
  • 网络Mechanical engineering;Department of mechanical engineering;mechanical engineering department
  1. 浅谈机械工程系大学生学习方法的转变

    On the Change of Study Methods of Students from Mechanical Engineering Department

  2. 该研究小组由首尔大学机械工程系教授高承焕领导。

    The team was led by Ko Seung-hwan , a mechanical engineering professor at Seoul National University .

  3. 我于2007年毕业于华南理工大学机械工程系。

    In 2007 , I graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at South China University of Technology .

  4. 我将在今年6月份毕业于武汉科技大学机械工程系。

    I will graduate this June from the Department of Mechanical Engineering , Wuhan University of Science and Technology .

  5. 机械工程系用的是“机情不灭,斗志不懈,机械机械,战胜一切!”

    The department of mechanical engineering used " Mechanics , mechanics , full of passion , fight on ! "

  6. 我在机械工程系学了4年,这为我的理论水平打下了坚实的基础。

    I have four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and it has given me a solid theory foundation .

  7. 最酷的莫过于,科学家及耶鲁大学机械工程系前教授AinissRamirez。欢迎您参加我们的节目。

    They don 't come any cooler than Ainiss Ramirez , Scientist andformer professor of mechanical engineering at Yale University.Welcome to the program .

  8. 大学四年,我在机械工程系学习,所学的专业是金属材料及热处理。

    The university is four years , I studied in the department of mechanical engineering , specialities studied are metal material and heat treatment .

  9. 美国康涅狄格大学机械工程系电子机械系统实验室现正招募一名博士后学位研究员。

    The Electromechanical Systems Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut has a position available for a postdoctoral research fellow .

  10. 本文在宁波大学机械工程系实验室管理工作实践基础上,分析了实验教学的重要性;

    According to the practices of laboratory management in Department of Mechanical Engineering of Ningbo University , the significance of experimental education is analysed in this paper .

  11. 海军工程大学机械工程系在教学过程中注意因材施教,不断调整教学内容、教学方法,对课程的教学改革做了一些有益的探讨,收到了良好的教学效果。

    Since the Department of Mechanical Engineering has made profitable reform of the course content and teaching methods , the teaching effect turns out to be very good .

  12. 这个课程是由麻省理工学院的电机工程与电脑科学系和机械工程系共同设计发展,提供给一年级新生的选修课程。

    Designed for MIT freshmen as an elective , this course has been jointly developed by MIT 's Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering .

  13. 机械工程系主任吕坚带领研究人员利用储存在拉伸前体中的弹性能量来改变陶瓷的形状。

    The researchers led by Lv Jian , chair professor of mechanical engineering , made use of the elastic energy stored in the stretched precursors for shape morphing .

  14. 本文介绍了温州职业技术学院机械工程系在推行“双证书”制度、促进高技能人才的培养方面进行的有益实践和探索。

    This paper discusses the efforts made by the Machinery Engineering Department of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College in implementing double certificates scheme to promote the cultivation of skilled personnel .

  15. 大学的机械工程系以其一丝不苟的工作理念及刺激的学术环境而闻名,是我长久以来仰慕之地。

    The machinery engineering specialty of XXX University is famous for its square working concept and exciting academic environment , is the place which I have admired for a long time .

  16. 林先生毕业于英国伯明翰大学,机械工程及经济系(一等荣誉学位)。

    Mr Lim graduated with first class honors for Mechanical Engineering and Economics at the University of Birmingham , United Kingdom .