
wàng zhěn
  • inspection;observation;observation of the patient's complexion, tongue, expression, behaviour, etc., one of the four methods of diagnosis
望诊 [wàng zhěn]
  • [inspection;observation] 四诊之一。观察病人的神色、动态、体表各部以及舌体与舌苔、大小便和其它分泌物,从而获取与疾病有关的辨证资料。一般以神色、舌诊为重点(小儿包括诊指纹)

望诊[wàng zhěn]
  1. 对中医全身望诊信息采集操作规范的思考

    Thinking on the Whole-Length Observation in TCM Information Collection Operation Standard

  2. 经络学说与中医望诊

    The Relationship between the Theory of Meridian and Inspection Diagnosis of TCM

  3. 望(观察)望诊是通过对病人的观察,来获得病人的病情。

    Inspection means to collect information about diseases through observing the patient .

  4. 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。

    The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum .

  5. 中医的望诊是什么?

    What is inspection in traditional Chinese medicine ?

  6. 适合闭锁压缩机的气流速度肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。

    Choking velocity The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum .

  7. 慢性精神分裂症望诊与阴阳性症状关系初探

    The analysis of clinical relationship between negative symptom and positive symptom in chronic schizophrenia patients

  8. 舌下络脉望诊对肺癌的诊断价值研究

    The Research on the Diagnostic Values of Observations of the Lung Cancer Patient 's Sublingual Venae

  9. 望诊:人体脏器疾患在体表的有序映射

    Inspection : the orderly projection on the surface of human body by diseases of internal organs

  10. 重点研究特殊望诊法,和治疗小儿外感发热临床经验。

    It focuses on his unique inspection method and clinical experience concerning the treatment of pediatric exogenous fever .

  11. 通过对耳穴的望诊,压诊,电测等还可用于诊断疾病。

    Diagnosis can be made by observing , pressing and measuring the electrical resistance on the auricular points .

  12. 本研究意在填补国内在中医诊断信息自动提取中有关头面望诊方面的空白。

    This research was to fill the blank on the technologies for automatically extracting facial diagnostic information in TCM .

  13. 对相邻的足部反射区的望诊、触诊结果应仔细辨认,避免判断错误。

    Careful examination is needed to distinguish the signs appeared in adjoined reflex areas in order to avoid misjudgment .

  14. 在中医诊断中,舌诊作为望诊中一个重要的组成部分,起着至关重要的作用。

    As an important aspect of inspection of TCM , tongue diagnosis plays a significant role in TCM diagnoses .

  15. 面向中医望诊的人脸图像配准经络学说与中医望诊

    Face Image Registration in Traditional Chinese Medicine Inspection The Relationship between the Theory of Meridian and Inspection Diagnosis of TCM

  16. 山根青筋望诊对诊断小儿反复呼吸道感染临床意义的初步探讨

    Preliminary Exploration into Clinical Significance of Inspection of Bluish Vessels at Nasal Root for Diagnosis of Recurrent Infantile Respiratory Infection

  17. 中医望诊在白血病护理中的意义700名健康学龄期儿童红外热像谱特征及中医望诊关联研究

    The Clinical Significance of TCM Inspection on leukaemia Nursing Correlation Between Infrared Thermogram and Chinese Medical Inspection Diagnosis in 700 Healthy School Children

  18. 舌诊是中医独特的诊断方法,是中医望诊的重要内容,为临床必察之项。

    TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ) tongue diagnosis is an unique diagnostic method , and it is an important part in TCM inspection .

  19. 舌诊是中医学望诊的重要内容,是中医诊断疾病最常用的方法和特有的经验结晶。

    Tongue diagnosis , as a common diagnostic method in Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ), is the important content of observation diagnosis in TCM .

  20. 四诊,即望诊、闻诊、问诊和切诊的总称。准确的诊断必须以四种诊断方法,即视诊、听嗅诊、问诊和触诊为基础。

    A correct diagnosis must be made on the basis of deduction by the four diagnosis techniques , that is inspection , auscultation and olfaction , interrogation , and palpation .

  21. 望面色是望诊的重要内容之一,指医生通过观察患者颜面五官的色泽变化,来判断整体及各相应内脏的健康状况,从而为我们的诊断和治疗提供依据。

    Doctors refer patients with facial features by observing the color change to determine the overall health status and the corresponding internal organs , and it provides us the basis information about the diagnosis and treatment .

  22. 舌诊,又是望诊中相当重要的一个部分,长期以来为中医诊断学的学者们所重视,在临床上,它与脉诊具有同样重要的地位。

    Tongue examination is an important part of the inspection . It has been the attention of the medical scientists of the Chinese medical diagnostics . In the clinical , it is equally important with pulse examination .

  23. 也有人认为经济学应当重在对现实具体经济问题的经验分析上,通过案例性的研究方式,为现实经济问题号脉望诊并提出医治方案;

    , and someone think that economics should pay more attention to concrete economic experience of question in reality analyze , by way of studying the case , explain the realistic economic problem and put forward the scheme solved ;

  24. 清·汪宏在《望诊遵经》中将其概括为浮沉清浊微甚散抟泽夭,称作望诊十法。

    · WANG Hong Qing in " Wang Zhen Zun Jing " will be summed up as " rise and fall voicing very scattered micro-Tuan ze yao ", known as the " Law on Inspection of 10 . " 6 .

  25. 温老早年曾首次开展以舌象诊断为主的儿童体质辨识研究,现发展为对过敏性体质患者的面部、舌象以及皮肤斑痣的望诊研究。

    In his early years , Professor Wen firstly carried out study of childhood constitution identification mainly based on tongue demonstration diagnosis . Now , she carries out observation researches of faces , tongue demonstrations and Skin stains of patients with allergic constitution .

  26. 方法:利用望诊、心脏听诊与超声检查结合的方法,对北京市122个社区点的儿童进行监测,并对已确诊病例采用病例对照研究方法进行单因素和多因素分析。

    Methods : Observations , heart auscultations and echocardiography examinations were used in the surveillance on children from 122 communities in Beijing area , and the case-control study , single-factors analysis and multi-factor synthetic analysis were applied in the diagnosed cases of the disease .