
jí xiàn mǎ lā sōnɡ
  • ultra-marathon
  1. TalkUltra播客创建者伊恩科利斯(IanCorless)说,自己从铁人三项赛“升级”至了极限马拉松赛。

    Ian Corless , who produces the Talk Ultra podcast , says he graduated to ultra marathons from triathlons and Ironman races .

  2. 多次参加极限马拉松的老手尼克猠德(NickMead)曾说自己之所以参加,是因为现代生活太过舒适与安逸,他渴望更大的人生挑战。

    Nick Mead , a veteran of many ultra marathons , says he runs because modern life is too easy , too comfortable , and he craves something more challenging .

  3. 中国极限马拉松运动员陈盆滨在北京完成了“挑战100——一执跑”一百天一百个马拉松的壮举。

    Chinese ultra-marathon runner Chen Penbin completed a feat of running 100 marathons in 100 consecutive days .

  4. 狡猾、弹性好的蝎子喜欢极限运动、马拉松赛跑、国际象棋等能考验其勇气且要求策略和耐力的运动。

    The cunning and resilient Scorpio enjoys sports that test their mettle and require strategy and endurance . Investigate extreme sports , marathon running or chess .