
zhènɡ liù biān xínɡ
  • regular hexagon
  1. 正六边形孔夫朗禾费衍射图样的分析

    The analysis of the diffraction pattern of the regular hexagon aperture

  2. 车床上加工正六边形工件的新方法

    A New Method to Machine Regular Hexagon Workpiece By Lathe

  3. 紧凑正六边形DGS低通滤波器设计

    Compact Low Pass Filter Using Regular Hexagon Shape DGS

  4. 近百年来,国内外采掘工业凿岩工程用中空钎钢,只有正六边形(Hexagon)和圆形(Round)两种。

    In the past 100 years , both the domestic and overseas excavation industry employed only hexagon and round hollow rock drill steels for rock drilling engineering .

  5. 用3D有限元数值模拟技术,通过对铝质正六边形蜂窝胞元壳进行模拟,将其结果与公式的计算结果相比,两者非常接近,证实了理论分析的有效性。

    Finally the calculated results with ' derived formulas are coincidence with 3D finite element analysis results . Finally , the result with a numeric simulation method verifies that the theoretic model in this paper is accurate and efficient .

  6. 介绍了格子气自动机模型的特点,建立了具有完全对称性的7-Bit正六边形格子气自动机模型。

    The characteristics of lattice gas automata model are analyzed .

  7. 该微结构光纤经过显微镜放大和CCD采样到计算机得到的图片表明:光纤中空气孔基本均匀,并且微孔点阵基本呈现正六边形排列。

    From the photos of the microstructure optical fiber obtained by microscope and through CCD sampling to computer , we could find that the air holes are distributed uniformly , what 's more , the micro-holes lattices are just hexagon on the whole .

  8. 针对以上问题,本文主要工作和创新点如下:(1)提出一种基于正六边形像素的扇束等距滤波反投影(FBP)快速CT图像重建算法。

    The main work of this paper is as follows : ( 1 ) We propose a fast filtered backprojection ( FBP ) algorithm , which is based on regular hexagonal pixels , for CT fan-beam involving collinear equispaced detectors .

  9. XRD和SEM分析表明,合成的复合材料中存在ZrB2和Al3Zr颗粒,颗粒大小为1~4μm,ZrB2颗粒的截面形貌接近于正六边形,且在基体中均匀分布。

    The results show that there exist ZrB_2 and Al_3Zr particles with size of 1 ~ 4 μ m uniformly distributed into the synthesized composites , in which the sectioned morphology of the ZrB_2 particle is similar to regular hexahedron .

  10. 知道了正六边形的面积,就可以换算出a了。

    Knew the area of hexagon , can change cipher out a.

  11. 小眼面呈正六边形,仅在复眼与眼柄交界处有四边形和五边形的小眼。

    But at border of eyestalk there were pentagon and quadrangle .

  12. 由正六边形复合空馈子阵组成的高增益宽频带印刷天线阵

    A High-Gain Broadband Printed Antenna Array Consisting of Hexagonal Compound Air-Fed Sub-Arrays

  13. 本文提出了一种静态密钥管理方案&基于正六边形的密钥预分配方案。

    The proposed hexagon-based key predistribution scheme belongs to static key management schemes .

  14. 新型有序分布正六边形小区结构的设计

    The Design of the Novel Orderly Distributed Hexangular Cell

  15. 正六边形二维场域电位的有限差分算法

    Electric Potential Finite Difference Method of Two-Dimension Static Fields of a Regular Hexagon

  16. 包层空气孔为正六边形的塑料光子晶体光纤色散特性分析

    Analyses of Dispersion Properties of Photonic Crystal Fibers with Regular Hexagonal Cladding Air Holes

  17. 正六边形离散余弦变换图像编码

    Hexagonal Discrete Cosine Transform lmage Coding

  18. 通过对比几种基于部署知识的分组模型,确定了正六边形的分组模型。

    By comparing several group models using deployment knowledge , we choose the hexagon group model .

  19. 首先为正六边形网格提出了一种简单而新颖的二维逻辑坐标系。

    First , it proposes an intuitive and simple two-dimensional logical coordinate system for hexagonal grids .

  20. 有关正六边形点阵结构数字图像的研究

    Research on Hexagonal Sampled Digital Images

  21. 提出了蜂窝纸芯正六边形边长值对压缩性能的影响。

    The influence of side length value of regular hexagon on compression characteristics of honeycomb paperboard core was discussed .

  22. 目前研究得比较多的模型一般分为两种:圆形和正六边形。

    At present , most researches on Wireless Sensor Networks model are generally divided into two types : round and hexagonal .

  23. 以正六边形的镇静、智、固和体积感,象征企业诚实可信,良性发展。

    Hexagon is to be calm , sensible , solid volume and a sense of honesty and credibility symbol enterprises , it says .

  24. 以正六边形阵列为例,分析了在不同湍流强度或者传输距离时,抖动对远场造成的的影响。

    The influence of jitter on far-field also been given with different turbulent intensity or transmission distance based on a hexagonal-shaped laser array .

  25. 该方案有效地利用了正六边形来模拟无线传感器节点的信号传输情况,通过构建传感器蜂窝网络来分配密钥多项式,从而提高传感器节点间建立直接或间接对等密钥的概率。

    It makes use of hexagon to simulate the signal propagation area and builds cell network of sensors to distribute the key polynomials .

  26. 提出了一种基于正六边形网格的分层网络结构,研究了在监测区域面积给定情况下的最优网络分层问题。

    A layered network architecture based on regular hexagonal cells is introduced , and the optimal layers are studied in given monitoring areas .

  27. 设计了一种夹心式纵弯复合振动模式超声换能器,该换能器由纵向夹心式压电超声换能器与弯曲正六边形薄板组成。

    In this paper , a longitudinal-flexural composite mode ultrasonic transducer composed of the sandwich longitudinal mode ultrasonic transducer and the flexural regular hexagon plate is studied .

  28. 结合共面波导馈电和分形天线的优点,设计了一种共面波导馈电的正六边形分形缝隙天线。

    As to the advantages of CPW ( coplanar waveguide ) and fractal antenna , a hexagon slot antenna is designed , which is excited by CPW .

  29. 又设计了简单正六边形结构的平坦双零色散高非线性光子晶体光纤,并且测试了高非线性光子晶体光纤的非线性。

    A flatted dispersion and highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber with simple hexagonal structure is designed , and the nonlinearity of highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber is tested .

  30. 本文根据园内接正六边形的性质,提出了400米半园式田径场增加基准点的设想。

    According to the characteristic of a circular inseribed regular hexagon , this paper proposes an idea of bettering the400-metre semi-circular trackfeld ground by adding base-points to it .