- official language

Chinese was established as an official language of the United Nations in 1945 .
English and Chinese are the official language of the Symposium and workshop .
Using a formal language that serves to correlate the business design and information systems often reveals just how contradictory , inefficient , and complex non-SOA systems can be .
One of the reasons Google 's code base is so clean and homogeneous is that they 've standardized on C + + , Java , Python and JavaScript as the only official languages for production work .
Once you have the conceptual base expressed in a semi-formal language such as SKOS , it 's a matter of your own good XML design sense and creativity to incorporate it into a schema .
Even today , many French expressions occur in traditional ceremonial language .
Another difference between formal andinformal language is some of the vocabulary .
Formal language is different from informallanguage in several ways .
First , formal language tends to be more polite .
What is the official judging language of fencing ?
To define a formal language , you need more than terms and meaning .
French is the official language of fencing .
You would also useformal English in compositions and essays that you write in school .
Formal language is the kind of language youfind in textbooks , reference books and in business letters .
There are bound to be some wordsand phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal .
It is important not to confuse in formal and more academic language , or use words which are inappropriate .
( informal ) leaving no balance . English and Chinese are the official language of the symposium and workshop .
These kinds of formal languages are usually created only when there is a significant consequence to misunderstanding a particular term .
While WHO gives priority to its official languages , it recognizes that the world 's people live and work in many more .
The B & H team is well versed in both Chinese and English , while the official language of the organization is English .
Since the adoption of a1998 resolution , all Governing bodies documents and corporate materials have been made available online in all official languages .
Plaques surrounding the statue , written in the six official languages of WHO , state that this victory was made possible by all nations working together .
The second part must be written in any of the six official UN languages ( Chinese , English , French , Spanish , Arabic and Russian ) .
The budget resolution also foresees significant additional efficiency savings amounting to US $ 22 million and includes the phased introduction of Russian as a language of the Organization .
While all essential content is available in the six official languages , technical content-with the intention of rationalizing the use of resources-is deliberately published only in some languages .
McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary , and proposes no radical education reforms & he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful .
The position papers are published in the Weekly Epidemiological Record in English and French and translated into the other WHO official languages : Arabic , Chinese , Russian , and Spanish .
This very high style is only used in very limited contexts , but it is still important to recognise this kind of formal language and to know its less formal equivalent .
My customer and I agreed that it might be worthwhile to spend a day going through some technical requirements and build a formal language for an architecture that could realize those requirements .
The official language of the contract is English and in the event of any conflict with another language version of any document comprised in the contract the English version of the document concerned shall take precedence .