
háng kōng qì
  • aircraft;aerobat
航空器[háng kōng qì]
  1. 第十一条从事国际航行的航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,机长、船长或者代理人必须向过防检查机关提交旅客名单;

    Article 11 When an aircraft or a vessel international routes arrives at a Chinese port , the captain or his agent must submit a passenger name list to the frontier inspection office ;

  2. STEP在航空器设计上的应用测试

    Applying . The Demonstration of STEP in Aircraft Design

  3. 姿态控制系统(CS)件负责维护航空器的姿态。

    The Attitude Control System ( ACS ) software is responsible for maintaining the attitude of the spacecraft .

  4. 一种基于Bezier曲线的航空器滑行模拟算法

    A Simulation Algorithm of Controlling Taxing of Aircrafts Based on Bezier Curve

  5. 一般将可能损伤航空器或系统的某种外来的物质,称为跑道异物(ForeignObjectDebris),简写为FOD。

    Some kind of foreign substances which may damage the aircraft or system are called Foreign Object Debris , abbreviated as FOD .

  6. 差速齿轮(不包括非发动机内部零件的机动车辆和航空器零件)X被A中某个非零元零化。

    Gear , differential ( excl. motor vehicles and aircraft parts , not internal parts of engines ) X is killed by some non-zero element of A.

  7. G20峰会期间,小型航空器和空飘物在部分区域完全禁飞。

    In some areas , small aircraft and flying objects are totally banned during the summit period .

  8. 最小的是MAV(微型航空器)。

    The smallest is the MAV ( Micro Air Vehicle ) .

  9. 基于NS-2的航空器通信仿真模块的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Aircraft Communication Simulation Module Based on NS-2

  10. WTO《民用航空器贸易协议》旨在追求民用航空器贸易自由化,要求参加方不得用与WTO规定相抵触的方式来限制民用航空器进口。

    The " Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft " is to pursue liberalization of trade in civil aircraft and to require parties not to use approaches inconsistent with WTO .

  11. 这家公司名叫“泰坦航空”(TitanAerospace),是一家成立仅有一年、已获风投注资的航空器设计公司。它上周推出了两款无人机:Solara50和Solara60。

    Titan Aerospace , a one-year-old venture-backed aircraft designer , last week unveiled its Solara 50 and Solara 60 unmanned aircraft .

  12. 雷达精度与飞行安全方面,本文首先建立了雷达测量误差模型和航空器近距离进近概率模型,然后根据雷达管制自身特点对EVENT模型进行了改进,建立了雷达水平间隔模型。

    This thesis firstly establishes error distribution model of radar measurement and aircraft close approach probability model and then improves the EVENT model according to the radar control system features to build up radar horizontal separation model .

  13. 理解CAAC和FAA的相关条例,熟悉民用航空器维护和检验的流程;

    Understanding relevant CAAC , FAA requirements and be familiar with aircraft maintenance and inspection skills and techniques ;

  14. 为克服过顶限制,发展出X-Y天线座应用于航空器和低轨卫星的全半球跟踪。

    To overcome zenith-passing limitation , an X-Y pedestal architecture has been developed to track aircraft and LEO satellites over the entire hemisphere .

  15. 最低雷达引导高度(MVA),是指空中交通管制员实施雷达引导航空器运行的最低高度。

    Minimum Radar Vector Altitude ( MVA ), means that the minimum altitude of air traffic controllers implementing the radar vectoring for aircrafts .

  16. 空中交通管制服务(ATC)是空中交通服务的主要部分,空中交通管制服务的任务是防止航空器与航空器相撞及在机场机动区内航空器与障碍物相撞,维护和加快空中交通的有序流动[1]。

    ATC is the main part of air transportation services . The task of ATC is to maintain the order of air transportation and to prevent the crash of airplane .

  17. ADS-B技术可以应用于雷达覆盖盲区的航空器运行监视。

    The ADS-B technique can be applied to monitor the aircraft operating in the fade area of the radar .

  18. 随着在浙江杭州举行的G20峰会的临近,浙江省政府实施了管理无人机等小型航空器和空飘物的措施。

    With the approach of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou , Zhejiang , the provincial government has imposed rules to manage small aircraft and " flying objects " - including unmanned aerial vehicles .

  19. FCC委员会调查和研究产品安全性的各个阶段以找出解决问题的最好方法,同时FCC也包括无线电装置、航空器的检测等等。

    FCC Commission to investigate and study the various stages of product safety in order to find the best way to solve the problem , while FCC also includes radio equipment , aircraft testing and so on .

  20. 整车NVH性能主观评价的模糊综合评判模型这里研究民用航空器维修可靠性的模糊综合评价问题。

    Subjective Evaluation of Automobile 's NVH Performance Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Research on the estimate of the reliability of maintenance of civil air craft .

  21. 第一次大规模目击UFO是在1896年的美国,据说当时有一群来自加利福利亚的人在去中西部地区的途中看到了神秘的航空器。

    The first mass sightings of UFOs in the United States came in 1896 , when a number of people from California to the Midwest reported seeing mysterious aircraft .

  22. 根据OECD的规定,高技术产业主要包括航天航空器制造业、电子及通信设备制造业、电子计算机及办公设备制造业、医药制造业和医疗设备、仪器仪表制造业等行业。

    According to the regulations of OECD , high-technology industries include the industry of aerospace and aircraft , electronics and communication equipments , computers and office equipments , medicine and medical equipments and instruments .

  23. 总垂直误差(TVE):航空器实际飞行的气压高度和指定的气压高度(飞行高度层)之间的垂直几何差值。

    Total Vertical Error ( TVE ): Vertical geometric difference between barometric altitude in actual flight of aircraft and designated barometric altitude ( flight level ) .

  24. 因此需要保证在进入MNPS空域之前,该空域内飞行的航空器使用准确的时钟并将时间调整为世界协调时。

    It is therefore essential that pilots conducting flights in MNPS Airspace utilize accurate clocks and synchronies these with a standard time signal based on UTC , prior to entering MNPS Airspace .

  25. 微型扑翼飞行器(FMAV)作为一种新概念的航空器,有着广泛的功能和用途,已经受到了各国的高度重视。

    Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle ( FMAV ), as a new conceptual vehicle , provides a variety of functions and uses and has attracted much research attention in industrial nations .

  26. 结合D.S证据理论,进行信息融合。最终得到航空器飞行安全质量评估结果。

    By the D.S evidence theory , to fusion the information and to achieve the final aircraft flight safety quality key .

  27. 交通信息座舱显示(CDTI),其主要功能是向飞行员呈现周围航空器的交通信息。

    Cockpit display of traffic information ( CDTI ), is used to convey the aircraft traffic information around to the pilots .

  28. GPWS(近地警告系统)作为保证航空器飞行安全的重要电子设备,其产生的故障对飞行的影响是十分巨大的。

    GPWS ( Ground Proximity Warning System ) is an important aviation electrical equipment which is used to ensure flight safety , its faults have great impact on the flight safety .

  29. 航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会(AOPA)的数据显示,截至今年6月底,全国有5047人持有无人机驾驶证。

    By the end of June , 5047 people in China held a drone certificate , according to statistics from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association ( AOPA ) .

  30. 其质量体系是根据中国民用航空条例CCAR-145《民用航空器维修单位合格审定规定》的要求建立起来的,其目的是为了保证部件维修后的持续适航性。

    Its quality system is established in accordance with CCAR-145 : Certification of Maintenance Organization for Civil Aircrafts , which guarantees the airworthiness of the repaired parts .