
  • 网络splitter;ODN;beamsplitter;optical splitter;Spectroscope
  1. 研究了WDM网络中在稀疏分光器配置约束下的多播选路问题。

    This paper investigate the problem of multicast routing in mesh WDM networks with sparse light splitter configuration .

  2. 在稀疏分光器配置约束下,光树的计算问题不再是一个传统的SteinerTree(有文献译为施泰纳树,即求覆盖网络节点集合的一个子集的最佳生成子树)问题。

    With the constraints of sparse light splitter configuration , the computing of light tree is not a Steiner Tree problem .

  3. 一个典型的例子是光网络多播技术,在分光器支持下可以实现光层多播路由交叉连接,WDM网状光网络中的单播路状路由也拓展为多播树状路由。

    One example is the optical multicast , which realizes one-to-many routing and cross-connection by using light splitters on the optical layer .

  4. 同时对OLT的放置,ODN的规划,分光器的放置做了规划。

    The same time , OLT placement , ODN planning , splitter placed to do the planning . 3 .

  5. 它以国产一米光栅光谱仪作分光器,以S2304-1024Q型PDA作检测器,用IBM/PC微机作控制、数据采集和处理。

    It consists of an ICP source , a WPG-100 spectrometer , an S2304-1024Q PDA , and an IBM-PC used for control and data management .

  6. 最后试用PON均值查图法,对一个包含有1∶3非均匀分光器的4级连1/8无源分配网络进行了工程设计预算。

    Finally , applying with PON average chart techniques , the paper makes budget designing example of an 1 to 8 PON distribution system , which has 4 optical splitters cascaded , and includes some 1 ∶ 3 splitters .

  7. 光学四象限分光器参数的优化设计

    Optimization Design for Parameters of Optical Four - Quad Splitter

  8. 稀疏分光器配置约束下的多播选路算法

    Multicast Routing Algorithm with Constraints of Sparse Light Splitters

  9. 双平板分光器在相位细分式激光干涉仪中的应用分析

    Applied Analysis for Double-plate Beam Splitter in Laser Interferometer of Phase Subdivision model

  10. 受抑全内反射的偏振分光器

    Polarizing beam splitter based on frustrated total internal reflection

  11. 此外,考虑到网络建设成本,在实际的光网络中,不是所有的网络节点都配置了分光器。

    In the practical optical communication system , we need not place a light splitter to every node in view of the network cost .

  12. 该结构可在纳米光缓冲器、分光器、滤波器、数据处理和量子光子存储器等方面上找到应用。

    Such a structure may find potential applications in nanoscale buffers , spectrometers , filters , data processors , and quantum optical memories etc.3 .

  13. 用3×3耦合器作为分光器,并结合软件解调技术从干涉仪的输出信号中解调出了外部振动信号。

    Outer vibration signals can be obtained from the output of the interferometer when a 3 × 3 coupler combined with software demodulation is used as the splitter .

  14. 通常使用无源的分光器实现组播信号光域复制,这种方式结构简单器件造价低,但不具有波长变换能力。

    Usually , the passive splitters are used to perform optical signal copy within the optical domain . Such splitters are simple and inexpensive , but have no wavelength conversion capability .

  15. 主要的约束条件有以下4种:稀疏分光器配置约束、波长连续性约束、能量损伤约束及稀疏波长转换器约束。

    The constraints mainly include the following four aspects : sparse light splitter constraints , wavelength continuity constraints in WDM optical network , power budget constraints and sparse wavelength convert constraints .

  16. 在整个光路中,有同步电机控制的分光器和斩光器,也有步进电机控制的光楔、光栅和滤光片,需要设计合理精确的控制方法,理清每个器件之间的相互关系。

    In the light path , synchronous motors control splitters and chopper ; stepper motors control wedge , grating and filters . It needs design reasonably precise motor control method and clarify the relationship between each device .

  17. 相对与传统分光器测试系统,该系统较好地解决了光源稳定性和熔点损耗两个难题,极大地降低了设备冗余度,测试效率提高至少25%,数据可靠性进一步提高。

    Compared with the traditional splitter test system , this system successfully solves two knotty problems & laser source stable output and splicing point excess loss . The system greatly reduced the equipment redundancy and testing efficiency increases at least 25 % . Test data reliability ascends further .

  18. 棱镜分光式光学环行器及其应用

    Optical circulator with prismatic polarizing beam splitter and Its Applications