
  • 网络Rights structure;power structures
  1. 这正在打破传统的权利结构,让传统的阶层界限变得模糊。

    This is disrupting traditional power structures and leveling traditional hierarchy .

  2. 这正在打破传统的权利结构

    This is disrupting traditional power structures

  3. 表演者精神权利结构与本质探析

    Probe into the Structure and Nature of Performers ' Moral Rights

  4. 互相竞争的县的权利结构不容易瓦解。

    The rights structure of competing xians cannot be easily demolished .

  5. 军事后勤权利结构调整与保障效率分析

    Analysis of military logistic rights structure adjustment and support efficiency

  6. 社会秩序和谐运转,需要合理配置权利结构。

    The harmony of the public order needs a rational distribution of power .

  7. 地役权适用范围及内部权利结构

    Applicable scope and inner right structure of easement

  8. 二是所有权保留中的权利结构;

    The ownership reservation system 's right structure ;

  9. 表现为权利结构错位、逻辑不清;

    They include that the structure of rights goes wrong and the logic is vague ;

  10. 第二,优化政府的权利结构,建立科学的权利机制。

    Second , the government must optimize the right structure and set up scientific right mechanism .

  11. 制度变迁选择何种方式,主要受制于一个社会的利益集团之间的权利结构和偏好结构,我国金融制度变迁乃至整个经济制度变迁的核心在于政府供给主导型变迁让位于需求主导型制度变迁。

    The way of the change of system depends on the preference structure of the interest group .

  12. 论公司权利结构

    On Corporate Right Structure

  13. 约束竞争的权利结构可分四大类,而任何社会通常是四类并存的。

    Rights structures restraining competition are of four broad types , and they generally co-exist in any society .

  14. 但是,这无疑也是对农村妇女在乡村权利结构中的弱势地位雪上加霜。交叉任职给农村妇女进入村委会造成了许多负面影响。

    This , undoubtedly , will aggravate the position of rural women as the disadvantaged in rural power structure .

  15. 他自己本身就是支撑起教父的权利结构的一个大人物。

    He was , in himself , one of the great blocks that supported the Don 's power structure .

  16. 一种自从男人狩猎女人采集时代就建立的权利结构开始在我们眼前改变。

    A power structure that has held since the days when men hunted and women gathered is changing before our eyes .

  17. 所有权保留中的权利结构具有特殊性且极易产生冲突,出卖人享有取回权,买受人享有期待权。对权利冲突应寻找一条合理的协调途径。

    It 's right structure is special and tend to raise conflict , so one reasonable way of co-ordination should be found .

  18. 旧的权利结构和利己主义意识形态已经失去了它们的力量并将逐渐沉入海底。

    Old structures of power and ego based consciousness have lost their strength and will gradually sink to the bottom of the ocean .

  19. 最后还以表演者精神权利结构和本质为视角阐述了其法律特征。

    In the last , this article also describes the legal characteristics of performers ' moral rights in the perspectives of structure and nature .

  20. 等明年权利结构稳定下来、新政策到位之后,会有更多的信心和更多的宽容。

    Next year , when power structures are stabilised and new policies set in place , there will be more confidence and more tolerance .

  21. 这些约束可以有不同的形式,或不同的权利结构,界定着经济制度的本质。

    These restraints can assume a variety of forms or different structures of rights , which then define the institutional nature of the economic system .

  22. 权利结构的分化必然引发社会的分化,而权利的和谐必将促进社会的和谐。

    The division of right structure will bring the division of a society while the harmony of rights structure will promote the harmony of a society .

  23. 由于其产生的特殊历史背景而构建的独特权利结构,使其为后世大陆法系民法所沿袭。

    Due to its unique right structure which grows out of special history backgrounds , it is followed by civil laws of the subsequent continental law system .

  24. 在无纸化证券二元权利结构体系中,从功能上看,证券权利是实质性的权利,证券所有权是带有手段性保障特征的权利。

    In the " dual right structure " system of securities , securities entitlement is the purpose right , and securities ownership is a means of security entitlement .

  25. 最后,本文应用所提出的权利结构模型对物权债权的概念做了分析,并提出财产权的新的划分标准。

    Finally , this article analyses conception of real rights and creditor 's rights according to right structure model , and put forward the new standard of differentiation .

  26. 它凭其物质化、通俗化、图像化的文化质性植入人的日常生活,建构人的日常意识,从而助成社会权利结构的再生产。

    It implants people 's daily life and leads people 's daily consciousness through its materialization , popularization and visualization , thus helps the reproduction of social rights structure .

  27. 在一些地方,农村妇女以及村妇代会在乡村公共权利结构中的状况基本上可用无权无势来概括。

    In some places , the status of rural women and the conference of women representative in rural public right structure can be completely generalized as " powerless " .

  28. 再次,通过深化公司化治理制度,进行产权改革,明晰产权的权利结构,促使我国商业银行产权多元化。

    Again , through the deepening of the Corporate Governance system , reform of property rights , clear property right structure , prompting the diversified ownership of commercial banks in China .

  29. 进而对马克思有关经济现象的法律逻辑的思想进行专题研究,从横断面上分析马克思如何论述财产关系的属性以及对财产关系具体权利结构解读,阐明财产关系是一种法权关系;

    From a cross-sectional standpoint , the author strives to analyze the nature of Marxian thought on property relations and the specific structure of power in property relations as Marx understands it .

  30. 当前阶段所有权保留制度因其实践意义远大于理论意义而备受争议,其中争议最大的当属其权利结构的构成。

    Nowadays , the ownership reservation is controversial for its practical significance is much bigger than its theoretical significance , among which the most controversial part lays in its internal allocation of rights .