
  • 网络race music;ethnic music
  1. 他表示仇恨的世界虽然被大多数美国人所轻视,但却因种族主义音乐,称号和符号而大肆传播。

    He says a world of hatred , little seen by most Americans , thrives on racist music , epithets and symbols .

  2. 调查发现,很多人都根据别人的音乐品位来判断对方的性格、价值观、社会地位和种族等,不同音乐类别爱好者的个性有着鲜明的差异。

    During the study , sample groups of subjects regularly made the same assumptions about people 's personalities , values , social class and ethnicity , based on their music taste . The profiles of fans of each of the genres was sharply distinct .