
  • 网络Separation rules;Modus ponens
  1. 该文提出一种支持动态约束的Clark-Wilson模型,并进一步对该模型的良构事务和职责分离规则进行了描述。

    In this paper a dynamic constrained Clark-Wilson model is proposed and the principle of well-formed transaction and the principle of duty separation are described .

  2. 反映思维论证性的逻辑基本规律是充足理由律,而且充足理由律是逻辑思维的第一位的基本规律,其形式语言表达式(形式定理)是MP规则(即分离规则)

    The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason . The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking , and it 's formal theorem is MP rule ( i.e.the rule of detachment ) .

  3. 证明:由公理模式和分离规则构成的命题逻辑公理系统不具有语法完全性。

    And I prove the formal axiomatic system of prepositional logic that is made up of Axiomatic Mode and the Rule of Detachment does not possess syntactic perfectibility .

  4. 在对研究区背景本底知识和遥感数据光谱知识充分分析的基础上,挖掘谱间结构,得出各典型地物的光谱空间特征及相互分离规则。

    Based on the background knowledge of study area and the spectral knowledge of remote sensing image , the structure of different spectra had been digged , and the breakaway regulation of representative features had been obtained .

  5. 虽然以这种方式分离业务规则在架构上是一种良好的实践,但是Lombardi只提供了非常基本的规则功能。

    While separating business rules in this way is an architecturally sound practice , Lombardi offers only a fairly rudimentary rules capability .

  6. 由匿名成员提供的分离方法的规则是保守的。

    The rules for resolving methods provided by anonymous members are conservative .

  7. 计算结果表明:气动力系数及分离泡呈规则的周期性变化,证明方法是成功的、可行的。

    The results show that the force coefficients and separation bubble are periodic , which indicates the method is correct and feasible .

  8. 如果需求、规章、策略或规则覆盖模型中的很多类、流程中的很多任务,分离出来的规则就要被明确地表示出来。

    If a requirement , regulation , policy or rule spans many classes in the model and many tasks within the process , externalized rules are strongly indicated .

  9. 分离之后,业务规则被公开为三种服务:决策规则(DecisionRules)服务、动作规则(ActionRules)服务和任务规则(TaskRules)服务。

    After separation , Business rules have been open for three services : decision-making rules ( Decision Rules ) service , rules of action ( Action Rules ) and the task rules ( Task Rules ) services .

  10. 在这个过程中,利用了Drools规则引擎来分离规划库和规则库的,实现实例和策略之间的松耦合机制。

    In this process , we take the advantage of Drools , a rule engine , to separate the plan library and rule library , and helps generating loosely-coupled application system .

  11. 模型之间的转换需要建立相应的转换规则,采用本体的思想描述规则,将编写规则的程序从映射程序中分离出来,实现规则与映射的解耦。

    The idea of ontology is used to describe rules , which separates the program of rules from the mapping program and implements the decoupling between mapping and rules .