
  • 网络Organic Standard
  1. 用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)研究分析了环境中的半挥发性有机标准物。

    The organic standard compounds of semi-volatility in the environment were researched and analyzed by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry ( GC / MS ) .

  2. 分析了土壤标准样。有机标准废水样的研制

    And soil samples were analyzed too . Preparation of an Organic Standard Wastewater Sample

  3. 有机标准物质在水资源调查领域的应用研究尤为重要。

    The application of organic reference materials ( RM ) is very important in the field of water resources investigation .

  4. 我们需要审视不同的农业种植方式和使用的化学药品来分别判断他们是否降到了有机标准以下,而不是强调标签。

    Instead of emphasizing labels , we need to look at different farming practices and the chemicals involved and judge them independently of whether they fall under organic standards .

  5. 介绍有机标准物质的国内外现状,论述有机标准物质的制备和定值方法。

    The status of the organic reference materials at home and abroad is introduced , and methods of the preparation and certification of the organic reference materials are discussed .

  6. 依据国家现有的有机标准评价邵阳地区的大气、水分和土壤等环境条件,实验结果表明邵阳地区适合发展油茶有机栽培。

    Based on evaluation of existing national organic standards , evaluate atmosphere , water and soil environmental conditions in Shaoyang area . Experimental results show that the Shaoyang area suitable for the development of organic Camellia Oleifera cultivation .

  7. 很多实验室对有机标准物质的时效性和溶剂效应认识不清,长时间重复使用同一支标准样品,忽视溶剂效应对仪器响应的影响,难以保证标准物质量值的准确性。

    It cannot guarantee the accuracy of the samples that people using the same ampoule of RM repeatedly and without thinking of the solvent effect of the apparatus have no clear understanding in timeliness and solvent effects of typical organic RM in many laboratories .

  8. 采用所设计的微型CT系统对有机玻璃标准样品进行了三维重建,结果表明该微型CT系统具有较高的精度,重建相对偏差在0.6%以内。

    The micro-CT system is used to reconstruct a Lucite sample first and the result shows that the system has a high precision , the relative error of reconstruction is under 0.6 % .

  9. 服务农民专业合作社推动有机农业标准化产业升级

    Farmer Specialization Cooperation Promoting Industry Upgrading in Standardization of Organic Agriculture

  10. 按照有机葡萄酒标准建设葡萄基地;

    Base construction according to the requirements of organic grape wine ;

  11. 有机茶标准化生产关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques in Standardized Production of Organic Tea

  12. 化妆品中有毒挥发性有机溶剂标准检验方法的验证研究

    Study on standard method for detection of toxic volatile organic solvents in cosmetics

  13. 含氮含硫有机物标准生成热的计算

    The Calculation of Standard Formation Heats of Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen or Sulfur

  14. 用气相色谱对不同介质中有机磷标准溶液的稳定性进行了研究。

    The stability of organophosphorous standard solution was studied .

  15. 促进有机农业标准一致化和等效性的区域合作策略

    Policies of Regional Cooperation to Promoting Harmonization and Equivalence in Organic Agricultural Standards

  16. 有机铜标准物质的研制

    The development of organo - copper standard substance

  17. 中美有机食品标准对垒阵前出口又将增壁垒

    Export will have new trade barriers in Chinese and the US organic food standards

  18. 扩散管法配制十种挥发性有机化合物标准染毒混合气体的研究

    Study on Generation of Standard Mixed Gas of Volatile Organic Compounds for Inhalation Toxicity Test by Diffusion Tube

  19. 原子吸收光谱应用有机金属标准物质测定润滑油中的铁和镍

    Determination of Fe and Ni contents in lubricating oil by atomic absorption spectroscopy using organo metallic standard references

  20. 各处理堆肥结束后的总养分含量(N+P2O5+K2O)均能满足有机肥料标准。

    The total nutrient content ( i.e. N + P2O5 + K2O ) could meet the standard of organic fertilizer .

  21. 这种鸡蛋壳上也许沾上一两个鸡毛或者形状不那么“完美”;也许达不到有机的标准。

    They may have a feather or two stuck to them or a slightly imperfect shape and they may or may not be certified organic ;

  22. 同时进行为期2年的稳定性实验,结果表明自制的有机钠标准物质稳定可靠,可以满足实际测定需要。

    The result of stability test for two years showed that the developed organo-sodium standard substance was stable and reliable , and could meet the need of actual determination .

  23. 另外,本文通过将绿色食品标准体系与国内无公害农产品、有机食品标准体系对比,得出了绿色食品标准体系的优势和劣势,为如何发挥优势、改进不足提供了数据支持。

    In addition to that , this article gives the advantages and shortage of Green Food standard system for offering data to enhance its advantages and to avoid its shortages by means of standard system contrast of Green Food and Non-pollution Food or Organic Food .

  24. 利用此法计算了一些含羰基有机化合物的标准生成热,37个可比较值的平均偏差为1.48kJ·mol(-1)。

    Some standard heats of formation of organic compounds containing carboxide are calculated by this method , for 37 compounds comparable average deviations are 1 . 48 kJ · mol ( - 1 ) .

  25. 室内挥发性有害有机物限量标准研究

    Study on the limit standard for indoor hazardous volatile organic gas

  26. 挥发性有机物混合标准气体的配制

    Preparation of standard mixture of volatile organic compounds

  27. 有机磷农药标准溶液稳定性的研究

    Studies on Stability of Organophosphorous Standard Solution

  28. 初步确定三湖第四系生物气源岩的有机碳下限标准为0.25%。

    The organic carbon minimum of the quaternary biogas source rock in Three-lake is 0.25 % .

  29. 介绍了标准化管理与计算机辅助设计有机结合实现标准化计算机网络系统的一个成功实例。

    A successful example of the standardized computer net system carried out by combining standardized management with CAD is introduced .

  30. 这个占地80英亩(即323744平方米)的农场全面按有机农场的标准来运作,里面种有蔬菜,养有羊、牛、猪和鸡。

    A large operation by organic standards , the80 acre farm grows vegetables and raises sheep , cows , pigs , and chickens .