
  • 网络Tsung-Dao Lee;Lee Tsung-Dao;T.D.Lee
  1. 当然,有李政道和其他国际朋友的帮助,使我们少走弯路。

    It is true that with the help of Tsung-Dao Lee and other international friends , we were able to avoid detours .

  2. 杨振宁和李政道是第一个华裔诺贝尔奖获得者,五十三年来国内外学术界对他的关注从来没有间断过。

    Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee is the first Nobel Prize winners who are persons of Chinese descent , in resent fifty-three years , the attention to them from academia in China and overseas has never stopped .

  3. 最近几年李政道及其同事们已对电磁相互作用中的C守恒提出了怀疑。

    As for electromagnetic interactions , T.D.Lee and co-workers have in the last few years thrown doubt on C conservation .

  4. 试论李政道的T自发破缺理论中的真空场与W-S理论中的Higgs场的性质

    The property of the vacuum field in the spontaneous t violation theory of T. D. Lee and the Higgs field in the W-S theory

  5. 李政道猜想和P.C.T守恒定律

    T.d.lee 's guess and law of p.c.t conservation

  6. 本文用递推数列的方法研究了一个齐次的有限Markov链(Ehrenfest模型),得出与李政道著统计力学相同的结论。

    In this paper , we study a homogeneous finite Markov chain with recurrence se-quence of number , getting the sume consequences as " statistical mechanics " ( by T. D. Lee ) .

  7. 我不比别人差,我有信心!(李政道)

    I am not inferior to others . I have confidence !

  8. 李政道教授与西北大学

    Professor T. D. Lee and Northwest University

  9. 阐述了著名物理学家李政道教授的生平、学术贡献。

    Here is the interpretation about famous physicist prof.T.D.Lee 's life story and his scientific contribution .

  10. 附有李政道教授致西北大学有关方面的一些重要信件。

    Some important letters that professer T.D.Lee wrote to the prople concerned of Northwest University is attached .

  11. 由此,李政道、杨振宁的那篇获诺贝尔物理学奖的论文,也就完全丧失了立论依据。

    Yang 's paper , by which they were awarded the1957 Nobel Prize for Physics , will be utterly baseless .

  12. 李政道教授大概是揭开了科学中对称含不对称的秘密而联系到艺术中的共性原理。

    Professor Li Zhengdao may have uncovered the secret of symmetry containing asymmetry in science and have touched the common theory in art .

  13. 在提出这一著名论述的李政道先生的倡导和推动下,中国的科学与艺术事业得到了不断的发展。

    Under the advocated and promotion of Lizhengdao , who has pointed out this famous statement , Chinese science and art industry has made a continuous development .

  14. 荣获诺贝尔奖金的科学家李政道博士,丰富了我们对宇宙、对物质的基本特性的认识。

    What we know of the universe , and the fundamental nature of matter , has been expanded by the Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr. Lee Tsung-Dao .

  15. 我记得我曾访问过李政道教授在哥大物理系的小型办公室,他告诉我那曾是汤川的办公室。

    D.Lee told me a long time ago when I was visiting his " tiny " office in the Physics Building of Columbia University that the former occupant of his office was Yukawa !

  16. 李政道、丁‘肇中、杨振宁、普列高津、格拉肖、芒德尔等多位诺贝尔奖获得者被授予名誉教授或名誉博士称号。

    Nobel Prize laureates , such as Professors Chen Ning Yang , Tsung Dao Lee , Ilya Prigogine , Sheldon Glashow and Robert Mandel have been conferred Honorary Doctorates , or Honorary Professorship by the university .

  17. 李政道教授建议借鉴国外培养年轻高级人才的经验,在国内某些学术水平较高、科研条件较好的高等院校和研究机构设立“科研流动站”。

    Professor Li suggested that we should borrow the experiences of other countries for fostering promising young researchers , and set up scientific research stations in some universities and research institutions that possessed high academic level and good research conditions .