
  • 网络Upper Garden;upper park
  1. 她关上花园门时,已是夜暮降临的时候了。

    It was just growing dark as she shut the garden gate .

  2. 莫奈把他的水上花园变成了画中的人间天堂。

    Monet depicted his water garden as the earthly paradise he had himself created .

  3. 戴上花园手套来保护双手。

    Wear garden gloves to protect your hands .

  4. 法国馆的中心位置是一座法式园林,溪流沿着法式庭院流淌、小型喷泉表演、水上花园等,构成了一个清新凉爽的世界。

    French Pavilion at the center is a French garden , streams flowing along the French garden , small fountain show , water gardens , which form a fresh and cool in the world .

  5. 小喷泉和水上花园有助于清凉空间,让游客可以欣赏鸟的欢歌,花的芬芳,在阳光下的水环境中享受美食。

    Small fountains and water gardens will help cool the space , where visitors may enjoy the singing of birds , fragrance of flowers , and delicious food under the sunshine and amid the aquatic environment .

  6. 下图:街道视角的ZED方案效果图,左边对着住宅的是位于商店顶部露台上的花园。

    Below A street level view up a ZED scheme mews , with terraced gardens above shops facing the residential element on the left hand side .

  7. 这座城市配得上世界花园的称号。

    This city merits its label as the garden of the world .

  8. 如今把日规当作装饰品装在屋上和花园中是非常时髦的。

    Sundials on houses and in gardens are a very popular decoration today .

  9. 我得上外边花园里坐坐。这儿的空气叫人窒息。

    I must go out and sit in the garden . The air is stifling here .

  10. 这个石盒在形状和尺寸上与花园上层的另一个石盒一般大小。

    This'box'is identical in shape and size to the one forming the higher level of the garden .

  11. 把…铺在…上你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。

    The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples , pears or plums .

  12. 请将灯悬在天花板上。花园的树上张灯结彩。

    Lights had been strung in the trees of the garden . A lamp was hanging from the ceiling above her head .

  13. 门窗用木条给钉上,花园杂草蔓生,停在私家车道上的旧车往往也是任其锈烂。

    Doors and windows are boarded up , the gardens have run riot and there is often an old car rusting away in the drive .

  14. 拥有成百上千万花园,成千上万公园和花园广场的英国积极展现着它城市的自然特色。

    The UK with its millions of gardens , thousands of public parks and garden squares , has always tried to show nature in its cities .

  15. 宠物像很多小孩子一样,经常更多地接触草坪上和花园里的农药以及能够在灰尘或是地毯上聚集的家用化学品。

    Pets , like many young children , often have higher exposures to lawn and garden pesticides and to household chemicals that can accumulate in dust or on carpets .

  16. 本实用新型具有多种使用方式,可在水上、花园草坪上、工作台面上等需要装饰的环境中使用。

    The utility model has multi usage modes , and can be used in decoration requiring environments on water , on garden grassplot , on a work top , etc.

  17. 是时装、衣裤、装、胸、类、饰材料的首选面料。如今把日规当作装饰品装在屋上和花园中是非常时髦的。

    These are the first-chosen apparel sources for fashion , underclothes , bras , shoes and decorating materials . Sundials on houses and in gardens are a very popular decoration today .

  18. 许多人认为玫瑰是花中最甜美的,但是耶稣在人心中的花园里,比起世上任何花园中的玫瑰都还要美。

    Amongst flowers the rose is deemed the sweetest , but Jesus is infinitely more beautiful in the garden of the soul than the rose can be in the gardens of earth .

  19. 不要在草地上走在花园里。

    Don 't walk on the grass in the garden .

  20. 把他们从车道上引向后花园。

    He pointed down the driveway towards the back garden .

  21. 这是一个种在地毯上的小花园。

    Garden Rug is an exploration into indoor moss growing .

  22. 最后抵达屋顶上的空中花园,

    and finally on the roof , the sky park ,

  23. 可是请你告诉我,你这次上尼日斐花园来是干什么的?

    But tell me , what did you come down to Netherfield for ?

  24. 在我家屋顶上那个小花园

    on our rooftop that has , like , a really nice garden ,

  25. 留在户外放在草坪上或在花园里使用的椅子。

    A chair left outside for use on a lawn or in a garden .

  26. 在这个村庄里,我从来没见过一个地方比得上尼日斐花园。

    I do not know a place in the country that is equal to Netherfield .

  27. 在岛上那围墙花园里的10天劳作除去了我在华盛顿这些年里积聚的所有压力。

    Ten days on the island working in the walled garden relieved me of all the stress built up from my years spent in Washington , D.C.

  28. 部分医院屋顶花园的设计也未充分考虑病患这一主要使用人群的使用需求,与一般意义上的屋顶花园并无二致。

    Part of the hospital roof garden design did not adequately consider the major needs of the population , become a general sense of the roof garden .

  29. 校园内零星栽种着深红色的樱桃树,为下方的石凳带来阴凉,同时在视觉上区分“花园式村庄”的起点。

    Deep red cherry trees are planted sporadically to offer shading for the stone benches beneath as well as visually demark the start of the " garden village " .

  30. 2000年,深圳获得了国际花园城市的称号,但与国际上公认的花园城市相比,深圳依然面对巨大的压力。

    Though shenzhen had been awarded the title of " International garden city " in 2000 , it is not enough for shenzhen comparable with the famous " Garden city " which is commonly accepted around the world .