
  • Li Yuchun;【人名】Yuchun Li;give me five
  1. 《Vogue》杂志的JanelleOkwodu评价说,李宇春敢于将阳刚美与阴柔美相结合。

    Janelle Okwodu of Vogue magazine also commented that Li is not afraid to mix masculine and feminine styles in her wardrobe .

  2. 根据MTV欧洲音乐盛典的官方网站显示,李宇春是一名流行歌手、创作者和演员。她自出道以来,发行过7张畅销专辑、52首榜首单曲以及参演过三部电影。

    According to her profile on 2013 MTV EMA website , Chris Lee is a popular singer , songwriter , and actress , who has 7 best selling albums , 52 number one singles , and three films since her debut .

  3. 李宇春阳刚的一面曾一度让她饱受争议。

    That masculinity once made her controversial among the Chinese public .

  4. 除了演艺事业,李宇春还涉足时尚圈。

    Beyond showbiz , Li is a fixture on the fashion scene .

  5. 湖南卫视拒尽了《期间》周刊的采访,也不理睬对李宇春举行摄影。

    Hunan Entertainment Channel refused TIME 's requests to interview or photograph Li .

  6. 李宇春在台上处理尴尬错误的表现赢得了观众的赞扬。

    Her handling of that awkward moment onstage won her praise from viewers .

  7. 只要你下辈子还是李宇春,那我还是玉米。

    Only if you are Chris next life , I will still be a corn .

  8. 无论中国人如何看待她,李宇春已经成为中国家喻户晓的名字。

    Whatever Chinese may think of her , Lee is now a household name in China .

  9. 李宇春喜欢唱歌。

    Li Yuchun likes singing .

  10. 中国流行歌手李宇春正在建立一个新的基金来帮助患有百血病的儿童。

    Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun is helping to spearhead a new fund to help children with leukaemia .

  11. 李宇春,大家昵称其为“春春”,在2005年凭其男孩子气的风格和个性赢得了歌迷的心。

    Nicked named Chun Chun , Li won fans'hearts in the2005 contest for her boyish style and unconventional personality .

  12. 在中国的门户网站上,姚明与李宇春长相十分相似是一则由来已久的笑话了。

    The facial resemblance of Yao Ming and Li Yuchun has long been a running joke on Chinese portals .

  13. 参加本次戛纳电影节的有知名媒体人杨澜,流行歌手李宇春以及电视节目主持人李思雨等。

    Renowned names included well-known media figure Yang Lan , pop singer Li Yuchun and TV host Li Siyu .

  14. 还有人说李宇春没有出席颁奖典礼才导致了她在名单上的黯淡无光。

    Some added that Li 's absence during the award ceremony resulted in her lackluster performance on the list .

  15. 李宇春的歌迷表现出了愤怒和失望,声称这样的评选完全是闹剧。

    As Li 's fans expressed anger and disappointment , academics claimed such a selection was totally a farce .

  16. 在总决选中,李宇春和她的两位竞争对手不得不将原先安排好的曲目换成民歌。

    By the final episode , Li and her two remaining rivals had switched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs .

  17. 虽然李宇春不是典型的中国传统美女,但她有很多粉丝。

    Li Yuchun has tons of fans even though she doesn 't fit the traditional Chinese ideal of female beauty .

  18. 李宇春表示:我以前故意在舞台上表现出一种强势的形象,那让我和观众们产生了距离。

    I had intentionally projected a domineering image on stage before , which distanced me from others , said Li .

  19. 但是,李宇春确实拥有更多含义:她代表了张扬的个性,这就是她成为全国偶像的原因。

    But she is more : Li represents unabashed individuality , and that 's why she 's a national icon .

  20. 下一个歌坛的国际巨星将会在中国诞生,比如流行歌手李宇春、张靓颖。

    The next big artist will be from China . Among the popular ones are Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying .

  21. 她是一场电视才艺秀的明星,但李宇春并不是一位出色的歌手或者舞者。

    She 's the star of a television talent show , but Li Yuchun is not an outstanding singer or dancer .

  22. 昨天,李宇春的第一个广告已经尘埃落定,她将代言神州电脑。

    Yesterday , Li Yuchun got her first ads agreement signed . She will be the image representative of Shenzhou Computer .

  23. 假小子的典型代表人物2005年“超级女声”的冠军&李宇春。

    One good example of this kind of " tom boy " is the2005 Super Girl contest winner , Li Yuchun .

  24. 初选中最初李宇春被选为最漂亮的女人,紧接着是尚文捷和赵薇。

    Originally , Li was voted to be the most beautiful woman , followed by Shang and Zhao in the primary election .

  25. 而这也正解释了为什么一个名叫李宇春的21岁四川女生会成为中国最受欢迎的流行偶像。

    Which helps explain how a21-year-old Sichuanese music student named Li Yuchun has become one of the Topless ost popularbfigures in China .

  26. 经纪公司非常担心这篇报道会给李宇春扣上艺人以外的帽子。

    According to one of her many agents , they were worried the story would portray Li as more than just an entertainer .

  27. 最新剧照中,李宇春头戴宽沿斗笠,身穿素色紧袖上衣,及裸长裤。

    The latest still photos show Li in a broad-brimmed leaf hat , wearing a plain colored , tight-sleeved coat and ankle-length slacks .

  28. 最受欢迎的还要数根据全民歌唱比赛超级女声冠军李宇春得来的名字&姚宇春。

    The most popular suggestion was Yao Yuchun in reference to Li Yuchun , winner of Super Girl , a nationwide singing contest .

  29. 李宇春觉得文艺青年的精髓是坦率的生活态度,她要用她的音乐表现出来。

    Li believes that at core the literary youth are marked by an unpretentious attitude to life , which is conveyed in her music .

  30. 是的,虽然李宇春不是典型的中国传统美女,但她有很多粉丝。

    That 's true , Li Yuchun has tons of fans even though she doesn 't fit the traditional Chinese ideal of female beauty .