- 网络Leverage fund;leveraged fund

There 's an opportunity here as you 're getting in cheaper to the leveraged fund as people are fearful of leverage , he argues .
Despite its trailing 12-month yield of 8.27 per cent , the leveraged $ 827m fund was down 13.65 per cent year-to-date as of August 21 .
The Carlyle Group yesterday admitted that it had failed to save its troubled $ 22bn mortgage-backed securities fund less than eight months after floating the heavily leveraged vehicle on Euronext Amsterdam .
Hangover from the 2005-2008 mega-lbo fund environment ;
The next stage will be a run on thousands of highly leveraged hedge funds .
That leaves the highly leveraged funds heavily reliant on their prime brokers for borrowing .
Venture capital has been overshadowed in recent years by the rapid rise of big leveraged buy-out funds .
His leveraged flagship fund , Advantage Plus , was down by31 % for the year on August5th , and has probably sunk further since , says a disgruntled investor .
Haunted by losses suffered after the bursting of the dotcom bubble , venture capitalists in Britain have struggled to escape the idea they make lower returns than their bigger LBO cousins .
And in addition to leveraged hedge funds , brokers and structured vehicles that could be forced to sell assets quickly , there are institutions with lending facilities that must be renewed in 2008 and 2009 .
Gilligan says that , for this reason , Killik is avoiding investing in any highly-leveraged funds or companies , as it believes the financial crisis will continue for some time .
But few of these are running " actual " hedge funds that is private funds charging performance fees , hedging with futures and using leverage .
Some highly leveraged funds saw returns down by more than two-thirds .
Cheap leverage made it all the easier for big hedge funds to dominate daily market movements .
Retail investors have poured cash into mutual funds that buy junk bonds and leveraged loans but there have been few mergers and acquisitions to finance .
The ECB 's backing for a centralised register – updated daily or even more frequently – could reinvigorate the debate among global regulators about how best to deal with the risks posed by highly leveraged hedge funds .