
  • 网络Lei Jun;CEO
  1. 正如苹果已故创始人乔布斯(SteveJobs)那样,小米董事长雷军每次也都身着深色T恤上台主持高级别的小米产品发布会。

    Like the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs , Xiaomi 's chairman sports dark shirts and presides over high-profile product releases .

  2. 雷军表示,小米去了为苹果(Apple)的iPhone生产金属边框的几家公司,询问能给小米生产出什么样的边框。

    Mr. Lei said Xiaomi went to the same companies that made the metallic-framed Apple iPhone to see what they could do for him .

  3. 雷军告诉记者,三十年前他正是在一台苹果II电脑上学习了编程知识,他还说沃兹尼亚克是他的偶像之一。

    Mr. Lei told reporters that he learned computer programming on an Apple II three decades ago and that Mr. Wozniak was one of his role models .

  4. 小米的CEO雷军在11月28号当众展示了小米的虚拟助手小爱,而一些人说这简直就是火车事故现场。

    Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun 's presentation of Xiaomi 's virtual assistant Xiao Ai on Nov. 28 was described by some as a train wreck .

  5. 手机只是一个载体,雷军说,微软用包装在纸盒里的光盘来销售Windows,难道这就表示微软是纸盒公司吗?

    The mobile phone is only the carrier , Lei said . Microsoft used to sell Windows in a box with a CD in it . Does that make Microsoft a paper box company ?

  6. 每当推出新产品时,小米的首席执行官雷军甚至也会穿上牛仔裤和黑上衣,这与已经过世的史蒂芬·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)经常穿着的标志性服装很相似。

    When introducing new products , Xiaomi 's chief executive Lei Jun even dresses in jeans and dark shirts , similar to the iconic outfit repeatedly worn by the late Steven P. Jobs .

  7. 总部位于北京的小米科技创始人和首席执行官雷军,经常被称为“中国的史蒂夫?乔布斯(SteveJobs)”。

    Lei Jun , founder and chief executive of Beijing-based Xiaomi , is often referred to as the " Steve Jobs of China , " write Yingzhi Yang and Yuan Yang in Beijing .

  8. 在销售上,雷军还寄望用实体店补充网上销售——也就是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等科技巨头追求的无缝“新零售”——以及征服印度等新市场。

    Mr Lei is also banking on the combination of supplementing online sales with physical stores , the seamless " new retail " being pursued by the likes of tech giant Alibaba , and conquering new markets , specifically India .

  9. 该公司的粉丝踊跃参加了这次发布会,大家都期待听到小米创始人,雷军的产品推介。雷军会在台上讲话,其风格近似苹果公司的史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)和蒂莫西·库克(TimothyCook)。

    The event was packed with the company 's fans , all eager to listen to the sales pitch of Xiaomi 's founder , Lei Jun , who spoke from a stage much in the style of Steve Jobs and Timothy Cook of Apple .

  10. 小米的联合创始人兼首席执行官雷军表示,他们希望为小米手机上的移动应用创建一个生态系统--这是苹果首创的一项战略,但价格较高的iPhone在印度市场上份额很小。

    Lei Jun , Xiaomi 's co-founder and chief executive , said the company wanted create an ecosystem of mobile apps for use on its smartphones - a strategy pioneered by Apple , whose more expensive iPhones are barely present in the Indian market .

  11. 智能手机巨头小米创始人雷军同意此观点,将AlphaGo的取胜描述为人工智能领域的突破。

    Lei Jun , founder and chairman of Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi Corp , agreed , describing the win as a breakthrough in artificial intelligence .

  12. 的李彦宏,还有智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)的雷军。尽管沈南鹏主要以投资闻名,但他也是一名互联网创业家,他是做得非常成功的中国旅游网站携程网(Ctrip)的创始人之一。

    And , while Shen is now primarily known as an investor , he , too - as one of the founders of Ctrip , the hugely successful Chinese travel website - was an internet entrepreneur .

  13. 每年,身穿牛仔裤、运动鞋和黑色圆领T恤的雷军都会站在一群欢呼雀跃的观众面前,发布小米(Xiaomi)最新的产品。这家公司是他5年前创立的。

    Every year , dressed in jeans , trainers and an open-necked black shirt , Lei Jun stands before a cheering crowd to unveil the latest product of the company he founded half a decade ago .

  14. 这款大小为5英寸的手机配备高分辨率的屏幕、2.5GHz高通处理器以及据雷军称超过竞争对手机型的续航能力。

    The five-inch phone features a high-definition screen , a 2.5-gigahertz Qualcomm processor and a battery that Mr. Lei said was bigger than the models offered by rivals .

  15. 雷军还是一位闲不住的风投资本家,他在2014年至2016年间投资了56家初创企业,其中包括社交平台YY直播和互联网浏览器UCWeb。前者是中国当下十分流行的各种直播平台的鼻祖,后者于2014年被阿里巴巴收购。

    Mr Lei is also a serial venture capitalist , who invested in 56 start-ups between 2014 and 2016 , including social platform YY , the originator of China 's now-ubiquitous live-streaming platforms , and UCWeb , a web browser bought by Alibaba in 2014 .

  16. 雷军当时说,有必要,然后集结了一队人马。

    Mr Lei said it was , and assembled a team .

  17. 雷军,小米公司创始人、董事长兼首席执行官

    Lei Jun : Founder , Chairman and CEO , Xiaomi Corp

  18. 雷军很快辞职,称自己感到身心疲惫。

    Mr Lei promptly quit , saying he felt exhausted .

  19. 小米公司董事长雷军似乎一直在阅读对小米手机的评论。

    Xiaomi Chairman Lei Jun appears to have been reading his reviews .

  20. 雷军称这个案子是一家年轻公司的成年礼。

    Mr. Lei called the case a rite of passage for a young company .

  21. 雷军:人工智能是互联网经济的下个引爆点

    Lei Jun : AI will be the next technological tipping point of internet economy

  22. 雷军补充说道,每个季度米家都会推出该生态系统的一个新产品。

    There would be a new product from this ecosystem each quarter , Lei added .

  23. 雷军称这个案子是一家年轻公司的“成年礼”。

    Mr. Lei called the case a " rite of passage " for a young company .

  24. 雷军说道,除了生产智能手机,它也在“建立创业公司”。

    In addition to making smartphones , it also " makes start-ups , " Lei said .

  25. 他提到,他与中国智能手机新秀小米的创始人雷军吃过饭。

    He mentioned that he had dinner with Lei Jun , the founder of the Chinese smartphone upstart Xiaomi .

  26. 雷军表示,小米以每15天一家公司的速度投资了55家公司。

    He said Xiaomi has invested in 55 companies , at a speed of one company each every 15days .

  27. 时年40岁出头的雷军早已是一名亿万富翁,享受过作为初创企业创始人的成功。

    In his early 40s then , he was already a billionaire and had enjoyed success as a start-up founder .

  28. 据雷军介绍,此举旨在通过区分小米本身和它的生态系统合作伙伴的产品。

    The move is aimed at differentiating products made by Xiaomi itself and its ecosystem partners , according to Lei .

  29. 中国企业家雷军于2010年创立了小米,以接近成本的价格销售高端手机。

    Started in 2010 by Chinese entrepreneur Lei Jun , closely held Xiaomi sells high-end phones for prices close to cost .

  30. 雷军在第三届世界互联网大会上表示,智能手机要与大量的人工智能技术相结合。

    Speaking at the third World Internet Conference , Lei said smartphones would need to integrate a large number of AI technologies .