
  • 网络Organic fruit
  1. 试着买没有化学物质的有机水果和蔬菜。

    Try to buy organic fruit and vegetables from farmers who do not use chemicals .

  2. 采购:有机食品,有机水果,豆类。

    Buy : organic food , organic fruit , beans .

  3. 采购:有机水果,有机蔬菜,有机调味料。

    Buy : Organic fruits , Organic vegetables , Organic spices .

  4. 也就是从那时候起,我喜欢上了有机水果和蔬菜。”

    That 's when I began to appreciate organic fruits and vegetables . "

  5. 有机水果和蔬菜也富含铁和锌这样有益的矿物质。

    They also had higher levels of beneficial minerals such as iron and zinc .

  6. 然而,支持有机水果的人却因实验太小型而反对这个实验结论,坚称实验不足以承担那么重的结论。

    Organic bodies have rejected the claims , insisting the trial was too small to offer meaningful results .

  7. 从购买有机水果的人群上看,喜欢有机水果的人越来越多,据统计,有30%的人经常购买有机产品,每年花费近2亿英镑。

    Some30per cent of the population regularly buy organic produce with sales put at ? 1.84 billion a year .

  8. 莱费特博士列举了数项研究,它们都表明,食用有机水果和蔬菜的母亲所诞下的婴儿较不容易患某些疾病。

    Dr. Leifert cited several studies that indicated that infants of mothers who ate organic fruits and vegetables were less likely to contract some diseases .

  9. 是真的值这个价钱?对得起他们昂贵的身价?所谓“有机水果”是指不添加任何农药以及人工化学物的水果,理论上比普通的要健康,因为,无公害嘛!

    The organic ' back to nature ' approach to gardening - doing away with artificial chemicals - will not deliver healthier or more tasty produce , it is claimed .

  10. 她自己在温室里种植绿叶蔬菜和香草,还有一个大果园,里面种植有机水果。

    She grows her own greens and herbs in greenhouses and tends a large orchard of fruit trees in an organic manner ( they can 't be certifiably organic because of their previous stewardship ) .

  11. Bernstein利用一种化学肥料种植作物已多年,她发现,可以用养鱼的废水种植有机蔬菜和水果。

    Ms. Bernstein grew plants in water with a chemical fertilizer for years . Then she discovered she could use wastewater from fish to grow organic vegetables and fruit .

  12. 种植水果蔬菜或食用有机种植的水果蔬菜将为提升提供坚定。

    Planting fruit trees and vegetables or eating of organically grown fruits and vegetables will provide fortitude to ascend .

  13. 这种叫做类胡萝卜素的有机颜料使水果和蔬菜显得黄中透红,而当人类食用富含这种类胡萝卜素的水果和蔬菜时,也会让人类的皮肤具有这种色泽。

    The organic pigments called carotenoids provide a yellow-red color to fruit and vegetables , and when consumed , to human skin .

  14. 有机磷农药在水果蔬菜中降解情况研究

    The Degradation of Organic Phosphorous Pesticide in Fruits and Vegetables

  15. 我们当地的超市供应少量的有机肥料培植的水果和蔬菜。

    Our local supermarket stocks a limited range of organic fruit and vegetables .

  16. 如果你购买用有机肥料培植的水果和蔬菜,你就必须容忍一些斑点。

    If you buy organic fruit and vegetables you have to put up with a few blemishes .

  17. 也有越来越多的家庭更喜欢自己用有机的方法种植水果。

    At the same time , an increasingly number of families are choosing to grow veg and fruit using organic methods .

  18. 目前有机蔬菜生产基地很少,产品不多,有机蔬菜、水果已成为礼品需求的时尚。

    At present there are few organic vegetables base and the lower production . Meanwhile , taking organic vegetables and fruits as gifts has been the trend .

  19. 一般说来,有机农场的产量比传统农业要少25%,但有机水果和其他多年生作物的产量几乎与传统农业一样。

    On average , organic farms produced twenty-five percent less compared to conventional farms . But yields of organic fruits and other perennial crops nearly equaled the yields from conventional ones . So did the yields of legumes such as soybeans .

  20. 到底是买本地出产但没有被标记为有机食品的农产品好呢,还是采购从三千里之外的加州、通过燃烧汽油运过来的有机蔬菜和水果好?

    Is it better for the environment to buy locally grown produce that is not certified as organic or is it better to get organically grown fruits and vegetables that must be trucked in from California , three thousand mile away .