
  • 网络separation control
  1. 介绍了交流伺服位置系统的结构,分析了位置环数字PID控制器的积分分离控制算法以及参数整定方法。

    The paper presents the framework of AC servo position system , analyzes the integration separation control arithmetic of position digital PID controller and the method of parameters tuning .

  2. 此外为了解决设定位移经常变动和超调量过大问题,在位置闭环控制系统的PID控制器中分别采用了微分先行和积分分离控制算法。

    Additionally , in order to solve the problem that setting displacement was often variable , and to reduce system overshoot , prior derivative control method and integral separation control method were used in PID control unit .

  3. 采用PLC的轻烃处理PID积分分离控制系统

    PID Hydrocarbon Separation System Adopting PLC

  4. 本文介绍了基于PLC的油水分离控制系统的结构、编程思想及油水分离的工艺过程。

    The structure , programming idea and the technology of separating oil from water control system based on PLC were described in this paper .

  5. 针对能量分离控制算法提出一种基于动静参数W,V相等原则构造参考模型的方法,并对其鲁棒性进行了仿真研究。

    A method of constructing reference model in the controller based on separation of energy is presented . It is based on the equality of W , V , which are characteristic parameters of DS control method .

  6. 本文运用电压型PWM变流器的基本原理,结合电力系统大功率交流电机环境的特点,基于三相交流型分离控制式交-直-交功率负荷模拟器,提出并设计了电动机模拟器,解决了这些问题。

    To solve these problems , adopting the principle of voltage-type PWM converter , considering about the high power AC environment in the electric power environment , the motor simulator is designed based on the three-phase AC type separate-controlled AC-DC-AC power load simulator .

  7. 针对现有解决方案的不足,本课题从网络拓扑结构和VPN的工作模式入手,通过分离控制流和虚拟数据流提升VPN系统的整体性能。

    In this paper , focusing on the deficiency of present solution , we propose a new topology structure and working pattern for SSL VPN , and try to promote the performance of VPN by separating control stream and data stream .

  8. 基于斜出口合成射流激励器的边界层分离控制

    Boundary Layer Separation Control Using Beveled Orifice of Synthetic Jet Actuator

  9. 应用等离子体进行翼型前缘分离控制的数值模拟研究

    Numerical research on airfoil leading edge separation control using plasma actuator

  10. 一种带有参考模型的能量分离控制方法

    A Control Mehtod Based Separation of Energy with Reference Model

  11. 基于等离子体激励器简化模型的流动分离控制

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Separation Control Using Plasma-based Actuators

  12. 非定常分离控制中的相位采样

    Phase sampling in the unsteady separated flow field

  13. 盐类矿物的溶解、表面性质变化与浮选分离控制设计

    Dissolution / surface property of salt-type minerals and design of schemes of flotation separation

  14. 能量分离控制算法中参考模型的构造方法

    The Method of Constructing Reference Model in the Controller Based on Separation of Energy

  15. 并且对线路上的有功功率和无功功率进行了解耦控制,使得线路上的有功功率和无功功率传输能够分离控制,减少了有功无功控制的相互干扰。

    So the real and reactive power flow in transmission line control can be separated .

  16. 大子午扩张涡轮的过渡段分离控制设计

    Design on Flow Separation and Control in Transition Section of a Large Meridional Expansion Turbine

  17. 卫星群分离控制方法研究

    Separating control method of satellite group

  18. 近十年来,用于飞机机翼附面层分离控制的涡流发生器发展很快,出现了亚附面层、微型和智能化涡流发生器等新概念。

    In recent decades , vortex generators used in separation control on wing boundary layer have developed rapidly .

  19. 涡流发生器弦向位置对附面层分离控制效果影响显著,不同高度涡流发生器均有其最佳气动效率的弦向位置。

    The high of vortex generators have their best chord position with an outstanding effect on controlling boundary layer separation .

  20. 根据星群分离控制的一般要求,本文研究了卫星群的相对运动方程,分析了其相对运动特性。

    In the paper the relative motion equation of satellites ' group is studied , and the motion characteristic is analyzed .

  21. 一种小边条飞机的低速气动特性及其外翼分离控制研究

    Research on the Low Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Aircraft with a Small Strake and Controlling Separation at the Outer Part of Its Wing

  22. 实际工业应用结果表明,分离控制不但较好地解决了热值波动时燃烧效率问题,而且改善了炉膛温度的控制质量。

    The separation control strategy is efficient and practical in keeping combustion efficiency and improving the control quality of chamber temperature of reheating furnace .

  23. 致动器的设计研究直接关系到合成射流技术的进一步发展以及在分离控制、边界层控制、增强混合等方面的应用前景。

    The further progress of synthetic jet is dependent on the design of actuators which have influence on promising applications such as : separation control , boundary control and mixing strengthening .

  24. 内部控制的主要方法包括不相容职务相互分离控制,授权批准控制,会计系统控制财产保全控制等。

    The inside control ′ s primary methods are , the control of duty no relation from each other , the control of authorize , the control of property saved , and so on .

  25. 为安全控制规则建立了形式化模型,包括定义、分析、讨论和证明责任分离控制、授权代理和授权撤销、评审和管理控制等。

    A formal model for secure control principles on the basis of which we define , analyse , discuss and explore including separation controls , delegation and revocation controls , review and supervision controls .

  26. 论述机械手在实际操作过程中的各种运动在分离控制作用下原则上再现的可能性(如果对象的这种运动是可实现的话)。

    This paper has discussed the possibility of all kinds of motion reappearance in principle of the mechanical hand when it is controlled discretely ( if the motion of the object is to realize ) in reality .

  27. 最后分别以消除电磁转矩脉动和有功功率脉动为目标,采用正负序分离控制策略设计了转子侧控制器,通过仿真验证了正负序分离控制策略的正确性。

    Finally , in order to eliminate electromagnetic torque pulsation and active power pulsation respectively , positive and negative sequence separation control strategy for rotor side controller is designed , through simulation the correctness of separation control strategy is proved .

  28. 通过对关联企业的法律结构和组织结构的进一步分析,阐述了关联企业公司治理的核心问题是公司间控制,其根源在于控股股东可以利用股权结构来分离控制权和现金流量权以获取私有收益。

    With the further study of legal and organizational structures , the author reveals the key issue of affiliated companies is controlling rights between companies . Controlling company has the advantage to separate voting rights from cash flow rights by way of share structure in order to seek private profit .

  29. 使用积分分离PID控制算法提高了动态性能。

    Advance dynamic capability through using integral separate PID control arithmetic .

  30. 数字调压器的积分分离PID控制算法

    The Integral Separation PID Control Algorithm on Digital Voltage Regulator