
tái wān shěnɡ
  • Taiwan Province
  1. 我国台湾省数字化学位论文资源及其特点

    Digital Thesis Resources in Taiwan Province of China and Its Characteristics

  2. 中国台湾省科学委员会简介

    A brief introduction to Science Committee of Taiwan Province of China

  3. 以银染法AFLP分子标记技术用5对引物组合对来自福建武夷山市、安溪县、台湾省和广东潮安县45份乌龙茶品种资源进行遗传多样性分析。

    Genetic diversity in 45 Oolong germplasms collected from three provinces , Fujian , Guangdong and Taiwan was evaluated by AFLP fingerprinting based on silver staining technique using 5 primer combinations .

  4. CNN特派员爱丽娜·秋:这个服饰品牌得到时尚设计师们梦想得到的帮助。第一夫人米歇尔在就职晚宴上穿着吴季刚设计的单肩礼服,让出生于台湾省、当时27岁的吴季刚一夜之间成为明星,13个月过去后……

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : The brand got the boost fashion designers dream of when First Lady Michelle Obama wore Wu 's one-shoulder gown on inauguration night . That made this Taiwanese-born 27-year-old an overnight star . In the 13 months since then ...

  5. 台湾省纺织界的科技开发动态

    The Trend of the Scientific Researches on Textile Development in Taiwan

  6. 台湾省地震速报和地震早期警报系统的进展

    Progress on earthquake rapid reporting and early warning systems in Taiwan

  7. 台湾省丝绸业扩大采用大陆生丝

    Taiwan Silk Industry plans to Expand the Use of Mainland Raw Silk

  8. 台湾省九年一贯课程改革鸟瞰

    Perspectives into the Reformation of Nine-year Consistent Curricula in Taiwan

  9. 台湾省水文资料库系统简介及几点认识

    Introduction and recognition on hydrological database system of Taiwan province

  10. 计算机数学模拟的应力集中区与台湾省强地震分布区基本一致。

    The simulated high stress area coincides with distribution of strong earthquakes .

  11. 台湾省地层多重划分对比研究

    Multiple Classification and Correlation of the Strata in Taiwan Province

  12. 中国台湾省石化工业现状及发展

    The Status and Development of Petrochemical Industry of Taiwan Province , China

  13. 台湾省的特色水产养殖业与工业化养鱼

    Special Aqua culture and Industrialized Fish Farming in Taiwan Province

  14. 对台湾省出口66亿美元,增长31.7%;

    To Taiwan Province 6.6 billion US dollars , up 31.7 percent ;

  15. 台湾省利用赤眼蜂防治蔗螟和玉米螟

    Using Trichogramma spp. to control sugarcane and corn borers in Taiwan Province

  16. 上海农业与日本及台湾省农业的比较研究

    Comparative study on agricultural development among japan , Taiwan Province and Shanghai

  17. 台湾省拟引进大陆纺织科技人才

    Taiwan Intends to Absorb Qualified Textile Technical Staffs from Mainland

  18. 台湾省7月29日大停电事故的教训和启示

    Lessons and Enlightenment from the Blackout in Taiwan Province in July 29th

  19. 台湾省区域与城市均衡发展政策评析

    A Critical Review of the Balanced Regional and Urban Development Policy in Taiwan

  20. 台湾省机床工业掠影

    A Brief Survey of Taiwan 's Machine Tool Industry

  21. 台风“麦德姆”正在向西北移动,逐渐逼近位于北端的台湾省。

    Typhoon Matmo is currently tracking northwest toward the northern tip of Taiwan .

  22. 有什么有关台湾省地震的最新消息吗?

    What 's the latest news about the earthquake in our Taiwan province ?

  23. 台湾省的梅雨及其研究

    The mei - yu in Taiwan and its research

  24. 台湾省谈海峡两岸化纤工业

    Taiwan Talks About Man-made Fibre Industry on both sides of the Taiwan Strait

  25. 台湾省淡水特优产品养殖现状分析

    Products Taiwan Freshwater Aquiculture of important Species Analysis

  26. 台湾省行政长官公署建立与撤销缘由考

    On Establishment and Abolishment of Taiwan Administrative office

  27. 台湾省有7所大专院校设有森林系、科;

    Colleges have offered forestry departments and specialities .

  28. 我国台湾省炼油和乙烯工业简述

    Refinery and Ethylene Industry in China Taiwan Province

  29. 台湾省玻璃钢工业的考察

    Observation report for Taiwan Province FRP Industry

  30. 台湾省把发展高级纤维纳入发展计划

    Advanced Fibres Brought into Taiwan Development Programme