  27. 所采用的模糊推理方法克服了传统Bayes推理方法的部分缺陷,在实际应用中表明是合理有效的一种推理模式。

    The fuzzy inference method made up for the defects of Bayes inference method . The application shows that it is a reasonable and effectual inference method .

  28. 本文还指出,我国的DYL电路可以有效地实现模糊推理运算。

    It shows that the DYL circuits of China can accomplish the fuzzy logic operations effectively .

  29. 因此,有效性是法律推理的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , efficacy is an important factor of law inference .

  30. 运行情况表明,该混合推理方法能增加挤压工步初始方案选择的可靠性,并能有效地提高系统推理效率。

    The results show that the hybrid inference method can increase the reliability of the initial forming plan selection and improve the system 's inference efficiency .