- 名regular tetrahedron

[regular tetrahedron] 具有四个面的正多面体
A Recursively Configured Interconnection Network ── Regular Tetrahedron Recursive Network
The geometric properties of regular tetrahedron decide that it can not fill space with compact .
The energy calculations for the body - centred regular tetrahedral and the centred square structures of H - 5
The X-ray result indicates that 2 is dinuclear oxygen-bridged Cr ( II ) complex in a tetrahedrally distorted square-planar coordination geometry .
Hausdorff Dimension of Sierpinski Block Generated by Normal Tetrahedron
When they arrange alternatively in space , the central Si atoms can keep the tetrahedron structure , which is in a good agreement with the real structure of silicon crystal .
In this paper , the regular tetrahedron algorithm and the n-side regular prism algorithm were discussed , according to the geometric properties of spheres and polyhedral angles and by using the method of stepwise covering .
There is a corresponding relation between a mapping point ( D lattice point ) in the RT ( regular tetrahedron ) and a DNA sequence ( Zhang , 1991 ) .
The particularly active effect of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) was probably due to the capability of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) to form regular tetrahedron chelate compounds .
First of all , when the five-dimension reduction representation with the five d orbits wave-functions as the base functions is converted to an un-reduction representation , the energy splitting in tetrahedron crystal field can be obtained .
The concept central chirality , which is founded on the van 't Hoff 's hypothesis of tetrahedral configuration of carbon atom , has been widely used until now .
Compared with the calculated results of oxygen atom , molecules O_2 and O_3 , it is found that both geometric structures of O_4 are possible , but the structure of square is more favorable .
Algebraic approach to stretching vibrational spectra of tetrahedral molecules
Design and Characteristics Test for Micro Tetrahedral Loudspeaker
And so now I have hydrogens at the four corners of a tetrahedron .
Tetrahedron-based octree encoding generate 3D FEM
This paper presents a recursively configured interconnection network-regular tetrahedron recursive network , which is applied to message-passing , memory-distributed multicomputers .
The calculated results suggested that coordination number of Si atom can change from 4 to 6 during alkaline hydrolysis process of TEOS .
By boundary attraction the mesh boundary approached the domain boundary and inner-domain boundary , the spring and equilateral tetrahedron approach method optimized the mesh structure effectually .
Accurate station keeping is demonstrated in experiments with our four-DOF underwater vehicle and the observed target which is a regular tetrahedron with four ball-like culminations in our indoor water tank .
This paper tries to generalize the throwing objects from the one dimension pin to the convex curve in two dimension , and even the three dimensional regular tetrahedron and regular hexahedron .
The essential characteristic and determination method of two types of phase diagrams for the multicomponent systems were studied . One is pseudo ternary phase diagram , and the other is n-tetrahedroid quaternary phase diagram .
Based on the plane wave model of sound propagation , the direction finding formulas for a cross array and regular tetrahedron array are derived in a vector analysis method . And their various locating properties under the condition of the effective sound velocity variation are analyzed .
A Variational Calculation of Equilateral Triangle H-3 and Tetrahedron H-4
At last , the cases of three dimensional surrounding sound systems with cube array and triangular pyramid array models by using these formulas are illustrated for example in this paper .