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  1. 13种大麦的分形学特性

    Fractal characteristic of 13 kinds of representative barley

  2. 大麦一种大麦属草本植物,生长在温和地带,终端有花,常有带芒的长穗。

    A grass in the genus hordeum , native to temperate regions , having flowers in terminal , often long-awned spikes .

  3. 大麦新品种鄂大麦7号(原品系名“24631”)是我省育成的第一个饲料大麦新品种。

    The new strain " 24631 " named E Damai No.7 is the first breeding feed barley variety of Hubei Province .

  4. 本文主要对大麦赤霉病的致病种,大麦赤霉病抗性的遗传及其与农艺性状的相关进行了综述。

    The research results of Fusarium species on barley , genetic of FHB resistance , traits associated with resistance were reviewed in this article .

  5. 采用PCR-RAPD技术鉴定16种北美啤酒大麦

    Determination of Sixteen Malting Barley Varieties in North America by PCR-RAPD

  6. 三种栽培的大麦包括普通大麦,二行大麦,不规则型大麦。

    The three cultivated species are h.vulgare , h.distichum , and h.irregulare .

  7. 种壳对大麦种子生理和成熟胚培养的影响及机理探讨Ⅱ

    Effects of hull on imbibitional physiology and the mature embryo culture of barley seeds and the study on its mechanism ⅱ

  8. 研究了种壳对大麦种子吸胀生理影响的调节作用,同时对其外植体性状的调控作用和其机制也进行了探讨。

    In this paper , we study on the regulative effects of hull on the physiological influence of imbibition on barley seeds .

  9. 事实上,你所看到的生长在田野里的每一种小麦和大麦都是由这种“诱变育种”产生的。

    Virtually every variety of wheat and barley you see growing in the field was produced by this kind of " mutation breeding " .

  10. 本实验选取了一种叶绿素缺乏大麦突变体,研究了其突变机理,证明了黄化是由于叶绿素合成缺陷引起的。

    In this experiment , we chose a chlorophyll-less barley mutant " NYB ", and find its mutation reason , that the chlorophyll synthesis in NYB is deficient .

  11. 他种了几英亩大麦。

    He cropped several acres with barley .

  12. 两种不同耐盐大麦根际中离子的分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of ions in the rhizosphere of two barley varieties with different salinity tolerance

  13. 你想想&他们是这么复杂,而且他们又在晚上出现在种着小麦、大麦、玉米的田野的中央。

    Think about it-they 're so complicated , and they appear night in the middle of fields of wheat , barley or corn .

  14. 比较了简化与不简化2种方法提取不同大麦品种根部所得的孢子数量,探讨了样品放置在超声波发生器上不同部位对休眠孢子提取效果的影响。

    The efficiencies of spore extraction affected by sample positions in ultrasonic machine was examined and the procedure to extract the amount of spores from different barley varieties was compared with the original method .

  15. 他拉平了地面,岂不就撒种小茴香,播种大茴香,按行列种小麦,在定处种大麦,在田边种粗麦呢?

    When the face of the earth has been levelled , does he not put in the different sorts of seed , and the grain in lines , and the barley in its place , and the spelt at the edge ?