
  • 网络River Tiber;tiber;Tevere;the Tiber River
  1. 意大利中部一城市,位于罗马北部、俯瞰台伯河的丘陵地带。

    A city of central Italy on a hill overlooking the Tiber River north of Rome .

  2. 台伯河已不再是漫溢平原的泛起泡沫的急流。

    The river Tiber was no longer a foaming torrent overflowing the plains .

  3. 我过河到达特拉斯特维雷区(Trastevere)——此区声称是原汁原味的罗马人所居住,而且是在台伯河对岸建造所有历史建筑的工人聚居的地方。

    I cross over the river to Trastevere - the neighborhood that claims to be inhabited by the truest Romans , the workers , the guys who have , over the centuries , built all the monuments on the other side of the Tiber .

  4. 还包括其他一些著名的河流,如台伯河、阿迪杰河以及亚诺河。

    Other well-known rivers include the Tiber , Adige and Arno .

  5. 意大利首都及最大城市;濒临台伯河;天主教会的首府;曾是罗马共和国和罗马帝国的首都。

    Capital and largest city of Italy ; on the Tiber ; seat of the Roman Catholic Church ; formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire .

  6. 据说这位教皇把圣彼得的钥匙抛了进台伯河,声言此后会用圣保罗的剑。

    This was the pope who was said to have thrown into the Tiber the keys of St Peter , with a declaration that he would thenceforth use the sword of St Paul .

  7. 我们要是听从防卫军首领切里的建议,拆毁横跨台伯河的桥梁,或许能在特拉斯维莱区困住敌军,争取时间重新组织战斗力量。

    Had the bridges across the Tiber been destroyed , as the head of the defense force , de ceri , had advised , we might have trapped them in the Trastevere and held them off for long enough to regroup into some kind of fighting force .