
  • 网络Materials Innovation
  1. Piñatex,或者说“素皮革”,是卡门•伊卓莎博士及其材料创新公司AnanasAnam的发明。

    Pi ñ atex or " vegan leather " is the invention of Dr. Carmen Hijosa and her innovative materials company , Ananas Anam .

  2. 关于提高我国信息功能材料创新能力的探讨

    Exploration on Enhancing Innovation Capability of Functional Information Materials in China

  3. 从汽车材料创新展望纳米复合材料产业化

    Developing Strategies of Nanocomposite Industrialization from the Successful Commercial Application of Automotive Material Innovations

  4. 本文主要探讨了家具材料创新与家具风格创新的相互影响和关系等内容。

    This paper mainly discussed the interaction and relationship between the materials and style innovation .

  5. 把产品材料创新与制造工艺设计作为传统工艺产业工业设计的重要组成部分。

    Take product 's material innovation and manufacture technics design as the important parts of industrial design on traditional craft .

  6. 在进行多种可能性实验之后,积累各种经验,从而达到材料创新的目的,创作出有感染力的纤维艺术作品。

    The possibility of conducting a variety of experiments , the accumulation of experiences , so as to achieve the purpose of innovative materials , create infectious fiber art .

  7. 在产品设计领域,材料创新始终是一个活跃的话题,然而究竟应该如何创造性的发挥材料的价值设计出满足需求的产品,这一直是世界各国设计师讨论的焦点。

    In product design area , how to find an innovative way to apply material is always an active topic . And designers all over the world focus on this field for all the time .

  8. 并对黑龙江省玉米育种未来发展提出建议和展望:加强育种基础材料创新研究,抗病,抗逆性育种研究,生物技术的研究与应用,耐密品种的选育等方面研究工作。

    The suggestions were made to develop maize breeding in Heilongjiang province : Such as intensifying the research on germplasm breeding , the disease-resistent and stress-resistent varieties , applying bio-technology in breeding and breeding density-tolerant varieties .

  9. 试析建筑装饰材料的创新表现与客家文化元素的结合

    Innovative Representation of Architectural Decoration Materials Combined with Hakka Cultural Elements

  10. 加强实验教学,培养无机非金属材料工程创新人才

    Cultivation of the Talented Students in Inorganic Materials by Enhancing Experiment Teaching

  11. 小麦品种突破的基础与对策&从目标和材料的创新探讨超级麦选育

    Countermeasure and Foundation for Breaking through in Wheat Variety

  12. 春谷(粟)抗粒黑穗病优良种质材料的创新研究

    A Study on Creating Excellent Material Resistant to Kernel Smut of Foxtail Millet

  13. 非常卓越的工业配套材料,创新的静电释放技术及稳定持久的性能。

    An innovative low ionic static dissipative material with exceptional long life that is unsurpassed in the industry .

  14. 最后,结合其它新型佛教建筑的成果,提出了福建佛教建筑在技术与材料方面创新。

    Finally , combine achievement on other new type of Buddhist Architecture , The dissertation propose Fujian Buddhist Architecture innovate from technology and material .

  15. 建筑整体构架尊重传统,就像周边其它农业建筑一样,融入环境,同时在材料上创新。

    An out-scaled structure , like the agricultural buildings that surround it , the house is both traditional in its morphology and innovative in its use of materials .

  16. 高技术有色金属新材料产品创新能力确定了行业企业的市场竞争地位。

    The developing space of internal new high tech materials in non ferrous metal industry was studied , and the production innovation of these materials was also put forward .

  17. 由于目前对于纳米材料的创新在整个领域迅速蔓延,我预测,在未来十年,纳米材料将占发达国家的药品的很大一部分。

    Considering the innovations that are now spreading quickly throughout the field , I predict that nanomaterials will comprise a large fraction of the pharmaceuticals developed over the next decade .

  18. 通过研究首饰艺术的各个方面:材料的创新和选择、主题表达、工艺的完成及计算机高科技应用等与科学的关系,揭示首饰研究不仅要研究其艺术性,也要进行其科学性研究。

    By the study of jewelry creating on material , motif and form , making technology and the apply of computer , it can reveal that jewelry studying is not only as art , but also as science .

  19. 因此玉米育种工作应加强基础材料的创新,从而拓宽种质资源,解决玉米育种种质资源缺乏,遗传基础狭窄的问题。

    So the corn breeding work should strengthen the innovation of the basic material , thus widen the germplasm resources , to solve the short of the corn breeding germplasm resources and the problem of the genetic base narrow .

  20. 借鉴传统纹样进行设计,要确立自己的主题,选择能符合自己主题的元素,通过造型改变,或在设计,材料的创新等等手法,将其合理的融入自己的设计中。

    Examples of traditional tracery planning to establish their own topic and choose to conform to the subject of the elements , casting allows changing or in design and innovation and so on , be reasonable in his own design .

  21. 科技的进步、新材料的创新和先进加工工艺的提高,为新产品的制造提供了物质基础和技术可能,市场的巨大需求又成为新产品创新的不竭动力。

    The progress of science and technology , the new material innovation and advanced processing technology , increase to manufacture products provide the material foundation and technology may , the vast market demand and become an inexhaustible source of new product innovation .

  22. 改革实践教学培养金属材料工程专业创新型人才

    Reforming practice teaching-cultivation of the innovative talents of metal material engineering specialty

  23. 复合材料轿车参与创新设计和制造

    Role Played by Composite Materials in Car Designing and Manufacturing

  24. 关于研究开发材料强韧化创新技术的设想

    An Assumption for Developing the Innovation Techniques to Strengthen and Malleablize Materials

  25. 弹性斜坡&景观设计中的材料与技术创新及其启示

    Enlightments of Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Design in Flexible Slope

  26. 高技术有色金属新材料的产品创新探讨

    Production innovation of new high-tech materials

  27. 通过选用节能材料、应用创新的工艺等,可以使围护结构的节能达到标准要求。

    By selecting energy-saving materials and the innovative technology , energy-saving standard for envelop structure can be achieved .

  28. 造型只是产品设计的一个因素而已,创新应包括功能、结构、材料使用的创新。

    The shape is only one of product design factors . The innovation should wrap expands the function , structure and material usage innovation .

  29. 我们邀请全世界的个人,公司,组织,政府机构向第一届“材料保护读者创新年度大奖评选”提交你们的创新产品。

    We invite individuals , companies , organizations , and government agencies worldwide to submit nominations for the first annual MP Readers'Choice Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award .

  30. 然后通过从设计观念与工艺技术的引入对自然材料进行了创新性的设计思考,并对其提出了三种总体性的设计原则。

    The third part come to a innovative thinking of natural material and put forward three design priciples over leading into the concept of design and art technology .