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léi zhèn yǔ
  • thunderstorm;thundershower;thunder shower
雷阵雨 [léi zhèn yǔ]
  • (1) [thundershower;thunderstorm]

  • (2) 伴随着闪电和雷鸣的阵雨

  • (3) 比喻一场纠纷,一场争吵

  • 他想:今晚上的雷阵雨恐怕是免不了啦

雷阵雨[léi zhèn yǔ]
  1. 雷阵雨马上就要来了。

    A thunder shower is coming up .

  2. 第二天,如果没有雷阵雨,所有的人就会来帮着用耙子把割下来的草收拢到一起,装上高高的干草车往谷仓拉,芬和埃弗里则坐到了车的最顶上。

    Next day , if there was no thunder shower , all hands would help rake and pitch and load , and the hay would be hauled to barn in the high hay wagon , with Fern and Avery riding at the top of the load .

  3. 好像要下一场雷阵雨。

    It seem as if there 'll be a thunder shower .

  4. 早晨的气象报告预测当天下午有雷阵雨。

    The morning forecast predicted thunder showers later in the day .

  5. 这经常会下雷阵雨,而不是小雨。

    There is always rain with thunder here instead of weak rain .

  6. 看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨。

    It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower .

  7. 气象台说今晚有雷阵雨。

    The weatherman said that there was going to is a thunderstorm tonight .

  8. 一天晚上我们碰上了一场雷阵雨。

    One night we were caught by a thunderstorm .

  9. 雷阵雨伴有雷声和闪电的短促暴雨。

    A brief rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning .

  10. 周五部分地区晴,可能有雷阵雨。

    Partly cloudy , chance of thunderstorms on Friday .

  11. 雷暴,雷阵雨,风暴,闪电。

    Thunderstorms , Thundershowers , Storm , Lightning .

  12. 在夏天通常是很干燥的,偶尔会出现雷阵雨。

    In the summer often it is dry , occasionally there will be thunderstorms .

  13. 雷阵雨暂时驱散了游泳的人。

    The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers .

  14. 下午常常下雷阵雨。

    There are often thunderstorms in the afternoon .

  15. 雷阵雨暂时驱散了他们。

    The thundershower had temporarily scattered them .

  16. 雷阵雨在逐渐平息。

    The thunder shower 's subside .

  17. 就是引起雷阵雨的云。

    The clouds that produce thunderstorms .

  18. 第二天,他们赶上一场雷阵雨,被浇湿了。这个陌生人病倒了,几天之后便死去了。

    The next day they got wet in a thunderstorm.The stranger fell ill and died a few days later .

  19. 天气预报表示,暴雨引起的大浪有可能达到16英尺的高度,并使内陆地区出现雷阵雨天气。

    The storm created waves that forecasters said could reach 16 feet while sending scattered thundershowers across inland areas .

  20. 很遗憾地通知大家,由于航路有雷阵雨,航班将延误3个小时。

    I regret to inform you that this flight will be delayed for 3 hours due to a thunderstorm en route .

  21. 从台湾萍蓬草釉绿叶片上的水色,彷佛可以听见夏季午后雷阵雨的响动。

    During summer , the green leaves of the yellow water lily seem to echo the thunders of the afternoon shower .

  22. 这种情况令人感觉是一个阳光灿烂而又有点气闷的夏天,明媚的风光是一场遥远的雷阵雨的前兆。

    One was put in mind of a brilliant , slightly stifling summer day whose beauty is the harbinger of a distant thunderstorm .

  23. 夏季多雨,雷阵雨频繁,昼夜酷热,雨后通常凉爽宜人。

    The summer season is characterised by frequent rain and thunderstorms , very hot days and nights , usually cooling-off after the rain spells .

  24. 地面上会出现非常高的地表温度,但是很干,但偶尔会很湿润当雷阵雨突如其来的时候。

    The ground will experience very high surface temperatures , be mostly dry , but occasionally very wet when thunderstorms come frequently in short bursts .

  25. 在大气中,静电场在晴天、特别是雷阵雨时自然产生。

    In the atmosphere , static electric fields ( also referred to as electrostatic fields ) occur naturally , in fair weather , and especially under thunderclouds .

  26. 九月除了在地形高的地方偶尔会短暂午后雷阵雨以外几乎不下雨。

    September it rarely rains except for a rare , wandering afternoon thunderstorm that can produce lightening and moderate rain for a while at the higher elevations .

  27. 结果表明,41.6%的雷阵雨、61.3%的冰雹以及58.5%的雷暴大风发生在15&20时之间。

    The results show that 41.6 % thunder showers , 61.3 % hail events and 58.5 % gale wind gust events occurred in the period from 1500 BST to 2000 BST.

  28. 东北冷涡是影响吉林省的主要天气系统之一,夏季常造成吉林省的雷阵雨天气,有时甚至会出现区域性的暴雨、大暴雨天气。

    Northeast cold vortex is one of the major weather systems that impact Jilin Province , which often causes thundershowers in summer of Jilin Province , sometimes there is a regional storm or heavy rain .

  29. 响雷之后必有阵雨!

    There is rain after thunder .