
  1. 我在私底下穿的板鞋都是在舞台表演用的。

    The only sneakers I wear multiple times are the ones I wear on stage .

  2. 我国板鞋竞速运动的现状与发展对策研究帆板运动竞赛中直线速度的重要作用

    Research on the Development Actuality and Countermeasures of the Board-shoe Racing Sports of China Brief Analyses on the Vital Function of Straight-line Speed in Sailboarding Sports

  3. 科研队伍的建设是促进竞技水平提高的重要因素,为板鞋的进一步发展提供有效的参考建议。

    Two , the construction of scientific research team is an important factor to promote the competitive level , and provide effective suggestions for further development of shoes .

  4. 从学校体育的角度引入板鞋,体育教学是弘扬民族传统体育文化发展板鞋竞速的重要途径。

    Four , introducing the shoes from the school physical education , physical education is an important way to develop the national traditional sports culture development board shoes .

  5. 为了板鞋竞速运动健康、可持续发展和向高校推广,丰富高校校园文化体系,加强高校间的交流与合作。

    In order to exercise health , sustainable development , in order to bring the Board-shoe Racing sports extended to colleges and universities , a rich campus culture system , strengthen exchanges and cooperation among colleges and universities .