- 网络Lever operation;Leverage Operation;de-leveraging

According to a senior German official , Berlin wants to ensure that a leveraged € 440bn eurozone rescue fund is up and running before considering new IMF resources .
If you consider a stock to be undervalued , you can go long with a CFD on leverage and benefit from a rise in its share price ( or possibly lose if the underlying share price falls ) .
The loss guarantee programme aims to leverage the € 250bn remaining in the EFSF to cover more than 4 to 5 times the value of bonds than if the fund purchased the bonds outright .
Not all leverage is cheap , either .
Embedding Deeply in International Supply Chain
But those funds are managed by guys who know a thing or two about leverage .
In addition , the industry has combined computing power and leverage to create a burst of innovation .
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Reverse Leverage for Embedding in the International Supply Chain & Analysis of Going Out Strategy for Chinese Manufacturing Enterprise in International Competition
The group also leveraged those profits , building up debts of $ 10bn amid upcoming maturities of $ 2bn in 2010 , according to Barclays Capital .
He says one byproduct of the financial crisis is that the use of leverage disguised as investment returns , which became the norm , is no longer possible .
Even if Goldman and Morgan Stanley could have convinced the market of their future as standalone investment banks , investors and regulators would still have insisted on less leverage .
Even after triggering a global economic collapse , and having to be rescued at taxpayers'expense , bankers wasted no time going right back to the culture of giant bonuses and excessive leverage .
Mr Kiesel says : " the prices of mining and energy companies has fallen much more than the price of underlying commodities which suggests a massive unwind of leverage from investors . "
The report states that loans of increasingly poor quality have been made and then sold to the gullible and greedy , the latter often relying on leverage and short-term funding to further increase their profits .
The similarity is evident : large inflows of foreign capital ; torrid credit growth ; excessive leverage ; bubbles in asset prices , particularly property ; and , finally , asset-price collapses and financial catastrophe .
Goldman has always been at one extreme of that debate , insisting that revenues and returns would improve even after the crisis and the ensuing tide of regulation that has damped risk-taking and constrained leverage .
Because the derive tools can be used in not only hedging risks but also using level to operation and with a lower cost of trading , enterprises in different countries used them increasingly in past twenty years .
If we are wise and fortunate , in the future we will have corporate governance , capital standards and monetary policy regimes that better constrain the dangerous build-up of excessive leverage among consumers , banks and governments .
It has raised more than $ 6bn from governments to spur gains in energy efficiency ; by leveraging that sum with private money , the bank claims to have backed $ 50bn worth of projects in 45 countries .
The implication was that the crisis flowed from a failure of corporate governance to curb bonuses and of regulation to rein in leveraging of bank capital to levels that made the banks vulnerable to a break in housing prices .
An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever .
In the mid-1930s , he was convinced that President Franklin D. Roosevelt would succeed in stimulating the US economy , and he again used margin to leverage his personal portfolio .
Widespread deleveraging is thus still the order of the day .
A lot of this has been forced develeraging by hedge funds , which have been selling anything liquid to help finance the fall in the value of their less liquid assets .
Faced with such a loss of visibility and a shortage of external finance , chief executives had no option but to put fixed investment on hold , and de-lever in order to reduce their dependence on the banks .
But there is only the slightest of chances this is the outcome . Once investors decide this is not an apocalypse , equities could snap back ( deleveraging by funds sensitive to volatility might prompt more declines first ) .
But the risk in diversifying is that the senior management takes its eye off their core business or does not have the skills that can replicate the success in , say , LBOs into another area .
A system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle ; the steering gear pushes the steering linkage left or right which swivels the front wheels causing the vehicle to turn . The handle inputs rotation upon the link rotated .