
  • Li Yu
李煜 [lǐ yù]
  • [Li Yu] (937-978) 字重光,南唐后主。公元975年,宋灭南唐,他被封为违命侯,过了三年阶下囚的生活,终被杀死

  1. 有的现代评论家认为,李煜的词具有一定的人民性。

    According to some modern critics , li yu 's Ci poems evince a certain affinity to the people .

  2. 试论李煜诗词中的佛教文化意蕴

    On the Buddhistic Cultural Meaning of LI Yu 's Poetry

  3. 往事已成空,还如一梦中。(李煜《子夜歌》)

    Past events have turned to emptiness , becoming like things in a dream .

  4. 小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。(李煜《虞美人》)

    The east wind visited again my small chamber last night ; | I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight .

  5. 试论文本的意象空间和生命世界&兼论李煜的词

    Image Space of the Text and the Living World

  6. 抒情主人公的出现&李煜对词体的贡献

    The Appearance of The Lyric Hero & Li Yu 's Contribution to the Ci

  7. 李煜爱国思想辨析

    Comments on the Patriotic Thought of Li Yu

  8. 李煜的生活阅历对其词创作的影响

    Li Yu 's Life and His Works

  9. 李煜后期词的悲剧性及当代价值

    The Tragic Quality of Li Yu 's Poems in His Late Years and Their Present-day Value

  10. 李煜在唐宋之交的中国文化史上有着继往开来的独特地位,对宋以后的文风、士风的形成有着深远的影响。

    Li Yu had the unique position in the history of Chinese culture between Tang and Song dynasty .

  11. 李煜的觉醒虽然为时已晚,但却是可贵的。

    Although his awakening was too late to make any difference of the condition , it was still valuable .

  12. 李煜是昏庸的君主,但现在人们提起他,却总是提及他的诗作。

    Li Yu is a fatuous monarch , but now people are mentioning him , but always referred to his poems .

  13. 由是,也使得人们对李煜的认识受到严重歪曲与蒙蔽,这种错误史观一直指导着中国文化史与文学史研究。

    So it made people seriously distorted understanding of Li Yu . The misunderstanding guided the study of Chinese Thought and Culture history .

  14. 然而,词的悲怆转化成画之美感,已不属于李煜个人的身世之叹了。

    However , when the sadness in the picture turns into beauty , it is no longer belongs to Li Yu 's personal experience .

  15. 李煜、李清照,是婉约词派的代表词人,人称“词家二李”。

    Li Yu and Li Qingzhao were representatives of Chinese plaintive Ci poets and they were called " dual Li in Ci poets " .

  16. 形成这种“当行本色”审美共性的原因有两方面:一是李清照对李煜创作有意识地借鉴与继承;

    There are mainly two reasons for the aesthetic similarities : First , LI Qing-zhao draws on and inherits LI Yu 's creative style consciously ;

  17. 在高强度的外部压力下,李煜在和平时期被掩盖的游离于角色定位之外的问题最大限度地浮出水面,南唐所做的军事抵抗几乎全部是有始无终,南唐的灭亡不可改变。

    The great external pressure forced all the serious problems which was covered up in peaceful time emerged , so that all the military resistance of Nan Tang achieved nothing .

  18. 李煜后期词的悲剧特质对当代人欣赏借鉴和感悟生命悲剧,均具有比较深刻的启示意义。

    The trait of Li Yu 's poems in his late years is significant and revealing for the appreciation and understanding of life tragedies for people in the present day .

  19. 本书讲述了五代十国时期,南唐后主李煜和皇后周漪漪的爱情故事。

    The book tells a love story of Li Yu , king of the Southern Tang during the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ( 907-960 AD ), and his queen Zhou Yiyi .

  20. 从王国维的这种视角来看,李煜词的悲剧意识更为明显,这一切使李煜在中国词坛上具有独特的、朽的地位。

    From what Wang Guowei has explained , we can find that the tragic sense becomes more apparent in li 's poetry , which helps to establish li 's unique and outstanding position in the Chinese poetry field .

  21. 本文对南唐三主及其内府书画鉴藏进行梳理,尤其彰显江南后主李煜在位时期内府鉴藏在美术史中的地位。

    In this paper , the three main Southern Tang and sorted out within the government and collectors paintings , in particular , highlight the position of collectors in art history in the reign of Li Yu southern emperor of the period .