
The basic formulas are Fay-Riddell balance boundary layer stagnation point heat flux formula and Lees ' formula .
Peter Rees , one-time chief planner for the City of London , called these properties " safe-deposit boxes in the sky , " an eloquent encapsulation of the alienation of this real estate from the real city that lies below it .
Calculating the meteorological yields of grain crops , By using Lieth method , the meteorological yields of grain crops are calculated . The impact of temperature and precipitation changes on meteorological yields is predicted .
A few weeks after she , in turn , spurned his marriage offer , he proposed to another woman , Georgie Hyde-Lees , who , despite knowing where she ranked , became his devoted life partner .
Cultural origin-analysis on Li Si 's personalities described by Sima Qian
The Effect of Temperature Huang - Rhys in the Multiphonon Nonradiative Transitions
But the two conspirators quarreled , and Zhao Kao had Li executed .
I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company .
Rees was a highly self-respected townsman who never by any chance met anyone 's eyes .
Importer : I represent Reese Computer and Supply Company . We 're a high-volume , discount mail-order house .
Li caused the empire to be divided into 36 regions , each governed by a centrally appointed official .
Li Si proposed that all histories in the imperial archives except those written by the Qin historians be burned ;
Li Si was also influential in creating a unified writing system , which remained substantially the same until recent times .
When the emperor died in 209 B. C. , Li became involved in the eunuch Zhao Kao 's plot to void the proper succession .
The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .
As minister to the emperor , Li was responsible for most of the radical political and cultural innovations made in Qin after 221 B. C. .
Under his guidance the emperor standardized coinage and weights and measures and began construction of the Great Wall to keep out barbarians from the north .
Three reasons , which are his paradoxical character , the conflict with King Qin ⅱ and the effect of contradiction between Confucianism and Legalist School , lead to his tragedy .
Li Si , the only writer in the Qin Dynasty who has bequeathed his literary works to us , has played multiple cultural roles in an important transitional historical period .
In 247 B. C. he entered the state of Qin to begin almost 40 years of service under the ruler later known as Shih Huang-ti ( " First Sovereign Emperor " ) .
After the First Emperor of Qin unified the country , Li Si suggested " Officials as Teachers " and restored the model " official " education of the Western Zhou and the Spring and Autumn period .
LiSi was a propellent for the arbitrary culture policy in the Qin Dynasty . The policy experienced a developmental course , and it denied all the cultures in amenity and music , LiSi had become a negative culture part .
According to the Records of the Grand Historian , after the First Emperor of Qin annexed the State of Qi and unified China in 221 BC , his Chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing the freedom of speech , unifying all thoughts and political opinions .
Finally , in an effort to prevent the growth of subversive thought , Li in 213 B. C. forbade the teaching of history and ordered the " burning of the books , " for which he earned the opprobrium of all future generations of Confucian scholars .
The eunuch Zhao Gao and chancellor Li Si conspired to forge the emperor " s will , declaring that the emperor ordered Fusu , the crown prince , to commit suicide , and his younger brother Hu Hai , the emperor 's favorite , to succeed to the throne .
Li Si ( born 280 B. C. , Chu state , central China , died 208 B. C. , Xianyang ) was a Chinese statesman who utilized the ruthless but efficient ideas of the political philosophy of Legalism to weld the warring Chinese states of his time into the first centralized Chinese empire , the Qin Dynasty .