
máo mao yǔ
  • drizzle;drow
毛毛雨 [máo máo yǔ]
  • [drizzle] 指很小的雨

毛毛雨[máo mao yǔ]
  1. 云层压低,开始飘起了毛毛雨。

    Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle

  2. 毛毛雨现在已经停了,太阳正破云而出。

    The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through .

  3. 雨很快就会停的——这只不过是毛毛雨。

    It will stop in a minute — it 's only spitting .

  4. 我冒着毛毛雨走回了家。

    I walked home in the drizzling rain .

  5. 雨几乎停了,现在只是在下毛毛雨。

    The rain has almost stopped , it 's just drizzling now .

  6. 毛毛雨下了一夜。

    It drizzled throughout the night .

  7. 阵雨越来越小,最后变成了毛毛雨。

    The shower tailed off into a drizzle .

  8. 毛毛雨?看看我的衣服,它们全湿透了。

    Drizzling ? Look at my clothes , they 're soaked .

  9. 安排在与辣根选矿的盛肉盘和毛毛雨。

    Arrange on a platter and drizzle with the horseradish dressing .

  10. 对呀,下毛毛雨,到处是泥泞污水,这表明秋天来到了。

    Yes , autumn is here with the drizzle and slush .

  11. 我喜欢下雨,尤其是毛毛雨。

    I like the rain , especially when it 's drizzling .

  12. 他总把老师对他的批评当成是下毛毛雨。

    He always took his teacher 's instructions as drizzle .

  13. 外面正在下毛毛雨,路面滑得很。

    It 's drizzling out and the roads are slippery .

  14. 已经下了一个下午的毛毛雨了。

    The rain has been drizzling down all the afternoon .

  15. 毛毛雨细而似雾的雨;毛毛雨。

    To rain in fine , mistlike droplets ; drizzle .

  16. 将出现大雾,伴以整夜的毛毛雨。

    It 'll turn quite misty , with drizzle overnight .

  17. 冰冷的毛毛雨正在下。我们正在等着雨停下了。

    We are waiting for the rain to stop .

  18. 第一天下雨的日子,不是毛毛雨而是大雨。

    You get yourself , not a drizzle , but some honest-to-goodness rain .

  19. 虽然下着毛毛雨,我还是可以拍到一些照片。

    Although it is drizzling , I still able to take some photos .

  20. 虽然那天早上下着毛毛雨,后来却转晴了。

    The day came off , though it had drizzled early in the morning .

  21. 我想天要开始下毛毛雨了。

    I think it 's starting to spit .

  22. 明天要下雪(雨、毛毛雨、阵雨)。

    It 's going to snow ( rain , drizzle , shower ) tomorrow .

  23. 整日在时停时续地下着毛毛雨。

    It drizzled off and on all day .

  24. 有点毛毛雨,所以他们说,可能不能放烟花。

    It was drizzling , so they said they might not do the fire works .

  25. 一天是蓝色天空和温暖的阳光,下一天是冷冷的,毛毛雨的天。

    Blue skies and warm sunshine one day , and cold , drizzly rain the next .

  26. 雾和毛毛雨使能见度降低,有时更令航空和渡轮服务中断。

    Fog and drizzle can sometimes disrupt air traffic and ferry services because of reduced visibility .

  27. 又见《毛毛雨》&国家大剧院上演《毛毛雨》的意义

    See Again " Drizzle " & Significance of " Drizzle " Staged in National Grand Theatre

  28. 冰冷的毛毛雨正在下。

    A cold drizzle was falling .

  29. 开始下起了一阵毛毛雨。

    Light drizzle began to fall .

  30. 那是个星期二,下着毛毛雨……

    It was a drizzly Tuesday .