
xiǎo ér kē
  • Pediatrics;paediatrics;department of paediatrics
小儿科 [xiǎo ér kē]
  • (1) [department of paediatrics]

  • (2) 医院中治疗儿童各种疾病的一科

  • (3) 比喻被人瞧不起的行当或价值不大、不值得重视的事情

小儿科[xiǎo ér kē]
  1. 鲁毅兹的儿子达各,最近住在医院的小儿科病房里。

    Hector Ruiz 's son Diego is currently in the paediatrics ward at the hospital .

  2. 这事儿对他来说简直是小儿科。

    It is just a child 's play for him .

  3. 这点儿钱对富人来说不过是小儿科。

    This amount of money is of little value to wealthy people .

  4. 他这人也太小儿科了。

    He is such a miser .

  5. ICU的护理人员操作后洗手依从性为21.2%,小儿科护理人员操作后洗手依从性为61.5%。

    The compliance rate in ICU is21.2 % and it is61.5 % in pediatric units .

  6. 吴博士是位于SantaMonica加州大学洛杉矶分校和整形外科医院的小儿科主任。

    Dennis Woo , chair of pediatrics at Santa Monica-UCLA and Orthopaedic Hospital in Santa Monica , Calif.

  7. 他是全Westchester最好的小儿科医师。

    He 's the best pediatrician in Westchester .

  8. 目的特发性矮小症(ISS)是小儿科常见病,近年来随着生活水平的不断提高,在学龄期矮小症中的比例却越来越大。

    Objective : Idiopathic short stature ( ISS ) is a common disease which has an increasing proportion in the short stature of the school-aged children in recent years .

  9. 为了这个目标,美国小儿科学会(AAP)鼓励小儿科医师在自闭症小孩两岁前筛检两次;

    To that end , the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) is now urging pediatricians to screen every child for autism twice by age2 .

  10. 周一发表在《美国医学会小儿科期刊》上的一篇评论文章中,西北大学芬格堡医学院(NorthwesternUniversityFeinbergSchool)儿科副教授古普塔(RuchiGupta)告诫孕期妈妈,不要因为担心孩子会染上坚果过敏症而避免食用坚果。

    In an editorial also published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics , Ruchi Gupta , associate professor of pediatrics at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine , counseled pregnant mothers against avoiding nuts for fear of causing their children to develop nut allergies . '

  11. 我们需要带我们的儿子去看小儿科医生。

    We need to take our son to see the pediatrician .

  12. 但其中一堆似乎都很小儿科。

    But a great number of them appear to be puerility .

  13. 每星期就去小儿科病房一、两次

    Going to the children 's ward once or twice a week

  14. 这个发现出自本月的小儿科日报。

    The findings appear this month in the Joual journal Pediatrics .

  15. 我院小儿科散发性鼠伤寒沙门氏菌医院感染调查

    Investigation of Salmonella Typhimurium Infection in the Paediatric Division of Our Hospital

  16. 与这些灾难相比,自营交易造成的损失简直就是小儿科。

    Compared with these disasters , proprietary trading losses are rounding errors .

  17. 你这种小儿科的把戏对我是无效的,梅林。

    Your childish tricks are useless against me , Merlin .

  18. 婴儿发烧时,母亲会给小儿科医生打电话。

    When the baby developed a fever , Mother telephoned the pediatrician .

  19. 他在内科、外科、妇科、小儿科方面都很精通。

    He was proficient in internal medicine , surgery , gynecology and pediatrics .

  20. 我要带我的女儿去给小儿科医生做个全身检查。

    I 'm taking my daughter to a pediatrician for a general check-up .

  21. 研究结果发表于最近一期的《小儿科》医学期刊上。

    The study was published in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics .

  22. 儿科、产科、外科病房是的,小儿科医师。

    A children 's , maternity , surgical ward Yes , a pediatrician .

  23. 美国小儿科学院建议,婴儿学步车不得使用。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that baby walkers not be used .

  24. 如果是这样的话,那么请联系您的医生或小儿科。

    If that is the case , then contact your doctor or pediatrician .

  25. 这比较小儿科,但是非常奏效。

    It 's sucking up , but it works .

  26. 小儿科。现在我又得回去和普通人玩游戏了,

    Now I 've got to go back to playing with the ordinary people ,

  27. 是的,小儿科医师。国外医学.生理.病理科学与临床分册

    Yes , a pediatrician . Foreign Medical Sciences Section of Pathophysiology and Clinical Medicine

  28. 跟这比起来兰利就是小儿科。

    Langley was a cakewalk compared to this .

  29. 她立志成为一名小儿科医生。

    She has aspirations to become a pediatrician .

  30. 记住你公公是小儿科医师。

    Remember your father-in-law 's a pediatrician .