
  • 网络seed year
  1. 种子年后土壤种子库有活力种子密度自上而下呈现下降趋势,0~2cm种子数量最多,占0~10cm种子库种子总数的48.92%;

    ( 1.17 % ); ( 2 ) After the seed year , the viable seed density in soil seed bank decreased with the increasing of soil depth . The number of seed reached peak in 2 ~ 4 cm and got 48.92 % of total number ;

  2. 开花结实成熟年龄短枝的存蓄率愈高,其结实的潜力也愈大,出现种子年的可能性也愈大。

    Therefore , the higher the existing rate of ripe short branch is , the greater the fruiting potential and the possibility of occurred seed year are .

  3. 以天山云杉种子年后第一年的土壤种子库为对象,采用萌发法对天山中部海拔1800~2210m天山云杉林下0~10cm深度的土壤种子库的种子储量及其垂直空间分布进行了研究。

    Taking the soil seed bank of the first year after the seed age as the object , storage and vertical distribution of soil seed bank within the depth of 0 ~ 10 cm of Picea schrenkiana Fisch . et Mey . forest were studied by using greenhouse germination methods .

  4. 种子年后原始老龄林下自然散布的兴安落叶松土壤种子极为丰富。

    There were rich seeds of Larix gmelini dispersing naturally in the soil of old-growth larch stands after a mast year .

  5. 仅仅在特别好的种子丰收年,才有较多的机会靠风来散布。

    Only during exceptionally heavy seed years is there much opportunity for wind dispersion .

  6. 新麦草种子贮藏第一年的生活力变化

    The Vitality Changes of Russian Wildrye Seeds in the First Year

  7. 种子需要七年时间才能完全发育。

    It takes seven years for the nuts to develop .

  8. 我们种植芒果种子,许多年以后,我们品尝果实。

    We plant a mango seed , and many years later we taste the fruit .

  9. 人工种子研究十年

    The ten years of artificial seed research

  10. 静电处理林木种子对苗木年高生长节律的影响

    Effects of Electrostatic Treatment of Forest Tree Seeds on the Annual Height Growth Rhythm of Stocks

  11. 不同含水量的紫云英种子库存20年后活力研究

    Research Astragalus Sinicus Seed Vigor with Different Water Content Conserved in the Gene Bank for 20 Years

  12. 因为帕尔塞福涅吃了六颗石榴种子,一年之中,她将在地府呆六个月。

    Because Perephone ate six seeds , she will live in the underworld for six months of the year .

  13. 本文还对山斗杉木种子园1990年的产量年景作了第一级预报。

    The first grade forecast of seed crop in1990 was also made for Shandou Seed Orchard of Chinese fir .

  14. 龙须草分蘖特性与禾本科多数植物类似,但是其分蘖能力极强,一颗种子苗一年可分百蘖以上。

    The tillering capacity of the Chinese alpine rush is strong , one seed can be tillering more than 100 times .

  15. 反枝苋种子埋藏三年半时间基本失去发芽能力,狗尾草埋藏五年后仍有10%的种子具有发芽能力。

    Within three years , 10 % of the green bristlegrass seeds in the soil still had the ability of germination while no seeds of the redroot amaranth survived .

  16. 白菜、萝卜种子存放5年虽然仍有80%的发芽率,但是正常苗数已大幅度下降,出苗率<40%;

    The germination rates of Chinese cabbage and radish seeds stored for 5 years reached 80 % , but their seedling emergence rates were only less than 40 % ;

  17. 基因库可能很昂贵,但是斯瓦尔巴德种子库2007年由挪威政府和全球生物多样性基金会启动证明了它们不一定是昂贵的。

    Gene banks can be expensive but the Svalbard Gene Vault initiated in2007 by the Norwegian government and the Global Biodiversity Trust shows they don 't have to be .

  18. 在绒叶干枯之后用手拔或用泥铲挖出来。每一棵绒叶植株可以产生700至17000粒种子,50年至60年之内仍然可以存活。

    Pull or dig up the dead velvetleaf after it has dried out . Each velvetleaf plant can produce between 700 to 17000 seeds and can remain viable for 50 to 60 years .

  19. 1996年从我国樟树全分布区采集50个樟树种源种子,1997年在浙江省余杭市长乐林场进行苗期试验。

    The provenance test at seedling stage was carried out at the nursery of Changle Forestry Farm in Yuhang City , Zhejiang Province in 1997 with the 50 provenance seeds collected from the distribution area fo C.

  20. 在种子贮藏三年后,对两种牧草种子的百粒重、种子的萌发特性、加速老化后种子的萌发特性以及种子的耐盐性等一系列种子活力指标进行了测定。

    Seed qualities of both of the two species were assessed in the harvesting year and after three years storage through a number of testings of standard germination , germination after accelerated aging , germination under salt stress , etc.

  21. 使锻炼的人都能有接触教练的机会这一想法使Eldeeb和Tempo的团队将最初180万美元的种子基金延长4年。

    The idea of democratizing access to trainers is what convinced Eldeeb and the Tempo team to stretch its initial $ 1.8 million in seed funding for four years .

  22. 几个灌木树种种子处理及苗木年生长过程的研究紫玉兰苗木的年生长规律

    Studies on seed treatment technology of several bush species and their seedling annual growth patterns

  23. 结果:各年份采收远志种子贮存至2004年8月份发芽率有极显著差异。

    Results : There is significance difference for germination in the seeds of different storage life .

  24. 1999年,他们获得世界冠军,并作为种子选手进入2000年澳大利亚悉尼夏季奥运会沙滩排球比赛。

    They won the world championship in 1999 and entered the 2000 Olympics as the favourites .

  25. 不同玉米种子常温保存10年后生理生化差异的研究

    Studies on difference of physiology of different maize seeds which have been storaged for ten years in normal atmospheric temperature

  26. 该草种子没有休眠期,种子寿命为三年,最适贮存年限为一年。

    The optimum storage period for the seed is one year .

  27. 本试验取材于目前国内外活力测定研究较少的蔬菜种子,选择辣椒的3个品种子1993~1995年进行了活力测定方法的研究。

    In the vigour test research , three variety have been selected in red pepper , there has been relatively little work for solanaceae vegetable seed .