
dà lì shì
  • Hercules;strong man;man of unusual strength;people of unusual strength
大力士 [dà lì shì]
  • (1) [Hercules;people of unusual strength]∶具有强大体力的人

  • (2) [strong man]∶有武功的力量很大的人

  • 马戏团中的大力士

大力士[dà lì shì]
  1. 萨姆是个著名的大力士。

    Sam is noted for his strength .

  2. 他是个大力士。

    He is a man of muscle .

  3. 大力士喜欢炫耀自己的膂力,酷嗜锻炼肌肉之类的运动。

    Strong man exults in his delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action .

  4. 他的职业生涯始于英国皇家空军(raf),作为一名“大力士”运输机(hercules)飞行员,他曾参与了人道主义和疏散飞行。

    Breeze began his career in the RAF and , as a Hercules pilot , was involved in humanitarian and evacuation flights .

  5. 大力士是缓慢的,通常不会拉多少水分从天空,也没有与此A-10型雷电二。

    The Hercules is slow and doesn 't usually pull much moisture from the sky , and neither does this A-10 Thunderbolt II .

  6. 26岁的俄勒冈州尤金小伙儿Milton看着四个大力士将高51/2英尺、周长19英尺的彩色橡胶团推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,进行官方称重。

    Milton , 26 , of Eugene , Ore. , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored , rubbery mass 51 / 2 feet high and19 feet around onto a giant scale in downtown Chicago for the official weigh-in .

  7. 临时伦敦人乘坐的火车本身就将充当事实上的办公室:与郊区通勤列车完全不同的是,欧洲之星(Eurostar)、法国TGV高速列车和大力士高速列车(Thalys)可以保证你有一个座位和一张折叠桌板。

    The trains that carry occasional Londoners will themselves act as de facto offices : the Eurostar , French TGVs and Thalys , in utter contrast to suburban commuting trains , guarantee you a seat and a fold-out table .

  8. 26岁的俄勒冈州尤金小伙儿Milton看着四个大力士将高51/2英尺、周长19英尺的彩色橡胶团推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,进行官方称重。

    Milton , 26 , of Eugene , Ore. , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored ( 3 ) , rubbery mass - 5 1 / 2 feet high and 19 feet around - onto a giant scale in downtown Chicago for the official weigh-in ( 4 ) .

  9. 女人就像是大力士参孙和迷惑他的妖妇黛丽拉的合体。

    Women are like samson and delilah are rolled into one .

  10. 斯巴达国王雷奥尼达:我斯巴达人是「大力士」的后裔。

    Spartan king leonidas : we Spartans have descended from Hercules himself .

  11. 大力士的较量&2004北京国际车展商用汽车秀

    The competition among giants-commercial vehicle showcase in 2004 Beijing International Automobile Exhibition

  12. 你喜欢大力士赫尔克里斯吗?为什么?

    Do you like hercules ? Why or why not ?

  13. 这样大力士拾起金苹果跑回去见国王了。

    Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the king .

  14. 哦,瞧啊,艾芙莲和她的大力士在这,乔伊。

    Oh , look . evelyn 's here and her giant , joey .

  15. 你刚刚吵醒了个熟睡的大力士。

    You 've just awakened a sleeping giant .

  16. 他是具有超凡力气的大力士。

    He is a man of great might .

  17. 他是一个大力士。

    He is a man of giant strength .

  18. 韩佳,你看,我像不像唐朝的大力士?

    Han Jia , do I look like a giant of the Tang Dynasty ?

  19. 这名大力士把铁棍弄弯了。

    The strong man curved the iron bar .

  20. 杰夫:我说的是有趣的世界大力士赛。

    Jeff : I will tell you something about the interesting world strong man competition .

  21. 传说古代奥运会的创办者是宙斯儿子&大力士赫拉克勒斯。

    It is said that Hercules , son of Zeus , originated the ancient Olympic Games .

  22. 2002年我没有参加力量举比赛,而是去尝试女大力士比赛。

    Instead of going to the2002 WPC Worlds , I tried my hand at Strongwoman contests .

  23. 世界大力士冠军赛

    2005 world 's strongest man competition

  24. 参孙是个大力士。他让他自己被像大力拉的耶洗别带入歧途。

    Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like delilah .

  25. 因为我是大力士嘛!

    Well because I am Hercules !

  26. 《大力士》中的菲罗克忒忒斯也是长着犄角和双蹄的形象。

    Philoctetes in " Hercules " is also displayed in this form , with horns and cloven-feet .

  27. 很少有人知道大力士张湘祥在最终获得他的第一枚奥运金牌前要克服的障碍。

    Few people know the obstacles strongman Zhang Xiangxiang had to overcome before finally winning his first Olympic gold .

  28. 2011年5月20日,爱沙尼亚塔林,20名大力士成功拖动了2万吨邮轮“波罗的海女王”号。

    On May20,20 of Estonia 's strongest men successfully hauled the20,000-ton cruise ship Baltic Queen in Tallinn , Estonia .

  29. 他竟然两次败在乳臭未干的小子手下,大力士的名声从此一落千丈。

    He had lost his reputation as a strong man , having been defeated twice by a mere boy .

  30. 在神话里,命中注定无法战胜赫拉克勒斯的尼米亚雄狮最终倒在了大力士的面前,死后成为天上的狮子座。

    The same thing rings true when the ? Nemean Lion representing Leo in the mythology finally fall to Hercules .