
  • 网络Great dane;Great Dane
  1. 大丹犬妈妈辛苦地在一胎产下17只小狗宝宝之后,终于如释重负。

    This Great Dane has her work cut out after she gave birth to17 puppies .

  2. 如果你梦到的是大丹犬,那么可能是身高六尺四的朋友,还可能暗示他们给出的帮助。

    So if it is a Great Dane , it might be your friend who is six foot four and that can also indicate the type of help they are giving .

  3. 四岁的大丹犬哈尼亚出神的盯着相机的镜头,发散着母性的光辉,为了不让小狗们饿着,她每隔一段时间就会喂一次奶。

    Gazing adoringly at the camera , four-year-old Hania feeds her puppies around the clock to ensure they don 't go hungry .

  4. 因为资源有限,汉默公司雇了一只名叫上校的大丹犬和一位名叫玛格丽特的美术设计师用乳胶和兔毛来制作地狱之犬的面具。

    With their limited , if enterprising resources , Hammer had employed a Great Dane called Colonel , and a production artist called Margaret to fashion a mask of latex and rabbit fur to create the hound from hell .

  5. 大丹狗、拳犬、和短毛猎犬,(这些狗)常常为警察工作,帮助抓捕罪犯。

    Great Danes , Boxers , and Doberman Pinschers sometimes work with the police to help catch criminals .