
mù jié ɡòu
  • timber structure;timber work;timber/wood construction
  1. 去年1月,在伦敦东部工作的考古学家们发现了一个不同寻常的长方形木结构遗迹。

    Then , in January last year , archaeologists working in east London uncovered the remains3 of an unusual rectangular timber structure .

  2. 中国木结构古建筑以其恢弘的气势和独特的结构闻名于世,成为东方建筑结构的代表,是宝贵的文化遗产,并对周边国家建筑的产生和发展产生了深远影响。

    Chinese ancient timber structure is world famous for its magnificence and unique structure . It has become a representative of the oriental building structures , and produced profound influence to the emergence and development of building structures in neighboring countries .

  3. 那座避暑别墅是简单的木结构建筑。

    The summer house was a simple wooden construction .

  4. 这个码头是木结构建筑。

    The pier is a wooden structure .

  5. 这幢房子是木结构的砖瓦房。

    The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick .

  6. 小型的木结构建筑可以很容易地吊起来。

    Small wood-frame buildings could be lifted fairly easily .

  7. 这个木结构的尺寸与诉讼中提到的舞台大小相匹配。

    The dimensions match those for the stage mentioned in the lawsuits .

  8. 这个木结构周围的几十个柱坑似乎与木座椅的多层结构相吻合,这些木椅层在法律文件中也有描述。

    Dozens of postholes around the structure appear to correspond with tiers of wooden seating , which were also described in the legal documents .

  9. 为了简化这一过程,几乎涵盖所有的最终使用要求的7种不同应力组合,列在2005年国家木结构设计规范(2005NationalDesignSpecificationforWoodConstruction)中。

    To simplify the process , seven different stress combinations covering virtually any end-use requirement are tabulated in the2005 National Design Specification for Wood Construction .

  10. FRP加固木结构的研究现状

    Research situations of FRP method in timber structure reinforcement

  11. 苏北意杨材性及FRP复合木结构的试验分析和研究碳纤维塑料复合材料

    Experimental and Theoretical Analysis on the Poplar and the Timber Beams Strengthened with FRP ; carbon fibre plastic composite

  12. LBA钢木结构防盗门胶粘剂

    LBA Structural Adhesive for Steel / Wood Door against Burglary

  13. 第十一届亚运会运动员村嬉水乐园工程,采用了60m跨度的胶合木结构屋盖。

    A glued laminated wood dome with 60m in diameter is used for the roof of water park in the 11th Asian Game 's Village .

  14. 结合大型工程有限元计算程序ANSYS,将古代城楼和城墙通过节点耦合起来作为一个整体结构研究。其中,有限元中的简化计算模型是:对于城楼木结构,将柱与柱础简化为铰接形式;

    The mostly work are that ancient timber structures and rampart structures are coupled by nodes as a integrated study object , according to mechanics analysis and scientific predigestion of ancient architecture , and combined the programmer of finite element analysis ANSYS .

  15. 对于Thror的地图,分庭提出的木结构和上光它。

    For Thror 's map , Chambers made the wood frame and varnished it .

  16. PFC是加拿大木结构住宅应用最广泛的结构形式。该系统具有结构简洁合理、施工快捷等特点,已经成为国外木结构住宅发展最快的结构形式和建造方法。

    The PFC is a widely adopted structure form in Canadian wood structure residence , This system has simple structure and quick construction advantages and has become widely spreading structure form and construction method in foreign wood structure residence .

  17. 木结构房屋及其室内空间(一)&让Linwood创造您的理想居室

    The houses with wooden structure and their interior room (ⅰ) Wang Jia Let Linwood create you ideal home

  18. 首先概述了中国古典建筑木结构平坐层中的附角斗;

    This article describes the Fu-jiao-dou of the support platform firstly .

  19. 浅谈中国传统建筑木结构的抗震技术特点

    Technical features of Chinese traditional timber structural architectures in seismic design

  20. 一种新型木结构墙体的热湿性能分析

    Analysis of the Hygrothermal Performance of a New Timber Structure Wall

  21. 榫卯连接的古木结构动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Ancient Wood Structures with Mortise and Tenon Connection

  22. 中国建筑体系是以木结构为特色阳的建筑艺术。

    Chinese architecture is an independent art featuring wooden structures .

  23. 雀替木结构受弯构件相似模型设计与试验研究

    Similarity model design and experimental study of flexural members in QT-wood structure

  24. 胶合木结构小型建筑结构设计原理的研究

    The Study on Designing Principle of Glued Laminated Timber Structure

  25. 某木结构楼盖的检测和加固实例分析

    Case analysis of inspection and strengthening for a timber structural floor system

  26. 木结构房屋&我国住宅的盲点

    Wooden frame houses : the blind spot of the housing in China

  27. 中国现代木结构住宅未来发展之路

    Future Development Path of Modern Wood Frame Housing in China

  28. 轻型木结构房屋在我国尚处于发展阶段,木框架剪力墙试验的目的是为我国轻型木结构房屋的推广和规范的修订提供理论和试验依据。

    Light wood-frame structures are currently being developed in China .

  29. 木结构古塔的动力特性分析

    Dynamic structural characteristics of an ancient timber tower wooden structures

  30. 世界木结构房屋研究的最新进展

    Evolutions of Research on Wood Frame Housing around the World