
  • 网络Lee Yuan-tseh;Lee Yuan Tseh;Yuan T. Lee;Yuan Tseh Lee;Yuan-Tseh Lee
  1. 李远哲教授说过:教育使你能更好地走下一段人生旅途。

    Nobel laureate Professor Lee Yuan Tseh said that education can improve the quality of our future journey in life .

  2. 聪智渊博谦逊亲切&访诺贝尔化学奖获得者李远哲教授

    Intelligent , Learned , Modest and Kind & An Interview with Prof. Y.C. Lee , Nobel Chemistry Laureate

  3. 在这次的演讲里可以彻底的了解李远哲整个对事对人的观点、处事态度,也让我深思

    In this speech that Lee can completely understand the whole thing on people 's views on the attitudes , let me ponder

  4. 丰厚的退休待遇便对说服李远哲离开在柏克莱的舒适职位,回到亚洲承担领导科学院的挑战起了作用。

    A generous retirement package helped persuade Lee to leave his comfortable job in Berkeley and take on the challenge of leading research institutes .