
  1. 自信的李晓霞&会小心翼翼,但不会回头

    The confident Li Xiaoxia : Walks on thin ice yet no turning back

  2. 在经历了与日本选手石川佳纯艰难的比拼之后,李晓霞为中国队拿下了第二场比赛。

    Li Xiaoxia won the second rubber for China after a tough battle against Kasumi Ishikawa .

  3. 四年前的伦敦,丁宁在被意大利裁判葆拉·邦姬妮扣掉三分之后,输给了李晓霞。

    Four years ago in London , Ding lost to Li after being deducted three points by Italian umpire Paola Bongelli .

  4. 新科奥运单打冠军李晓霞首战收到日本名将福原爱的挑战,但仍以11-69-1111-211-5.获胜。

    New women 's individual champion Li Xiaoxia started with a hard-fought win , overpowering 23-year-old Ai Fukuhara in four games : 11-6 9-11 11-2 11-5 .

  5. 李晓霞继续着中国队在乒乓球项目上的垄断地位,她以4-1的比分击败了队友丁宁获得女子单打的冠军。

    Li Xiaoxia continued China 's table tennis dominance by winning Olympic gold with a 4-1 victory over compatriot Ding Ning in the women 's singles final .

  6. 在李晓霞击败队友丁宁获得女单冠军后,张继科获得中国乒乓球队在伦敦的第二块金牌。

    Zhang dominated as China took their second table tennis gold at London 2012 after Li Xiaoxia 's win over team-mate Ding Ning in the women 's final .

  7. 在以6比11和7比11的比分输掉了前两局之后,李晓霞开始在场上展现她的统治力,没有留给石川佳纯任何机会,并最终以11比9,11比3和11比5的比分赢下了最后三局比赛。

    After losing the first two sets 6-11 and 7-11 , Li began to demonstrate her dominance on the court and left no chance to Ishikawa by winning the last three sets 11-9 , 11-3 and 11-5 .

  8. 在周三进行的2016年里约奥运会女子乒乓球单打决赛中,丁宁击败了中国队的队友、奥运卫冕冠军李晓霞,成为了新的大满贯得主。

    Ding Ning became the new Grand Slam winner of table tennis here on Wednesday after winning in full sets over defending champion Li Xiaoxia in an all-Chinese women 's singles final in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games .

  9. 面对像28岁的李晓霞这样强大的对手,丁宁在场上没有过一秒钟的放松,在比赛来到关键时刻头脑保持住了冷静,直到锁定胜局后蹲在场地上痛哭流涕。

    Facing an opponent as tough as the 28-year-old Li , Ding had not a second on court relaxed but kept cool head when it came up to decisions until she crouched in court and burst into tears after sealing the victory .

  10. 考虑到已加入德国国籍的中国选手韩莹是对方阵中最强球员,孔令辉选择了李晓霞和刘诗雯先后出战,而不是新科奥运单打比赛冠军丁宁,因为她不像自己的队友一样善于迎战削球手。

    Keeping in mind that German Chinese Han Ying is the top force on the other end of the table , Kong opted for Liu to follow up Li Xiaoxia in the opening two games , rather than newly crowned singles champion Ding Ning , who 's not as good as the duo at playing choppers .