
  • 网络forwarding;packet forwarding
  1. 高速路由器中一种实现QoS保证的分组转发方案

    Packet forwarding scheme to enforce the quality of service in high-speed routers

  2. 通过设计与实现IP地址改写功能与IP分组转发功能,实现了迁移进程的位置无关性。

    The location independence of migrated processes are implemented through the designed and implemented IP address rewriting function and IP packet forwarding function .

  3. 从IP分组转发到IP分组标记交换IP多播的快速转发

    Fast Switch of IP Multicast

  4. 由于Internet的流量迅速增长,一般的核心路由器都要能够达到每秒钟G比特的转发速率,快速的路由查表算法是实现高速分组转发的关键。

    Due to the rapid growth of traffic in the Internet , core router of several gigabits per second are commonly deployed . Fast routing lookup algorithm is the key of high speed forwarding .

  5. Trie数据结构是实现高速路由查找和分组转发的关键。

    Trie is a key data structure to implement rapid routing lookups and fording packets .

  6. 并针对MPFS(MassiveParallelForwardingandSwitching)体系结构特点,提出该结构下IPv6分组转发性能的评测方法。

    And for the architecture features of MPFS ( Massive Parallel Forwarding and Switching ), performance evaluation methods of IPv6 packet forwarding under this structure is proposed .

  7. 而路由查找是需要完成最长匹配地址前缀的查找,因此快速IP地址路由查找算法是实现高速分组转发的关键,而设计高性能的数据结构是实现高速路由查找的关键。

    Because looking up is the longest address prefix match , so rapid IP address prefix looking up algorithm is the key for rapid forwarding , however , high properties data structure is the key of IP looking up .

  8. 基于DMQ机制可以实现高性能的分布式分组转发。

    High performance packets forwarding has been implemented based on DMQ .

  9. 模型可支持2.5Gb/s接口的分组转发以及2000条/s的路由更新速度。

    The model can provide packet forwarding with a 2.5 Gb / s interface and a routing update speed of 2 000 entries per second .

  10. 归纳了宽带接入技术中几种主要的技术及其特点,分别介绍了以光纤为介质的宽带传输网和以IP和ATM为代表的分组转发和交换技术的宽带交换网的特点。

    This paper sums up several main techniques of the broadband inserting technique and their features , and introduces the features of the broadband transmission network mediated by the optical fiber and the broadband switch network of the group forwarding and switching technique represented by IP and ATM .

  11. 结论表明,采用专用硬件查找技术的TCAM方案,以硬件化的路由表查找和分组转发技术实现对各类数据包的快速分类和路由,支持ACL和MPLS的查找。

    It is concluded that by using TCAM search technique with dedicated hardware , the hardware routing table search and group transmitting techniques can achieve fast classification and routing for various data packets while support ACL and MPLS search .

  12. 提出了适合于透明传输的发送及接收算法,描述了LCP和NCP配置选项的协商过程,此外还介绍了路由器局域网口和广域网口之间的基本分组转发方法。

    This paper gives the scuding and receiving algorithm for transparent transmission , describes the negotiation processes of LCP and NCP configuration options , and provides a basic method to forward packets between LAN port and WAN port of router .

  13. 多协议标记交换MPLS不但能提高分组转发效率,还能与综合服务模型(Int-Serv)、差分服务模型(Diff-Serv)集成,使IP网络具备流量控制和服务质量等性能。

    Multiprotocol label switching ( MPLS ) technology can not only improve the packets forwarding performance of routers , but also can integrate with Int_ - Serv and Diff_ - Serv . It makes the IP networks with the capability of traffic control and quality of service .

  14. 为避免中心式调度协议中的长距离多跳分组转发引起的延迟及丢包问题,文中给出了VCLS协议的分布式算法,并引入了两种保障机制用于提高染色成功率。

    A distributed implementation of the VCLS protocol is show in this paper , which can avoid delay and packet loss problems caused by long-distance multihop forwarding in centralized implementation .

  15. 如何有效地设计路由器的分组转发策略。

    How to efficiently design forwarding strategy of a router .

  16. 作为路由器,它需要运行相应的路由协议,参与数据分组转发工作和路由维护工作。

    As router it need running router protocol .

  17. 网络中的节点具有终端和路由器的双重功能,节点具有路由获取和分组转发的功能。

    Each node in MANET acts as both terminal and router , which collects routes and forwards packets .

  18. 自组网节点之间是通过多跳转发机制进行数据出传输,需要路由协议进行分组转发决策。

    Node in AdHoc network transmits data by multi-hop , so we need a routing protocol to determinehowtotransmitthesedatapacket .

  19. 在VPI/VCI域的使用上,本文将VPI/VCI作为标记来实现分组转发;

    In the use of VPI / VCI , this paper marks VPI / VCI as labels though switching ;

  20. 接口代价改变的最终结果是分组转发路径的变更。

    The final result from the interface cost change leads to the alteration of the forwarding path of the packets .

  21. 网络中的每个移动终端是主机也是路由器,根据路由算法参与路由建立和分组转发工作。

    Each mobile terminal is both a host and router , performing route setup and packet forwarding according to a routing algorithm .

  22. 网络中的移动节点本身具有路由和分组转发功能,可以通过无线方式构成任意的拓扑。

    The mobile nodes in the network have the function of routing and packet forwarding . The network topology can be formed via wireless links .

  23. 主动队列管理算法提供因特网中网络拥塞规避和控制机制,是因特网中分组转发设备的重要功能模块。

    In the Internet , active queue management algorithm provides congestion avoidance and control mechanisms for Internet traffic as an important module in packet-forwarding devices .

  24. 查找路由表以给出下一跳地址是路由器中分组转发的核心步骤,因此快速的路由查表算法是实现高速分组转发的关键。

    Routing lookup plays a key part of packet forwarding , so fast IP address lookup algorithm is the significant part of high speed packet forwarding .

  25. 如果两个由于覆盖范围限制的终端无法直接连接,可以借助于其它节点分组转发。

    If there are two nodes can not be connected directly as the coverage limit , it can be learn from other nodes ' packet forwarding .

  26. 分组转发的重要一步就是查找路由表,因此快速的路由查找算法是实现高速分组转发的关键。

    Route lookup is an important step of packet forwarding , so high speed IP address lookup algorithm is the key component of high speed packet forwarding .

  27. 在目前链路速度已经达到光纤的情况下,制约分组转发速度的因素就是路由表查找算法。

    In the present case of link speed has been achieved the fiber speed , the factor of limiting the speed of packet forwarding is routing table lookup algorithm .

  28. 由于自私节点的存在,在分组转发过程中,中间节点可能会拒绝转发与自身无关的分组,造成网络性能的大幅下降。

    Because of the existence of selfish nodes , relaying nodes may refuse to forward the packets that have nothing to do with their own in the process of packets forwarding .

  29. 每个节点既是主机又是路由器,所有的网络功能(路由和分组转发)需要依靠节点间的相互合作来实现。

    Each node acts not only as a host but also a router . MANET should rely on the cooperation of mobile nodes in all network functions ( routing and packet forwarding ) .

  30. 该机制在网络层利用组播协议将数据分组转发至移动主机,在链路层利用链路触发信息控制组播树的形成。

    The proposed scheme will forward the packets to the mobile host in the network layer with multicast protocol and employ the trigger information from the link layer in order to construct the multicast tree .